Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

I'm willing to support financially the whole lab testing cost at an independent facility.
For the ones that are interested, please e-mail me and send a bank account or some transfer info and I'll wire the money.
It's great that we can debate the value of LM and other testing options, but anyone that seeks to question the ability or integrity of @flenser can eat shit as far as I'm concerned. He has bought a ton of value for holding sources accountable. We should appreciate that he and @ironwill1951 are looking out for members here, no matter what the opinions of specific testing procedures are

No one questions their intentions, on contrary. This situation would hopefully lead to constructive solutions for the future, like finding a more precise way of testing the gear.
I'm open to proposals and I'll cover the costs, as I mentioned before.
That would leave me to believe the the base itself is infact low dosed then or Could there be such a solvent as to remove the cut and not the hormone? I was under the impression that many hands touch it and cut it for profit. Maybe it isnt the case.
My understanding (and understanding is an overstatement here) is the impurities are difficult to remove because they bind to the hormone as it crystallizes. I've read of a few different refining techniques that might work, but they are considerably more complex than simple recrystallization and most require hazardous solvents.

I made a couple of attempts at fractional distillation but didn't manage to separate anything out. That required boiling methanol which is about the limit of my risk tolerance. I don't think I would have the nerve to try it again even if I figured out what I did wrong.
I made a couple of attempts at fractional distillation but didn't manage to separate anything out. That required boiling methanol which is about the limit of my risk tolerance. I don't think I would have the nerve to try it again even if I figured out what I did wrong.

I think that it is more complicated because they cut it with things like various food additives. You would need first to know what they used then use special solvents in each case, separation technics, some special equipment.

It would require some serious chemistry and lab with capability to do this. I do not believe that you can do this at home.
I think that it is more complicated because they cut it with things like various food additives. You would need first to know what they used then use special solvents in each case, separation technics, some special equipment.

It would require some serious chemistry and lab with capability to do this. I do not believe that you can do this at home.
I know for sure "I" cant' do it at home : ) At one point I dug out my old organic chem texts, but discovered I had absolutely no interest in relearning that stuff!

I had assumed it was more often a matter incomplete refinement during the manufacturing process than of being cut with something. I have read there are several stages of refining, each more complex and expensive than the last and with diminishing returns. It would make good business sense for a black market operation to cut out the later refining stages to save money, especially when there are so many willing buyers of low quality product.
I had assumed it was more often a matter incomplete refinement during the manufacturing process than of being cut with something.

The last one I had lab tested came out 75% and it was cut with some additives, which are added as a flavour to meat.

So it was originally like 99% pure, when it came out from the factory in China. I am sure you can get 99% from China if you know the right people.
thank you i appreciate the help .

I found also this in the USA:
It is written there you can send samples per mail. This is a lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Probably they would agree to perform these tests.
I also found in google this:
I am sure there is a lot of labs in the USA and somewhere you can check the steroids samples without problems with the law.
I will be only happy if you do it and provide the results here if you don`t trust our results.
Look Guys

I've been talking and reading about steroids on the Internet for a long time. I've even Homebrewed steroids and talked and read about raw powders from China. I'm telling you without a doubt... there are NO WAY there are 98% pure raw hormones out there! As you can see from my vast Internet experience with other Internet "experts"... I know what the fuck I'm talking about.

Now... doesn't that logic seemed flawed to anyone else?
Now... doesn't that logic seemed flawed to anyone else?

What seems flawed is your willingness to give the benefiit of doubt to a source that has a financial incentive to post faulty data, while you ignore the FACT that no INDEPENDANT testing has EVER revealed a purity of 98% from ANY ugl.

If you ever stop riding source dick, that fact might mean something to you. But I suspect that's not gonna happen until you tire of getting burned. Until then...
Mates, I know which quality have powders in China and if you read my post here about how we chose HGH you will be able to see, that most of the control sources were unacceptable. In this way we test all our powders and we have tested and already changed lot of manufacturers due to the reason that their quality was getting poor with the time. I have been told in our thread that we can be also fooled and get poor quality raws. No guys, we cant. We check our batches of raw materials before we place big orders and lot of sources do not pass our tests, we change them. I already published here results of such tests.
Also I wanted to say that we have access to spectrometers, even to two units! But you will not believe to our results in any case.
And the last thing, as I said before, no one manufacturer is able to provide 100% pure raws! No one in the world! This is just impossible. There will be in most cases trace amounts of some other chemical by-products of synthesizing and this products can easily influence the color, etc. Our lower limit for raws is 98,5%. If our tests show less, we change the source. These 1,5% can have an impact to the color of the fluid. We use 5 to 10% ethyl oleate in our oils, it also can have an impact on labmax tests. There are lot of factors.
But we guarantee that our products have manifested active agents and manifested amounts of active agents in each vial or pill and do not have some dangerous for health heavy metals, etc. Some synthesizing by-products are possible. But 98,5% purity is our lowest tolerance.
Just as example, in our trenbolones you can find the following impurities:
- 11,12-dihydrotrenbolone acetate - trace amounts of not more than 0.01%;
- unidentified impurity with a retention time of 10.23 min, presumably hydroxy-trenbolone acetate, not more than 0.1%.
Trenbolone acetate compound contains no impurities such as estradiol and progesterone.
The file is attached. I have already once published it in our thread.
Or for example our masteron can have an unidentified impurity with m/z 717 (retention time 27.95, contents according to LC-MS about 1%). It may be dimerization product formed during storage or a byproduct of the synthesis.
But this is the best raws of masteron we found among lot of sources.
So, it is very hard, almost impossible to find 100% pure raws. We test and provide the best gear available on the market!

What's a dimerization product?
What seems flawed is your willingness to give the benefiit of doubt to a source that has a financial incentive to post faulty data, while you ignore the FACT that no INDEPENDANT testing has EVER revealed a purity of 98% from ANY ugl.

If you ever stop riding source dick, that fact might mean something to you. But I suspect that's not gonna happen until you tire of getting burned. Until then...

Oh my. What a well thought out and constructive response.

Firstly, I've never ran Pharmacom or have a purchased anything for this source. Period. For all I know it's pure estrogen. One point me.

Do you mind citing your source for this information regarding independent lab tests? I doubt it. Until you show me you aren't a tough Internet troll, I'm just gonna assume you either completely made that "fact" up or your learned it from some brofessors on the internet.

Oh wait? Did you mean no INDEPENDANT testing by a MESO MEMBER? Oh, well obviously then that shit must not exist. I hope you're fucking with me.

If it upsets anyone else that I'm not going to believe there is no such think as 98% pure hormone raws on the planet because of the word of some average Joe on the internet... sorry, but I'm not sorry. Is pharmacom that pure? I have doubt but in reality I have no fucking clue. So I won't pretend like I do.

Please sit down.

And for the love of god, please don't "burn" me anymore.
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I know for sure "I" cant' do it at home : ) At one point I dug out my old organic chem texts, but discovered I had absolutely no interest in relearning that stuff!

I had assumed it was more often a matter incomplete refinement during the manufacturing process than of being cut with something. I have read there are several stages of refining, each more complex and expensive than the last and with diminishing returns. It would make good business sense for a black market operation to cut out the later refining stages to save money, especially when there are so many willing buyers of low quality product.

That is absolutely correct bc with few exceptions the yield from each fractional distillation and extraction process DECREASES considerably as one attempts to achieve greater PURITIES.

That's also why I find it VERY DIFFICULT to believe any UGL has access to raws with purities even close to 90%. (esp those of Chinese origin)

Now you folks know why standards are so damn expensive, their PURITY. And some labs claim their "raws" are better than or the equivalent of research standards, PLEASE!!!

Finally does it really matter what a raw tests out at when we all know OR SHOULD, what is in those vials at best is some rendition of a diluted and stepped on "raw" with a "purity" no where close to 98% I PROMISE!
That is absolutely correct bc with few exceptions the yield from each fractional distillation and extraction process DECREASES considerably as one attempts to achieve greater PURITIES.

That's also why I find it VERY DIFFICULT to believe any UGL has access to raws with purities even close to 90%. (esp those of Chinese origin)

Now you folks know why standards are so damn expensive, their PURITY. And some labs claim their "raws" are better than or the equivalent of research standards, PLEASE!!!

Finally does it really matter what a raw tests out at when we all know OR SHOULD, what is in those vials at best is some rendition of a diluted and stepped on "raw" with a "purity" no where close to 98% I PROMISE!

I digress. Looks like I was wrong. Thanks for the education.
Oh my. What a well thought out and constructive response.

Yes, it was. And you would be well served by learning from it.

Do you mind citing your source for this information regarding independent lab tests? I doubt it. Until you show me you aren't a tough Internet troll, I'm just gonna assume you either completely made that "fact" up or your learned it from some brofessors on the internet.

I don't use 'brofessors' so let's get that out of the way right now.

If you want to see analytical data, try Dr Jim"s thread. There"s a ton of data in there - although I suspect you won't be able to read it. Regardless, the data clearly demonstrates that the quality of ugl product is dismal. A purity of 90% would be high for ugl. Claiming
98.5%+ is a fantasy.

This isn't my first day, son, and I don't 'make up' data. Purities of 98%+ is pharm grade. There are no Chinese black market suppliers providing pharm grade purity, PERIOD.

If you wish to argue otherwise, cite your evidence.

Please sit down.

Please go fuck yourself.
Yes, it was. And you would be well served by learning from it.

I don't use 'brofessors' so let's get that out of the way right now.

If you want to see analytical data, try Dr Jim"s thread. There"s a ton of data in there - although I suspect you won't be able to read it. Regardless, the data clearly demonstrates that the quality of ugl product is dismal. A purity of 90% would be high for ugl. Claiming
98.5%+ is a fantasy.

This isn't my first day, son, and I don't 'make up' data. Purities of 98%+ is pharm grade. There are no Chinese black market suppliers providing pharm grade purity, PERIOD.

If you wish to argue otherwise, cite your evidence.

Please go fuck yourself.

Touche Sir. As you can see above. Once Dr. Jim chimed in, I openly admitted being wrong I'm my skepticism. Though I'm no expert one the subject, I don't make a practice of assuming everyone here with 100 posts is. I apologize for my lack of tact, but I'm on a lot of tren right now and the whole dick riding thing kinda perturbed me.

This was hard to type with my foot in my mouth.
That is absolutely correct bc with few exceptions the yield from each fractional distillation and extraction process DECREASES considerably as one attempts to achieve greater PURITIES.

That's also why I find it VERY DIFFICULT to believe any UGL has access to raws with purities even close to 90%. (esp those of Chinese origin)

Now you folks know why standards are so damn expensive, their PURITY. And some labs claim their "raws" are better than or the equivalent of research standards, PLEASE!!!

Finally does it really matter what a raw tests out at when we all know OR SHOULD, what is in those vials at best is some rendition of a diluted and stepped on "raw" with a "purity" no where close to 98% I PROMISE!
It is getting hot here, hm? Dr. JIM, You promise? Are you sure? I have found on my laptop some notes... Of course they will say you nothing, no graphs, etc. However first i publish these 2 pages here:

Of course this text can be considered as a prooves without graphs and details...
And now I suggest to check, how Dr. Jim can keep his promises.
There is lot of labs. I know at least one of them, which can except samples per post. This is the lab, which I already mentioned here. It is located in Switzerland.
Analysis one sample there is 400 Euro. 10 samples - 3000 Euros.
Will you guys calm down if we ship our vials to there?
Here and now I promise you to get this fucking real spectrometry test results done by a professional scientist on a professional equipment if you do not trust our results. I promise to pay for these tests. 3000 Euro, ok, I pay.
We can use this lab, as far as I know it is possible to ship samples to there per post.
Will you calm down after this and believe?
Of course, I hear already now that I am a person, which is interested in good results. But guys, this is already not even about now good our products are, this is about if 98% purity is possible at all or not (with chinese raws we use). If it is not possible for our production as DR.Jim said (by the way, Dr.JIm, have you seen our production video?!!! Tell me please how many ugl`s do you know, which could demonstrate you something like this?!!! How many UGLs demonstrated here their labs at all?)... So, i Continue, if 98% purity is not possible it means we will in any case not able to counterfeit these results. Moreover they will be done in an independent lab with all graphs, descriptions, by using respective Pharmacopeias, etc. Will it be enough for you? If yes, we are ready to start! Will see how 98% are not possible...
I'm actually on my 4th day of pharmacom test prop masteron and anavar cycle.
I pin pin eod.
My question is when do you guys recommend I get bloods drawn?

