Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

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Looks amazing and will work well for a lot of sales to the average individual.

Again, I don't have a clue how good or bad this product might be. I just don't like when a rep/owner comes in here with inadequate information.

Looks amazing and will work well for a lot of sales to the average individual.

Again, I don't have a clue how good or bad this product might be. I just don't like when a rep/owner comes in here with inadequate information.


That's the best porn scene I have ever laid eyes on!!

Still doesn't mean their products are dosed correctly, or even have purities over 50%
Please elaborate? Because I guess in your long post about China raws being pure I lost what you were really trying to say.

So with that whole post you were trying to tell Pharmacom to test their raws and products?

Why do they have a better chance than myself or any UGL of getting good raws?


Simply put, like with everything in life, money equals connections and better treatment. Your order of a few hundred in raws is pennies compared to what a large ugl buys. Period. They're not worried about you and you deal with the bottom man who's an intern and hardly knows English. You get what I'm saying?

As for labmax, you guys remember Thane who was kicked off of here in less than a week for a failed labmax a few months ago. Well i just tested 1500> while cruising on the same batch
Simply put, like with everything in life, money equals connections and better treatment. Your order of a few hundred in raws is pennies compared to what a large ugl buys. Period. They're not worried about you and you deal with the bottom man who's an intern and hardly knows English. You get what I'm saying?

As for labmax, you guys remember Thane who was kicked off of here in less than a week for a failed labmax a few months ago. Well i just tested 1500> while cruising on the same batch
completely understand what you are saying and I know how the game works.

I have ran the same UGL pretty much for years and it's a few person operation. It's by far one of the best products out there and few can attest to this. You can be small and get to the top with time and knowledge. You are correct money and connections can get you to the top easier.

Do you really think these finished products are 98-99% pure? I know you can't accurately answer that question without getting the product and getting it tested. But, what do you honestly think?

How about this pharmacom lab flies me over to their facility and I'll report back. This would really skyrocket sales ;)

As far as the labmax testing. You will not find many posts from me in any thread about that type of testing.

Haven't really been a fan. Always thought it was a little sketchy and didn't know enough about it one way or the other.

And nobody gets kicked off Meso. Not sure who Thane is?

honestly i say give them a chance and get bloodwork cause for me i think thats a good way of showing other people the gear is legit and lab max probably works but that doesn't mean you can't fuck up the test itself like we are all human and theres always room for error

and I'm gonna get blood work for TRT and after that I'm doing a cycle of 600mg of test per week and I'm getting 300 tabs of anavar and dosing it at 60mg per day

and after reading a lot of this I'm still excited to get stuff from darius and i personally have high hopes and my first ever order was from ''naps gear'' and i got geneza test e and i fucking ''built muscle'' and a lot of people hate on naps and say there crap is bunk but maybe i was the lucky one who knows

but i really feel deep down that pharmacoms gear won't let me down and i can not wait to get bloodwork for everyone so don't give up on darius forreal like give em a chance, to me he's chill as fuck and definitely cool in my book cause of how much integrity and respect he's shown to everyone so far.
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1. I haven't ms'ed raws from every single manufacturer and neither have you

I haven't had the clap but I know it hurts when you pee. Why don't you go out and catch a dose of the clap so you can confirm. Come on! Take one for the team and let us know if it hurts, fish-head.

2. Pharma grade raws exist somewhere on this planet for watson, pfizer, Bayer, and all the other real pharma companies and they have to come from somewhere (take a guess).

So what? Abrams tanks "exist somewhere" too. Doesn't mean you can go buy one.

So good raws exist correct? Or is Watson bunk as fuck now and we should tell them to ms their shit?

Who said Watson is "bunk as fuck now?"

Using your argument of China being corrupt as hell which is true, what's the difference between Bayer and pharmacom to one of these good raw manufacturers if they pay them the same but one's "official" and ones not? Nothing.

One is legal and the other is black market. Duh! You're not too bright, are you?

don't know the laws but i don't even think steroids might be illegal in China considering what else they get away with there and if they are, they definitely don't care or can afford to care. Like a jaywalking ticket in Detroit.

You don't know the laws? Don't you think you probably should know what you're talking about before you start shooting your mouth off? You can start by looking up the legal status of AAS in China. Then you can look up the penalties for drug trafficking.

3. Everything comes from China, get used to it. A lot of garbage but also your iphone which costs way more and takes a lot more work than your vial of test.

iPhones? You are aware that the Chinese make counterfeit iPhones, yes? They look pretty good too but they don't come anywhere near the quality of a real iPhone. That's why they break as soon as you start using them. Sometimes they don't even work right out of the box. But that's why they're so cheap - just like ugl gear.

Lastly, I'm not nut hugging here but i think a company as large as pharmacom has a little more stain there and could get raws from a little higher up the ladder with large 50k dollar orders than John Smith could get spending 200 bucks for a bag of powder from a public vendor for his bathtub brew.

Wow! You finally said that makes sense. Let's see if you can do it again. I'm betting you won't.

It just doesn't make sense for a company to build an entire factory in another country with full lab equipment and production lines and not spend a few grand to test their shit.

Have you seen this factory? No? How about the "full lab equipment and production lines?" Didn't think so. But you can always dream, right? LMAO

Labmax and 10x rule, two of the diseases of messo.

Meso only suffers from one disease that concerns me: Brain dead losers that usually come from EVO. These clowns come to Meso every week or two, and they always pontificate upon that which they neither understand nor comprehend. Kind of like you, Fish-head.

Well you got that part right because I can't find one bit of logic to explain your claims in your entire vomit of a post.

For anyone with more than two functioning neurons, Mands' post was very logical. So I can see why it went over your head.

All your saying is China sucks and pharmacom doesn't do any testing while I'm giving explanations as to why it'd be in their best interest to test and why they'd have more of a chance to get better raws than all these other small ugls that do a fraction of the volume that pharmacom does.

YOU are "giving explanations?" LMFAO Dude, from what I've just seen, I think you would do well to go out in public without drooling all over yourself.
honestly i say give them a chance and get bloodwork cause for me i think thats a good way of showing other people the gear is legit and lab max probably works but that doesn't mean you can't fuck up the test itself like we are all human and theres always room for error and I'm gonna get blood work for TRT and after that I'm doing a cycle of 600mg of test per week and I'm getting 300 tabs of anavar and dosing it at 60mg per day and after reading a lot of this I'm still excited to get stuff from darius and i personally have high hopes and my first ever order was from ''naps gear'' and i got geneza test e and i fucking ''built muscle'' and a lot of people hate on naps and say there crap is bunk but maybe i was the lucky one who knows but i really feel deep down that pharmacoms gear won't let me down and i can not wait to get bloodwork for everyone so don't give up on darius forreal like give em a chance, to me he's chill as fuck and definitely cool in my book cause of how much integrity and respect he's shown to everyone so far.
Full stops bro. I ran out of breath half way through ;)
For the guys saying 98% pure raws don't exist from China:

1. I haven't ms'ed raws from every single manufacturer and neither have you

2. Pharma grade raws exist somewhere on this planet for watson, pfizer, Bayer, and all the other real pharma companies and they have to come from somewhere (take a guess).

So good raws exist correct? Or is Watson bunk as fuck now and we should tell them to ms their shit?

Using your argument of China being corrupt as hell which is true, what's the difference between Bayer and pharmacom to one of these good raw manufacturers if they pay them the same but one's "official" and ones not? Nothing. I don't know the laws but i don't even think steroids might be illegal in China considering what else they get away with there and if they are, they definitely don't care or can afford to care. Like a jaywalking ticket in Detroit.

3. Everything comes from China, get used to it. A lot of garbage but also your iphone which costs way more and takes a lot more work than your vial of test.

Lastly, I'm not nut hugging here but i think a company as large as pharmacom has a little more stain there and could get raws from a little higher up the ladder with large 50k dollar orders than John Smith could get spending 200 bucks for a bag of powder from a public vendor for his bathtub brew.

It just doesn't make sense for a company to build an entire factory in another country with full lab equipment and production lines and not spend a few grand to test their shit.

That being said i would love to see independent lab testing of their gear for the sake of data and i hope it goes through but I'm calling it now, it still won't stop the people who like to argue on the internet and say their gear is bunk more than they lift because they will say the tests are fake, the labmax color doesn't match and their levels aren't 10x. Labmax and 10x rule, two of the diseases of messo.

1) Perhaps you want to discuss the relevance of absolutes I do NOT bc they are NOT relevant. But what is germane is the fact very few, if any, folks whom have tested UGL KNOW whatever claims a source makes about their raws are pointless. Why is that? Bc I've NEVER seen anything close to an IMPURITY levels of 5% in those VIALS being sold and used by those purchasing them.

(Let's not forget how large NAPS is and even though they to have boasted about "raws" that approximate 95% their complaints, especially with the Geneza line, is NOT come close to a product being sold with a purity of 95%!)

2) Heck the USP standard for T-c is 97% yet UGL continue to claim their products are BETTER. Such statement are absurd and are NOT supported by the evidence. (I'll get to their analytical assays after I've read all 20 pages on one AAS, NUTS!)

3) I buy most of my standards from a legit DEA REGISTERED company whom purchases their precursor AAS (most being Testosterone base) and the quote purity; "rarely if ever exceeds 80%", the "remaining 20% is incomplete distillation, fractionation, and/or production extraction byproducts". But UGL purchase a higher volume than a US based company that ONLY manufactures AAS for pharm companies and for research purposes, RIGHT.

4) Comparing and contrasting the production of highly scrutinized lEGAL items such as the Iphone to that of, what is in many instances, ILLEGAL drugs whose origin is that of some clandestine lab,is a lame apples to oranges comparison period.

5) The bottom line people believe what they want or need to believe, BUT in this instance Meso members would be well served by reflecting on the colloquialism "if it sounds to good to be true it probably is".
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I haven't had the clap but I know it hurts when you pee. Why don't you go out and catch a dose of the clap so you can confirm. Come on! Take one for the team and let us know if it hurts, fish-head.

So what? Abrams tanks "exist somewhere" too. Doesn't mean you can go buy one.

Who said Watson is "bunk as fuck now?"

One is legal and the other is black market. Duh! You're not too bright, are you?

You don't know the laws? Don't you think you probably should know what you're talking about before you start shooting your mouth off? You can start by looking up the legal status of AAS in China. Then you can look up the penalties for drug trafficking.

iPhones? You are aware that the Chinese make counterfeit iPhones, yes? They look pretty good too but they don't come anywhere near the quality of a real iPhone. That's why they break as soon as you start using them. Sometimes they don't even work right out of the box. But that's why they're so cheap - just like ugl gear.

Wow! You finally said that makes sense. Let's see if you can do it again. I'm betting you won't.

Have you seen this factory? No? How about the "full lab equipment and production lines?" Didn't think so. But you can always dream, right? LMAO

Meso only suffers from one disease that concerns me: Brain dead losers that usually come from EVO. These clowns come to Meso every week or two, and they always pontificate upon that which they neither understand nor comprehend. Kind of like you, Fish-head.

YOU are "giving explanations?" LMFAO Dude, from what I've just seen, I think you would do well to go out in public without drooling all over yourself.

With your ignorance, close mindedness and failure to comprehend what i wrote, you are the epitome and exact poster child of what I think is wrong with this forum. Can't wait to see some logical/critical thinking from this guy. All you do is spout off and show just how ignorant and bitter you really are.
Got it. Good gear doesn't exist, pharmacom can't possibly get good powder, all ugls suck, everything from chinas impure, Labmax proves things, everythings fake anyway though and everyone should be 10x on bloods.

Wow thanks messo! You guys sure would make a good D.A.R.E campaign, don't even bother finding steroids guys. Case closed
@cbass00 bro i feel what you're saying like i agree about what you said about pharmacom being as big as it is, they probably are getting better raws then most.

my first cycle i got geneza test e from naps and i gained a lot and I've seen a lot of people say that the raws they get suck ass and are bunk as fuck but if i had a good experience from a lab that everyone talks shit about and the raws they used in the vials i got were good cause of the results i got then I'm ''sure'' theres good raws out there and i feel pharmacom has a good connect compared to genezas source honestly :cool:

also how you said

''It just doesn't make sense for a company to build an entire factory in another country with full lab equipment and production lines and not spend a few grand to test their shit.''

i agree with this like in that video they had fucking mass vials and i believe if they have money for that equipment then I'm sure they got the money to buy good raws and thats probably what they do and i doubt geneza from naps has anything close to what pharmacom has tbh
I'd stick around for the independent lab test results but I've never seen a single test be approved by one of our resident doctors here anyway. Gotta stay in business somehow right? ;)
Got it. Good gear doesn't exist, pharmacom can't possibly get good powder, all ugls suck, everything from chinas impure, Labmax proves things, everythings fake anyway though and everyone should be 10x on bloods.

Wow thanks messo! You guys sure would make a good D.A.R.E campaign, don't even bother finding steroids guys. Case closed

Where and how did you come to that conclusion? The problem as a I see it is an UGL making what are almost certainly false statements.

IF they have no problem doing that about their "raws" how do you think ANYONE will fare should if they are less than satisfied with PC's prodcuts? Something like, no way bro didn't you see the MS and narratives summaries on our AAS product line on Meso?

Your dreaming if you believe we will fall for this line of crap to acquire FREE GEAR!

IME, whenever an UGL lies, exaggerates, vacillates or deflects data to their benefit one should expect MORE OF THE SAME.

Heck the only reason I'm willing to entertain PC being a lab worthy of discussing is DARIUS, who is well respected by 3 mates all of whom have proven they are standup guys on Meso!
I mean... Are we even certain this guy posting as a rep for PC isn't just a reseller who is trying to make himself out to be an employee for pharmacom in order to sway business his way?

Clearly Darius is the man to go through, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that this other guy isn't just a jackle trying to steal business.
Heck the only reason I'm willing to entertain PC being a lab worthy of discussing is DARIUS, who is well respected by 3 mates all of whom have proven they are standup guys on Meso!

i agree with this like i think darius is a cool dude and how he shows respect to people on here and does hit best to prove to everyone that he's no joke while maintaining his cool really draws me in as a customer like i hope to be the 4th person to be able to vouch 100% for darius cause i sincerely have high hopes for this company and wish this could be my one stop shop for years to come (thats the goal)


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