

New Member
anyone have experience with this compound? Does it work on cycle? Or could it only be used for PCT? I was wondering.

My PCT plan is after last test injection,

HCG 4 weeks
drop HCG
enclo 20mg morning and night
tamox 20mg morning and night
kisspeptin-10 whatever the normal dose is

Oh also will be injecting HGH and or LR3 to preserve muscle.
anyone have experience with this compound? Does it work on cycle? Or could it only be used for PCT? I was wondering.

My PCT plan is after last test injection,

HCG 4 weeks
drop HCG
enclo 20mg morning and night
tamox 20mg morning and night
kisspeptin-10 whatever the normal dose is

Oh also will be injecting HGH and or LR3 to preserve muscle.
Not much info available besides theoretical. Might boost your LSH and FSH from what I recall reading.
Just to piggy back off of this. What are the dosage recommendations for Kisspeptin? Looking to increase fertility.
Highly interessted in Kisspetin too, but never used it before. Peptides are a strange kind or? Some work extremly well, but others don't seem to have an effect.
I did start taking 500mcg every other day this week. I should be getting fertility testing done soon and then again later to test the effectiveness.