Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

Listen I am not attacking you because I know nothing about your product.

But the it is known fact, tested, proven, that 50% of powder from China is bunk, low purity.

In many cases you might not be aware what you have, you might be victim of scam too.
Mates, I know which quality have powders in China and if you read my post here about how we chose HGH you will be able to see, that most of the control sources were unacceptable. In this way we test all our powders and we have tested and already changed lot of manufacturers due to the reason that their quality was getting poor with the time. I have been told in our thread that we can be also fooled and get poor quality raws. No guys, we cant. We check our batches of raw materials before we place big orders and lot of sources do not pass our tests, we change them. I already published here results of such tests.
Also I wanted to say that we have access to spectrometers, even to two units! But you will not believe to our results in any case.
And the last thing, as I said before, no one manufacturer is able to provide 100% pure raws! No one in the world! This is just impossible. There will be in most cases trace amounts of some other chemical by-products of synthesizing and this products can easily influence the color, etc. Our lower limit for raws is 98,5%. If our tests show less, we change the source. These 1,5% can have an impact to the color of the fluid. We use 5 to 10% ethyl oleate in our oils, it also can have an impact on labmax tests. There are lot of factors.
But we guarantee that our products have manifested active agents and manifested amounts of active agents in each vial or pill and do not have some dangerous for health heavy metals, etc. Some synthesizing by-products are possible. But 98,5% purity is our lowest tolerance.
Just as example, in our trenbolones you can find the following impurities:
- 11,12-dihydrotrenbolone acetate - trace amounts of not more than 0.01%;
- unidentified impurity with a retention time of 10.23 min, presumably hydroxy-trenbolone acetate, not more than 0.1%.
Trenbolone acetate compound contains no impurities such as estradiol and progesterone.
The file is attached. I have already once published it in our thread.
Or for example our masteron can have an unidentified impurity with m/z 717 (retention time 27.95, contents according to LC-MS about 1%). It may be dimerization product formed during storage or a byproduct of the synthesis.
But this is the best raws of masteron we found among lot of sources.
So, it is very hard, almost impossible to find 100% pure raws. We test and provide the best gear available on the market!


  • trenbolone impurities_eng.pdf
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Regardless these motherfuckers ain't really bad mouthing our community a lil in denial but they handling Ok I wanna what's next who else is running pharmacom and doing blood work
Also I thought @MythotiK Was able to do mass spect don't. now for sure if he can; but blood work would be better
Regardless these motherfuckers ain't really bad mouthing our community a lil in denial but they handling Ok I wanna what's next who else is running pharmacom and doing blood work
Also I thought @MythotiK Was able to do mass spect don't. now for sure if he can; but blood work would be better
For the testable products, that is. Bloods are only so effective. Hard to get bloods on inj. dbol, for example....
Darius, your inj. winny is water based. Are you inj. drol and dbol oil based? thanks!
Regardless these motherfuckers ain't really bad mouthing our community a lil in denial but they handling Ok I wanna what's next who else is running pharmacom and doing blood work
Also I thought @MythotiK Was able to do mass spect don't. now for sure if he can; but blood work would be better

He performed a test for me in the past. I contacted him recently for a test, I received one response and then all communication seized. I believe the risk is probably to high for him personally so he probably only tests for himself and those who he personally knows. But that is just my assumption. Myth is a good guy and I'm glad he helped me out when he did.
One Pharma used the service, sent in a sample of test c raws. The result was 99% pure. Blood work later showed it to be less than 50% pure. I had an email exchange with them and could not get them to see reason on this. They would not consider the possibility there was a mistake made in the testing.

Oh boy not that 10x, everyone responds like Ronnie Coleman to test because my mommy told me I'm awesome bullshit again.

I've seen one person get 8x and another get 4x on the same homebrew batch. The only way you can get purity from blood test is if you do Watson from a pharmacy and then do ugl. No #x nonsense
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Oh boy not that 10x, everyone responds like Ronnie Coleman to test because my mommy told me I'm awesome bullshit again.

I've seen one person get 8x and another get 4x on the same homebrew batch. The only way you can get purity from blood test is if you do Watson from a pharmacy and then do ugl. No #x nonsense

I have noticed it too, levels can swing back and for during a day.

I do not believe that blood level are reliable for testing concentration unless you do it a few times during cycle and compare.
So bloods should be taken prior,mid and post cycles
I hate the state I live in fucking rx note for shit I'm paying for anyways
I've got my prebloods dun already and I'm bout to pull the trigger on some of that buy 300get 200 sale can't pass it up. But I'll post my pre bloods then at 6 weeks.. I'm going to run his test e which I think passed a labmax anyway I'm on my phone so I got to figure out how to post a pic of my lab sheet first. I do concrete for a living I'm no teck guy I'll shut up now
Our lower limit for raws is 98,5%. If our tests show less, we change the source.

But 98,5% purity is our lowest tolerance.

You must think you're on reddit if you actually think we'll believe that. It would have been more believable if you had claimed your raws have a 90% purity. No black market Chinese powder source is supplying raws with 98.5% purity. The claim is absurd.
I have noticed it too, levels can swing back and for during a day.

I do not believe that blood level are reliable for testing concentration unless you do it a few times during cycle and compare.
I believe that over time you become less responsive to the AAS and need to add more to get bloods up to the same level as previous cycle. Also for those year rounfmd dudes doing 1gram+
Have the same issue. Yeah it might be bunk gear or it might be you've become less responsive
You must think you're on reddit if you actually think we'll believe that. It would have been more believable if you had claimed your raws have a 90% purity. No black market Chinese powder source is supplying raws with 98.5% purity. The claim is absurd.
Or if he would have said they recrystalize the powder to remove filler for better purity
Or if he would have said they recrystalize the powder to remove filler for better purity
Doesn't work. You get crystals with the same low purity. If there were filler, it could be washed out, but that hasn't been my experience. Several of us have tried both and ended up with virtually the same weight powder as we started with. No measurable impurities were removed.
Doesn't work. You get crystals with the same low purity. If there were filler, it could be washed out, but that hasn't been my experience. Several of us have tried both and ended up with virtually the same weight powder as we started with. No measurable impurities were removed.
That would leave me to believe the the base itself is infact low dosed then or Could there be such a solvent as to remove the cut and not the hormone? I was under the impression that many hands touch it and cut it for profit. Maybe it isnt the case.
You must think you're on reddit if you actually think we'll believe that. It would have been more believable if you had claimed your raws have a 90% purity. No black market Chinese powder source is supplying raws with 98.5% purity. The claim is absurd. It is just impossible to convince the audience here, does not matter what I do. If I say 98-99% It means 98%-99%! And I take fully responsibility for my words.
Which 90% you are speaking about? 90% this is even not the quality, this is some raws brewed at a home kitchen by a scoolboy. We immediately cut off sources when our results of their raws show such a low purity! This is shit and not steroids. We would never be able to produce high concentrated oils as Test E 500 mg/ml or our mixes line if we had 90%. Bullshit.
If I say 98-99% it meant 98-99%. Check it in a lab and if the results will be different you can close our thread here and ban us on all other boards worldwide!
I even found info where are the best independent labs are. Both are in Europe
One is in Switzerland and another one is in Germany. Here are the links to their sites:
If someone from here lives in these countries or has an opportunity to organize the tests there, you are welcome! Both labs are independent on us.
I found also this in the USA:
It is written there you can send samples per mail. This is a lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Probably they would agree to perform these tests.
I also found in google this:
I am sure there is a lot of labs in the USA and somewhere you can check the steroids samples without problems with the law.
I will be only happy if you do it and provide the results here if you don`t trust our results.
It's great that we can debate the value of LM and other testing options, but anyone that seeks to question the ability or integrity of @flenser can eat shit as far as I'm concerned. He has bought a ton of value for holding sources accountable. We should appreciate that he and @ironwill1951 are looking out for members here, no matter what the opinions of specific testing procedures are