Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

It's all a dice roll

I agree it's the nature of the best, and was hoping that with all the Pharmacon activity of late that we had a slimmer of hope at a decent UGL. Interested in hearing what the numerous Pharmacon resellers will say.
well its better than the ultimate i sent flenser ,i sent him eq , mast , and primo and they all failed

Im deep into my up cycle with eq and not getting shit from it. Hopefully the tren a will do something. Thanks for the contribution ironwill and flesner. Alot of us were looking forward to these with all the hype going on.
Im deep into my up cycle with eq and not getting shit from it. Hopefully the tren a will do something. Thanks for the contribution ironwill and flesner. Alot of us were looking forward to these with all the hype going on.

Nearly finished week 1 of 700ml tren a. Nothing...
Nearly finished week 1 of 700ml tren a. Nothing...

Shit thats not what I wanted to hear at all. Looks like we can all count this as a loss at this point. I have literally made no gains this cycle. I just bumped my tren to 100mgs a day. Ill give it a week or so and see what comes of mine.
Shit thats not what I wanted to hear at all. Looks like we can all count this as a loss at this point. I have literally made no gains this cycle. I just bumped my tren to 100mgs a day. Ill give it a week or so and see what comes of mine.

Dude im still hoping its not bunk. Will continue at least for another week.
Dude im still hoping its not bunk. Will continue at least for another week.

I know his tne was good. The eq gave me a good appetite at first but nothing to write home about, Ill continue it til the end. Ill keep you posted on my tren too.
Just for the record... I would very much like to see those test results.

Me and my colleagues always test all the compounds we advertise, both labs and personal use. And NO LABMAX !! The only lab test I trust is the Mass Spectrometry, the only real indicator of purity.
I work with a reputable Asian lab used by many manufacturers to test raws.

I have a reputation in stake so if something's wrong with one product, I'll stop importing it. If the same thing spreads to other compounds, I'll stop doing business with that lab.
I'm a distributor, not a manufacturer.
Even if they exist, they would be worth nothing in my eyes.
Well, ignoring the fact that mass spectrometry can't by itself indicate purity, it's very possible the primo is OK, but has enough testosterone mixed in to screw up the labmax test. If he doesn't use labmax then something like that could easily be overlooked. I would be interested in some test results that explain the discrepancy.
I would be interested in some test results that explain the discrepancy. is saying the same thing.

According to him there's a good chance that flenser screwed up when running the LB test. Like the majority of past UGL'S no longer here only the most stringent, and sanitary methods of production are used [emoji6] is saying the same thing.

According to him there's a good chance that flenser screwed up when running the LB test. Like the majority of past UGL'S no longer here only the most stringent, and sanitary methods of production are used [emoji6]
I must have accidentally stuck the needle in the testosterone vial next to the primo. It could happen to anyone : ) is saying the same thing.

According to him there's a good chance that flenser screwed up when running the LB test. Like the majority of past UGL'S no longer here only the most stringent, and sanitary methods of production are used [emoji6]

when he is about to loose sales he will discredit any test.

I posted on sponsored forums before GC/MS test results that they sell bunk product and I was attacked right away for falsifying tests.
when he is about to loose sales he will discredit any test.

I compare it to dating.

You tell the girl whatever she needs hear in order to get in her pants. After the deed, some guys keep up the act for future booty calls, and others just say fuck it, and split...