Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

No name Shills with single digit posts sucking dick. Bravo Jet, keep creating those shill accounts to pump your joke of a lab.

I’ve ordered off pretty much every Canadian lab on here on the 7 years I’ve been here and right now I’ll be sticking with jet exclusively because everything’s tested, prices are much lower than most, and I’m happy with the products I’ve bought so far.
He’s earned my business.
The fellow with double digit post count talking shit about the guys with single digit post count. What a grouch
Placed an order last week got to my house I'm record time. I've been away ice fishing can't wait to get home to spend 2 hours unpacking and doing laundry then spending the same amount of time unpacking his elusively taped package
You have no friends, period. This is spam asshole. Noted and reported. Hopefully you’ll catch your third and final ban.

He's achieved perma-ban status, but do you really think he won't create another user name and continue to distract the forum from focusing their attention on Dingdong Sigma and all their fuck ups?
In all seriousness blast from the past was better.

Just pinned some jet enanthate so smooth, zero PIP I've had more pip from pharma grade cyp to be honest.

If I played for the other team I'd offer jet a handy to be honest hahaha. Next thing you know he sends me ten vials of tren for a "sample" in the hopes it will change my brains chemistry Hahahaha