Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

Well, ignoring the fact that mass spectrometry can't by itself indicate purity, it's very possible the primo is OK, but has enough testosterone mixed in to screw up the labmax test. If he doesn't use labmax then something like that could easily be overlooked. I would be interested in some test results that explain the discrepancy.
Guys really what do you think can be there instead of promo and bold? Testosterone? It can be checked in the easiest way. Perform a blood work (perfect if you are not on a cycle) after inject Pharmacom prim or eq and perform the blood work for the second time. If there is test there you will see its increasing in the blood work results. If no, it shall slightly decrease / not change - depends on lot of factors. If lot of injects made it will decrease for sure, after only one injection probably not cause prim and eq are weak steroids and do not shut down HPTA immediately after one injection as for example nandrolone does.
I am sure your test will not increase if you inject only prim or eq. It means there is no test inside. If it is not test, say what it could be else? Nandrolone? Impossible, you would notice it on bloating. Masteron? Its raws are more expensive as raws of eq or prim.
Tren is also more expensive. What are the options else? I do not see any one.
I do not now, what which color in this test means and to be honest for me it does not matter because I do not see in this test how many active agent has been used, what was the conditions, how many time passed... I see only photos of some amps with a color fluid...
This test is not serious. Please perform a cpectrometry with full description of the preparation process, photos, report published here. This will be a proper test, but in no case what I see here.
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Lately because of all the shenanigans the ugls are pulling.
I just buy 10 packs of test . Still these fuckers drop a few duds in the pack. (Not reffering to Darius but others)
when he is about to loose sales he will discredit any test.

I posted on sponsored forums before GC/MS test results that they sell bunk product and I was attacked right away for falsifying tests.
I am absolutely not going to discredit a properly performed spectrometry analysis. I will not be able to do it if you do everything as it shall be done, photos, preparation description, graphs, peaks, etc. You have seen our results. Yours shall be similar. And if they show that Pharmacom products are empty or inside is not the manifested agent, I will agree with it and admit our guilt, but this is just impossible and will never happen, I am more sure in this as in the fact that Obama is the USA president. If you perform any test you shall do it properly. There were too many tries from our competitors to ruin our reputation. Nobody managed to do it yet. Nobody would able to provide fair and objective evidences. Because Pharmacom has nothing to hide.
Can someone chime in to the facts of mass specs here. I have read some that typically mass specs paid for by a person can have the results you want or pay for?(I'm not saying pharmacom is lying or faking the test so don't take it that way) but what I am saying is that if this is a known fact then the validity of the test would be in question regardless of the source? Is this not correct? Any wkm who is more hip to this please chime in
I am absolutely not going to discredit a properly performed spectrometry analysis.

Listen I am not attacking you because I know nothing about your product.

But the it is known fact, tested, proven, that 50% of powder from China is bunk, low purity.

In many cases you might not be aware what you have, you might be victim of scam too.
I'm not saying pharmacom is any good or not, haven't ordered from them. Still waiting for someone to post bloodwork. But I will say labmax is complete bullshit
Agreed with rpdd any sources this day in age will at least put enough test in the bottle to get by s labmax
Why you guys use these labmax tests are beyond me. There is an article ON THIS WEBSITE by a mod that almost COMPLETELY discredits them.

Pin it, get bloods.

I'm not defending pharmacom, never used their product. For all I know those vials could be filled with Darius's piss. I just think it's FUCKING HILARIOUS how some obviously shit sources post positive LM tests and everyone responds "It doesn't mean anything, na na!", but then are threads like this full of mass hysteria lol
I'm not saying pharmacom is any good or not, haven't ordered from them. Still waiting for someone to post bloodwork. But I will say labmax is complete bullshit

if your blood test can show purity then I pay you $ 10 000 for the test results.

On other hand it is only for retards to inject untested substance and see what comes out after few weeks on blood work. Having it prescreened by labmax is first step to protect your health
if your blood test can show purity then I pay you $ 10 000 for the test results.

On other hand it is only for retards to inject untested substance and see what comes out after few weeks on blood work. Having it prescreened by labmax is first step to protect your health
Because for years people have been dying from lack of LM tests. How pretentious. Obviously tren is going to be tren. EQ would be hard to tell without running it for a long time.

And if you only cycle gear that you know the purity of... looks like you SOL bud.

Has anyone ran tests on these LM kits? The only one I've read about was here and showed the results can vary dramatically based even on the carrier oil. I don't particularly care if you put all your eggs in the LM basket. It affects me none. I just offered my opinion, but don't act like LM tests are saving fucking lives lol... for cereal?
So his primo & Eq no good his test E var and tren good
I have some tren a & test p I will be running bloods I live in the east coast hard to do without DR but will keep u guys posted
Because for years people have been dying from lack of LM tests. How pretentious. Obviously tren is going to be tren. EQ would be hard to tell without running it for a long time.

if you want detailed analysis then go to lab and pay $250 for it.

You pay $5 for test vial and you expect the same, it detects presence only.

You have never used labmax you do not understand labmax and you pretend to be expert on labmax, give me a break
Mercury, I don't disagree that doing a labmax is better than not doing one But from the health aspect I don't see any coorilation. Labmaxes will show if it has active aas in the bottle. That is all. The brewer could have unpure test in a bottle with toxic heavy metals (la pharm counterfeits) that would get by a labmax all day long. Keep in mind I am not being argumentitive and do agree that doing a labmax is better than just pinning and hoping for the best
Guys really what do you think can be there instead of promo and bold? Testosterone? It can be checked in the easiest way. Perform a blood work (perfect if you are not on a cycle) after inject Pharmacom prim or eq and perform the blood work for the second time. If there is test there you will see its increasing in the blood work results. If no, it shall slightly decrease / not change - depends on lot of factors. If lot of injects made it will decrease for sure, after only one injection probably not cause prim and eq are weak steroids and do not shut down HPTA immediately after one injection as for example nandrolone does.
I am sure your test will not increase if you inject only prim or eq. It means there is no test inside. If it is not test, say what it could be else? Nandrolone? Impossible, you would notice it on bloating. Masteron? Its raws are more expensive as raws of eq or prim.
Tren is also more expensive. What are the options else? I do not see any one.
I do not now, what which color in this test means and to be honest for me it does not matter because I do not see in this test how many active agent has been used, what was the conditions, how many time passed... I see only photos of some amps with a color fluid...
This test is not serious. Please perform a cpectrometry with full description of the preparation process, photos, report published here. This will be a proper test, but in no case what I see here.
I think you are missing the point. The failed LM test only shows you don't have pure primo. There is DEFINITELY something else in there, and it doesn't have to be testosterone. A mix of aas is going to produce undefined results. You might still have primo in there, but there's no way for us to know that. Blood work isn't going to help.

If we had access to reliable lab testing, I promise you we would be getting this crap tested. Labmax is what we have, and it's up to you to provide products that pass that test or not do business with the people who rely on it.
Oh and please educate me if I am wrong brother. I am learning as I go. You are far more knowledgeable than I am I promise you. I am only stating what I have learned to be true my friend. Please don't take it any way other than that
Mercury, I don't disagree that doing a labmax is better than not doing one But from the health aspect I don't see any coorilation.

if it shows you that your gear is bunk, just corn oil, do you still want to inject it ?

I would not take the chance.
I agree with you there. If the labmax shows no aas then fuck no I wouldn't. Not a chance. That is why a labmax is better than nothing. However that is the extent of it. Hopefully one day some gear guru can invent something more versed that can do more. But definitely at this point it is your first line of defense. Anyone who disagrees with that is wrong for the reasons stated above. I'm with u