JY Pharma

Yeah, both of you make fair points. Standards are higher these days so why not push for more innovations and improvements. Guess it’s the same as complaining about an iPhone but then your grandpa telling you how they flew letters on birds back in his day or something.

I think this is the closest bit of evidence that tren cause brain degradation. Or you know, there’s only so much someone can do before the 2-3 hours of broken sleep theve been getting for multiple months in a row catches up with them

Darling Mr Blaster, with the amount of s*** you take, daily, u want the best you can get, no?
(yes, I am keeping up with your "what did you inject today" posts, out of curiosity).

Your swift u-turn on this keeps you in the running for second place in the sexiest man alive contest, podium position having been awarded to Declan, not long ago.
You keep being so smart, that spot may be yours, one day.

And no, don't up the tren.

This is called blackmail.
Right, so like I said, this was the issue with his review.

Maybe you missed it or didn’t read it the first time, maybe you are a wee bit confused on this situation?

He was saying that JY pharma had the same quaility of stoppers as QSC (like you just mentioned with all the problems of how terrible they are) and he was basing that off a picture.

Saying well JY has the same quality stoppers as QSC (even though he never tried QSC oils) because of a picture he saw.

And you’re saying that’s what this forum is for ? For members to leave their uncensored reviews comparing one brand that they got and have in their possession and saying they are of the same quality as another brand, based off a picture of the other brand ?

Nonetheless he decided to compare the worst known stoppers on this forum off a picture and saying they are the same quality as this sources stoppers.

I regret to inform you , but you saying

“This forum is so customers can share their uncensored feedback, whether it’s bad or good”
About his first review is just plan wrong bother man.

That is not what this forum is about. To compare a brand you got to another brand you never got and base it off a fucking picture.
It's not that serious man. I don't even mind QSC stoppers
I am pushing through. Just upped to 350 mg/week ND. Will monitor. Steady at 70 mg/week Test C. Pray for me.

This will end up a classic ramp "cycle" The prominent sides right now are a little embarrassing and shameful. But with my chemically assisted brain, not really haha.
Nandrolone only always made me feel emotionaly flat, asexual and gender neutral, as if everything part of being a man disappeared. Gains were great but I quite enjoying not feeling like a depressed feminine dude.
I am pushing through. Just upped to 350 mg/week ND. Will monitor. Steady at 70 mg/week Test C. Pray for me.

This will end up a classic ramp "cycle" The prominent sides right now are a little embarrassing and shameful. But with my chemically assisted brain, not really haha.
Word of advice, will save you a lot of stress and depression. Just don't take nandrolone. I'd say like 70-80% of pros who openly talk about peds have said they gave up on it. There's nothing special about it
Nandrolone only always made me feel emotionaly flat, asexual and gender neutral, as if everything part of being a man disappeared. Gains were great but I quite enjoying not feeling like a depressed feminine dude.
I still have some inhibitions and don't want to regret saying something I may regret later. Thanks for your experience.

All I can say is nandrolone is a hell of a drug. Push to 500 mg/week I may end up in a bad movie o_O:oops::rolleyes:.
And I don't know Brother. I guess we gotta do what we gotta do for the addiction. Or as someone told me one time. "You gotta breathe, don't you?"

Take care of yourself.
I truly believe that if I ever had any major reason to come off I would have no problem with doing so. Just think that when that time comes I’ll be accepting that the time has come and would shift to more sustainable usage. As of yet I have no real reason to come off such as health issues, only minor problems like suboptimal sleep which doesn’t make or break my career.

There may or may not be talk of bringing a child into this world fairly soon so maybe something totally crazy will happen, like something so crazy it would make my name redundant.

I appreciate everyone’s concern though, it means alot to have a community outside of the real world
Word of advice, will save you a lot of stress and depression. Just don't take nandrolone. I'd say like 70-80% of pros who openly talk about peds have said they gave up on it. There's nothing special about it
I agree. Just one of the few legal options available to me as injectable. Thank you!

I should clarify...there is something really special about it. Just not in a good way. An EVIL way. Really FILTHY way.
To my knowledge, it is the lack of androgenicity that caused my issues during nandrolone only. To add to this, people I know who were having similar issues felt better the higher they went with the doses. If I can remember correctly they started to feel normal with nandrolone being 7-9x the dose of testosterone they would normally take
To my knowledge, it is the lack of androgenicity that caused my issues during nandrolone only. To add to this, people I know who were having similar issues felt better the higher they went with the doses. If I can remember correctly they started to feel normal with nandrolone being 7-9x the dose of testosterone they would normally take
Yeah I am running it with 70 mg/week Test C this go around.

My previous stints were more like 100-150 / " " of both Test and ND. Depressed as hell by week 10 both times.
This forum is so customers can share their uncensored feedback, whether it’s bad or good.

In your case you stated the quality of the products as it is no need to think about whether you’re sabotaging reputations or not, transparency is what’s important.

Remember, this is a forum made for the promotion of harm reduction not to protect the vendor’s reputation. As long as you’re truthful, do not think you are doing anyone a disservice on the contrary you are making them aware of a problem they need to fix which only improves their business and attract more customers.
Ok thanks again and I greatly appreciate your wise words brother.
And remember next time. Don’t compare brands based off pictures. It is not very accurate when you do that. Especially with the two brands you decided to compare.

You’re still on that, he is comparing tops of vials not the brands contents. Qsc is known for selling crap tops and its well known, lots of feed back. I don’t need a picture to know its crap, the vendor even admits it.

Should he just have said JY tops quality is poor just like what others said about qsc and did not mention the pictures, would that be better?

I don’t understand your logic, if you bought a vial with floaters then someone posted a photo of vials with floaters from another vendor, does it mean one of them don’t have floaters because it’s just a picture?
You’re still on that, he is comparing tops of vials not the brands contents. Qsc is known for selling crap tops and its well known, lots of feed back. I don’t need a picture to know its crap, the vendor even admits it.

Should he just have said JY tops quality is poor just like what others said about qsc and did not mention the pictures, would that be better?

I don’t understand your logic, if you bought a vial with floaters then someone posted a photo of vials with floaters from another vendor, does it mean one of them don’t have floaters because it’s just a picture?
are you a fucking retarded bitch or what?

That is exactly what the issue is. He’s telling everyone they have the same quality stoppers as QSC, even though he’s never used QSC oils before and on top of that he said he recommends QSC In Jy thread.

How is that possible to never have used QSCs oils , say JY pharma has the same quality stoppers as QSC then also promote QSC in Jy thread ?

Wasn’t this just discussed the other day you can’t recommend other sources in other sources thread.

Why you defending this guy so hard ?

His only comments on meso are in Jy thread complaining about their slow response time while they were on holiday. Then he says Jy and QSC have same quaility stoppers and how he recommends QSC. Keep in mind he’s never used QSC before though like he said.

But apparently you find that review perfectly fine and told him that is what this forum is for.

Okay bud… let’s have him bump your message so you can like it right away and suck eachother off.