Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

I am defiantly not backing pharmacom, but I will say any kind of liquid test that can't separate ingredients that is a colormatic test instead of a positive or negative test is flawed to many variables in MY opinion. As bill Roberts said though a pharma company should consistently show same result over and over even if it doesn't match the LM color code. That's my like me making a 5 dollar (not comprehensive since its 5 dollars same price as a pack of hamburger). A test that test my shit for if I ate a peanut butter. If the peanut butter is maybe not the brand they like it might provide a different result. My point is to many people are swayed to think they got junk gear over a 5 dollar test. I agree it can have its pros but there is a reason it's 5 dollars and not 50 dollars in MY opinion. Just making sure your all aware it's a opinion and I am not claiming to be a scientist.
I have zero experience with Labmax.

However, as far as colorimetric tests are concerned, I have a ton of experience. I use pH, dKH, calc., mag., and various other colorimetric tests for use in a reef aquarium. Not sure how similar the process and reagents are, but, those tests have been extremely accurate in my 10+ years of using them a few times a week. Very rarely is there a misreading. Those are cheaper than labmax, and have held up fine.

I think using the price of the test as a way to discredit it holds no weight.
I have zero experience with Labmax.

However, as far as colorimetric tests are concerned, I have a ton of experience. I use pH, dKH, calc., mag., and various other colorimetric tests for use in a reef aquarium. Not sure how similar the process and reagents are, but, those tests have been extremely accurate in my 10+ years of using them a few times a week. Very rarely is there a misreading. Those are cheaper than labmax, and have held up fine.

I think using the price of the test as a way to discredit it holds no weight.

As I claimed I am defiantly not a scientist. The variable are slightly different in MY opinion between the two test as a reef aquarium is a more controlled environment.
As I claimed I am defiantly not a scientist. The variable are slightly different in MY opinion between the two test as a reef aquarium is a more controlled environment.
No, no it's not. You realize contaminants can enter a reef at all times, right? Such as lotions, tap water (with who knows what?!) etc? And, yet, the tests still are accurate.

Regardless of what contaminants have entered the water column being tested (in the reef example), the tests still test the pH of the sample in the vial. Whether that is including contaminants, or not, you're still getting the TRUE reading of what's in the vial, as a whole. This can includes residues in the vials from previous testing, etc.
doesn't labmax themselves take samples for a pretty penny and test though?
One Pharma used the service, sent in a sample of test c raws. The result was 99% pure. Blood work later showed it to be less than 50% pure. I had an email exchange with them and could not get them to see reason on this. They would not consider the possibility there was a mistake made in the testing.
One Pharma used the service, sent in a sample of test c raws. The result was 99% pure. Blood work later showed it to be less than 50% pure. I had an email exchange with them and could not get them to see reason on this. They would not consider the possibility there was a mistake made in the testing.
Also, I fundamentally have an issue with sending a controlled substance to someone you don't know, and having them test to see if it is in fact the illegal substance.

These guys sell their products to LE, right? Cross contamination is a no-no.
Everyone wants to see mass specs on everything, the consumers and even the good resellers. And there seems to still be confusion on this board about who had access to mass spec.

So let's be clear: We here DO NOT have access to consistently and reliably mass spec our gear. It has been done in the past but to my knowledge those avenues are now closed.

And yes there are members here who would pay top dollar out of there own pocket to test gear. I myself am one of these people.
So during class one day the teacher was having her young students come to the front of the class to talk about their fathers.

One little boy enthusiasticly said, "My dad is a lawyer and he makes sure the bad guys get put in jail!"

Another little girl came forward next and said, "My dad is a baker, and he makes delicious sweets for everyone to enjoy!"

Another boy came forward, obviously discomforted by the situation, and solemnly said, "My father is a homosexual prostitute, he exchanges sexual favors for money."

The teacher, who is completely panicking at this point, tells the little boy to come out in the hallway immediately.

"Honey, is that true what you said about your dad?", asked the teacher with a tinge of empathy.

"No ma'am, he spends most of his time defending crappy lab testing products on a online forum... but I was too embarrassed to say that."
So during class one day the teacher was having her young students come to the front of the class to talk about their fathers.

One little boy enthusiasticly said, "My dad is a lawyer and he makes sure the bad guys get put in jail!"

Another little girl came forward next and said, "My dad is a baker, and he makes delicious sweets for everyone to enjoy!"

Another boy came forward, obviously discomforted by the situation, and solemnly said, "My father is a homosexual prostitute, he exchanges sexual favors for money."

The teacher, who is completely panicking at this point, tells the little boy to come out in the hallway immediately.

"Honey, is that true what you said about your dad?", asked the teacher with a tinge of empathy.

"No ma'am, he spends most of his time defending crappy lab testing products on a online forum... but I was too embarrassed to say that."

Haha sorry that funny regardless of the allegations. Defiantly put some time into that.
I'm currently studying organic chemistry and a big part of that is various forms of spectroscopy. And from what I've learned mass specs are most useful in identifying a compound only when accompanied by software that matches the spectrum to library of known spectra. Also a mass spectrum alone is rarely enough to completely determine the structure and connectivity of a compound. The COMBINATION of mass spec., Infrared spec., proton nuclear magnetic resonance spec., and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic spec. is pretty much the gold standard of identification of a compound. And by the way if you go to the website of chemical supply company like sigma-aldrich they provide these spectra for the thousands of different organic chemicals they sell.

My point is I'm not convinced labmax can can conclusively differentiate compounds that are so structurally similar such as methenolone and testosterone.


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