Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

Lol shits getting deep in here

Once upon a time, there was a little bird who refused to fly south for the winter. After a while, he decided he had made a mistake, so he too headed south. But he was too late and the weather descended upon him. As he flew, ice formed on his wings. He grew more and more weary until finally he fell to earth in a cow pasture, freezing and exhausted. He was convinced he was going to die. As he lay there, freezing to death, a cow came by and crapped on him. The manure warmed his body and wings. The bird realized he would live. He was so happy, he began to sing. A cat was passing by and heard the singing. The cat dug into the manure, uncovered the bird and promptly ate him.

There are three morals to this story:

1. Not everyone who shits on you is necessarily your enemy.

2. Not everyone who gets you out of the shit is necessarily your friend.

3. And, if you're happy in your own pile of shit, keep your mouth shut.
What you think posting a few narrative analyses proves a damn thing try again, LMAO.

Hey what's a "dimer"?

Did you even know the purity of a substance changes the minute it is diluted in oil?

So yea I PROMISE no AAS can be placed in oil and remain PURE.

Or maybe you should investigate the meaning of "purity" on a chemical basis.
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It is getting hot here, hm? Dr. JIM, You promise? Are you sure? I have found on my laptop some notes... Of course they will say you nothing, no graphs, etc. However first i publish these 2 pages here:

Of course this text can be considered as a prooves without graphs and details...
And now I suggest to check, how Dr. Jim can keep his promises.
There is lot of labs. I know at least one of them, which can except samples per post. This is the lab, which I already mentioned here. It is located in Switzerland.
Analysis one sample there is 400 Euro. 10 samples - 3000 Euros.
Will you guys calm down if we ship our vials to there?
Here and now I promise you to get this fucking real spectrometry test results done by a professional scientist on a professional equipment if you do not trust our results. I promise to pay for these tests. 3000 Euro, ok, I pay.
We can use this lab, as far as I know it is possible to ship samples to there per post.
Will you calm down after this and believe?
Of course, I hear already now that I am a person, which is interested in good results. But guys, this is already not even about now good our products are, this is about if 98% purity is possible at all or not (with chinese raws we use). If it is not possible for our production as DR.Jim said (by the way, Dr.JIm, have you seen our production video?!!! Tell me please how many ugl`s do you know, which could demonstrate you something like this?!!! How many UGLs demonstrated here their labs at all?)... So, i Continue, if 98% purity is not possible it means we will in any case not able to counterfeit these results. Moreover they will be done in an independent lab with all graphs, descriptions, by using respective Pharmacopeias, etc. Will it be enough for you? If yes, we are ready to start! Will see how 98% are not possible...
Can you explain to me how they mass spec'd a tri blend?

I would venture to say those numbers are grossly exaggerated. I've seen pharm grade products from the US with lower purity than most of those.

What you think posting a few narrative analyses proves a damn thing try again, LMAO.

Hey what's a "dimer"?

Did you even know the purity of a substance changes the minute it is diluted in oil?

So yea I PROMISE no AAS can be placed in oil and remain PURE.

Or maybe you should investigate the meaning of "purity" on a chemical basis.
Well, I confess, for me personally it it difficulty to stand up against people with some scientific background. If you start asking me some things from this area, you will win, I am not a chemist and do not possess any analytic or data operating skills. Actually it does not matter, cause my position and responsibility in the company has nothing to do with the chemistry. We have other people responsible for this and this is their job.
You are playing with words now. I think you understand what I mean. I will copy-paste now one fragment of an email. It does not matter from whom it is, but it will be a reply:
Another question I have asked Angus was this : It’s unclear how the dosage appreciation result of Trenbolone was 50 mg/ml (twice lower then normally), and the purity result was 11 %. Don’t you think that these results are interdependent? If they lack a logical dependency, it may mean that your tests are not plausible. 50 mg is 50% not 11%.
Here is Angus answer: 50mg is quantity, 11% is quality. Because I felt stupid that I dont understand this then I sent this to the professor.
Professor answer is here: NONSENSE. If your analysis says that the concentration of active substance is 50 mg per ml, then this is the number of the substance purity, because it should be compared to the pharmacopeic standard with concentration (purity) of 100 %. The concentration of impurities should be calculated separately, compared to pharmacopeic standards for each impurity. Thus, if you insist on a concentration of 50 mg per ml, this means that the purity is also 50 mg per ml. I think all sources that had bad /good tests until now should tests their products for real in a real place.
So what I wanted to say, most of people here as well as me are incompetent in the details and do not need them, they need only to know a trusted and reliable answer whether one or another manufacturer offers high or poor quality. Simply speaking if we manifest that 1 ml of our for example trenbolone has 100 mg of tren ace, it shall have 100 mg of tren ace (of cause it will be not absolutely pure, not 100 mg of the active agent itself, but also an ester is attached to it, which have a molecular weight, some by-products in trace amounts are possible). What is important for customers? Efficiency (which depends on the manifested amount of the manifested drug per ml) and no dangerous for the health additives / impurities. Right? I am a steroid user over 3 years and this is what is important for me, I want to be sure, what I am injecting into my muscles.
I have already understood, that you will not trust our results. So as I said, we will test our products in an independent lab. I will inquire all the infos about the lab and if it flies and the lab agrees we will order there the analysis of all products we produce!
Give me a day or two and I will find the things out. If we have luck you will see all results of tests for all our products made in an independent lab with signatures, stamps, photos, descriptions, etc. I hope it will fly and give an end to all argues about the quality for once and forever. This is all I could do here.
P.s. dimer is a chemical structure founded on a base of two chemically similar structures. Something like this. I do not doubt that you can explain it much better.
I think bloodwork solves all the problems.
Did anyone get bloodwork on pharmacom gear? If so please post them up.
I'll be getting mine in 3 weeks.
Good ol' meth head Angus, there's a special place for him!!
For the guys saying 98% pure raws don't exist from China:

1. I haven't ms'ed raws from every single manufacturer and neither have you

2. Pharma grade raws exist somewhere on this planet for watson, pfizer, Bayer, and all the other real pharma companies and they have to come from somewhere (take a guess).

So good raws exist correct? Or is Watson bunk as fuck now and we should tell them to ms their shit?

Using your argument of China being corrupt as hell which is true, what's the difference between Bayer and pharmacom to one of these good raw manufacturers if they pay them the same but one's "official" and ones not? Nothing. I don't know the laws but i don't even think steroids might be illegal in China considering what else they get away with there and if they are, they definitely don't care or can afford to care. Like a jaywalking ticket in Detroit.

3. Everything comes from China, get used to it. A lot of garbage but also your iphone which costs way more and takes a lot more work than your vial of test.

Lastly, I'm not nut hugging here but i think a company as large as pharmacom has a little more stain there and could get raws from a little higher up the ladder with large 50k dollar orders than John Smith could get spending 200 bucks for a bag of powder from a public vendor for his bathtub brew.

It just doesn't make sense for a company to build an entire factory in another country with full lab equipment and production lines and not spend a few grand to test their shit.

That being said i would love to see independent lab testing of their gear for the sake of data and i hope it goes through but I'm calling it now, it still won't stop the people who like to argue on the internet and say their gear is bunk more than they lift because they will say the tests are fake, the labmax color doesn't match and their levels aren't 10x. Labmax and 10x rule, two of the diseases of messo.
For the guys saying 98% pure raws don't exist from China:

1. I haven't ms'ed raws from every single manufacturer and neither have you

2. Pharma grade raws exist somewhere on this planet for watson, pfizer, Bayer, and all the other real pharma companies and they have to come from somewhere (take a guess).

So good raws exist correct? Or is Watson bunk as fuck now and we should tell them to ms their shit?

Using your argument of China being corrupt as hell which is true, what's the difference between Bayer and pharmacom to one of these good raw manufacturers if they pay them the same but one's "official" and ones not? Nothing. I don't know the laws but i don't even think steroids might be illegal in China considering what else they get away with there and if they are, they definitely don't care or can afford to care. Like a jaywalking ticket in Detroit.

3. Everything comes from China, get used to it. A lot of garbage but also your iphone which costs way more and takes a lot more work than your vial of test.

Lastly, I'm not nut hugging here but i think a company as large as pharmacom has a little more stain there and could get raws from a little higher up the ladder with large 50k dollar orders than John Smith could get spending 200 bucks for a bag of powder from a public vendor for his bathtub brew.

It just doesn't make sense for a company to build an entire factory in another country with full lab equipment and production lines and not spend a few grand to test their shit.

That being said i would love to see independent lab testing of their gear for the sake of data and i hope it goes through but I'm calling it now, it still won't stop the people who like to argue on the internet and say their gear is bunk more than they lift because they will say the tests are fake, the labmax color doesn't match and their levels aren't 10x. Labmax and 10x rule, two of the diseases of messo.
Is this just a post so that you can get a rise out of those you are referring? Please tell me you don't believe what you just posted and it was just meant to get a reaction.

Have you been to a raw and chemical expo in China? Oh yes you can go there and see all the lovely suppliers of raws for UGL's and shit sources by the hundreds.

Do you understand that China has nobody regulating their facilities(warehouses) where these raws are made. Well actually some do but they get paid to look the other way if the raws are for some UGL.

So.... Let's say all the big pharm companies get their raws from China. Fuck the UK, Canada and the Ukraine. I would think you know Big Pharma test all their powders and do extensive testing after final product are manufactured. Do you think China is going to sell anything but 98% pure powders? Think about it. What is Pharmacon gonna do about it if China sells them 75% pure powders? Exactly! NOT JACK SHIT. And Pharmacon won't even know because they don't test their products like 98% of all UGL's.

If Pharmacom has this huge great facility and spends all this money on that why the hell don't they have all the data(MS/HPLC)from testing the raws and finished products?

I still am getting over the fact that you put Pharmacom and Bayer in the same sentence. SMH

I can't even think now or respond. I don 't even know why I waste my time.

I will say this though. I have never ran Pharmacom and they might be a great UGL. I can't say one way or another. But, if some big UGL tries to come in here and show me 98-99% pure finished products they are insulting my intelligence.

I can't even think now

Well you got that part right because I can't find one bit of logic to explain your claims in your entire vomit of a post.

All your saying is China sucks and pharmacom doesn't do any testing while I'm giving explanations as to why it'd be in their best interest to test and why they'd have more of a chance to get better raws than all these other small ugls that do a fraction of the volume that pharmacom does.
Every source for juice and hgh are bunk here at Meso. I thought all of the conspiracy guys were crazy for a long time. Now it seems like every thread I read about testing is the same and the conspiracy nuts may be on to something??? I had some from terrific raws from MD and had great results. Was I lucky because I was in early and the first to post a log on them or did they get railroaded? Who knows anymore? don't get me wrong, I'm not ordering from them again but it seems to be EVERY source gets jammed up here. I have a few friends who compete, one of them a female figure competitor ,and they seem very pleased with Pharmacom. If they were being ripped off, their trophy cases would not be nearly as impressive. I'm sure this will draw the ire of some here but my stance is "think for yourself and question everything".
Seriously Mands, what's your magic ugl that gets its raws from Canada and you have solid ms results for every batch? I'd like to know too
Well you got that part right because I can't find one bit of logic to explain your claims in your entire vomit of a post.

All your saying is China sucks and pharmacom doesn't do any testing while I'm giving explanations as to why it'd be in their best interest to test and why they'd have more of a chance to get better raws than all these other small ugls that do a fraction of the volume that pharmacom does.
Please elaborate? Because I guess in your long post about China raws being pure I lost what you were really trying to say.

So with that whole post you were trying to tell Pharmacom to test their raws and products?

Why do they have a better chance than myself or any UGL of getting good raws?

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