Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

To elaborate a little on what flenser said, what else is in there? Pharmacon is the lab telling us how precise there production is.
DT, This is one of those things that sucks about being in our shoes as consumers. They will say it's primo with whatever else they brewed it with. It could be a bad batch, the dude could be lying (not saying he is) it just goes on and on. I have dealt with D. We had some issues and he is quick to admit when he fucks up. I'm waiting on some test right now that has been a nightmare trying to get. I feel like he is honest and sells good products. Just my opinion. I hate to hear any negative about gear I'm about to pin.
Guys really what do you think can be there instead of promo and bold? Testosterone? It can be checked in the easiest way. Perform a blood work (perfect if you are not on a cycle) after inject Pharmacom prim or eq and perform the blood work for the second time. If there is test there you will see its increasing in the blood work results. If no, it shall slightly decrease / not change - depends on lot of factors. If lot of injects made it will decrease for sure, after only one injection probably not cause prim and eq are weak steroids and do not shut down HPTA immediately after one injection as for example nandrolone does.
I am sure your test will not increase if you inject only prim or eq. It means there is no test inside. If it is not test, say what it could be else? Nandrolone? Impossible, you would notice it on bloating. Masteron? Its raws are more expensive as raws of eq or prim.
Tren is also more expensive. What are the options else? I do not see any one.
I do not now, what which color in this test means and to be honest for me it does not matter because I do not see in this test how many active agent has been used, what was the conditions, how many time passed... I see only photos of some amps with a color fluid...
This test is not serious. Please perform a cpectrometry with full description of the preparation process, photos, report published here. This will be a proper test, but in no case what I see here.
Dude, they're not implying there IS anything, merely stating a lack thereof... At least based off of these Labmaxes.
seems like pushing labmax isn't anything new for you. Are you affiliated with them? OMG labmax shill! Lol

Read the article and the truth will be clear. The tests are shit. Period. I'm not an expert on labmax but I know 1+1!=3. Which is exactly what the test concluded.

If you test raw powder you get one color. Add this carrier and you get this color. Add this carrier and you get that color. Trash. Period.
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seems like pushing labmax isn't anything new for you. Are you affiliated with them? OMG labmax shill! Lol

Read the article and the truth will be clear. The tests are shit. Period. I'm not an expert on labmax but I know 1+1!=3. Which is exactly what the test concluded.

If you test raw powder you get one color. Add this carrier and you get this color. Add this carrier and you get that color. Trash. Period.

Fully agree. He even mentions and it's funny how the test can't differentiate between test prop and e raws but as soon as you add a carrier it can tell? On top of that it's been proven to respond differently to different oils so at the end of the day you have a test that isn't worth shit. Especially for those that still think it's a good way to judge purity based on glow. Imo labmax has done more harm than good by confusing the shit out of people
Fully agree. He even mentions and it's funny how the test can't differentiate between test prop and e raws but as soon as you add a carrier it can tell? On top of that it's been proven to respond differently to different oils so at the end of the day you have a test that isn't worth shit. Especially for those that still think it's a good way to judge purity based on glow. Imo labmax has done more harm than good by confusing the shit out of people

Wait for it...
Wait for it...

Ahhh... silence.
I won't use a defensive strategy by attacking or incriminating Flenser's rightness or the Labmax accuracy.
I think he, like everyone here wants to be sure of what's injected and I appreciate the intentions of sharing the results good or bad with the community.

Please remember that part of my current 100$ free store credit is to have a full log of your cycle, including a Labmax, Mass Spec or bloods.

Briefly, just a few technical info about a Labmax. It's a colorimetric test where some chemical reactions occur. Those reactions are not unique to one or a certain steroid compound or ester.

Reactions and colors obtained can be different depending on the carrier oil that is being used.

The previous Testosterone vial sent for Labmax by Ironwill failed and now it passed. The thread is still there to check.

A mod from here explained everything much better than I could:

for example with testosterone propionate as powder, there’s no color change for either Test A or Test B, but testosterone propionate provided in oil solution is reported to give olive green for A and yellow for B. Why a different result than when supplied as powder?

The steroid is the same. That’s not the reason. Rather, the chemical properties of the particular carrier used must have provided the color change, for example by reaction with double bonds in fatty acids of the oil.

Another example would be the result with testosterone enanthate. There’s no chemical reason why in any colorimetric test testosterone enanthate would react differently than testosterone propionate. But here, they obtained a completely different color result than with the enanthate. This would be from the carrier being different.

Now what if the carrier used in your product was different than in the product they tested? Perhaps your supplier used ethyl oleate while their product happened to use, say, sesame oil. Or your supplier used different amounts of benzyl alcohol or benzyl benzoate than their product used.

The test might well then produce a different color pattern than what their chart says.

This business is no longer just my income it's part of my life. My bulk purchases from Pharmacom are quite substantial and I'm taking all the possible measures to make sure the gear stands to the same reputation being attributed to me.
I would have no interest in continuing a partnership with a shady manufacturer.

I consider that we should guide this debate towards a constructive solution for the future. Seems like MESO community is avid for lab test so let's implement an unquestionable way of testing the gear, the mass spectrometry.

I agree it's unrealistic to ask a customer or MESO member to spend hundreds of dollars on a professional test, so I will. Till things will clarify I'll assign 1.000$ monthly budget for Mass Spec testing. I'll send you the samples for free and wire the funds through a transfer company or bank account. Feel free to choose which mass spec laboratory you want and have the results published here.

I can also send further products from the same batch for Labmax testing to Flenser if needed. I'm sure that most probably the Test, Tren and Anavar that already passed may now very well fail.

I'm not afraid of the mass hysteria recently developed over this issue nor my active customers. Pharmacom gear continues to ran out of stock faster than I can restock.

Nevertheless i expect some induced placebo PMs of members not feeling the Dbol kicking in after 3 days or Testosterone not properly increasing the libido.
I won't use a defensive strategy by attacking or incriminating Flenser's rightness or the Labmax accuracy.
I think he, like everyone here wants to be sure of what's injected and I appreciate the intentions of sharing the results good or bad with the community.

Please remember that part of my current 100$ free store credit is to have a full log of your cycle, including a Labmax, Mass Spec or bloods.

Briefly, just a few technical info about a Labmax. It's a colorimetric test where some chemical reactions occur. Those reactions are not unique to one or a certain steroid compound or ester.

Reactions and colors obtained can be different depending on the carrier oil that is being used.

The previous Testosterone vial sent for Labmax by Ironwill failed and now it passed. The thread is still there to check.

A mod from here explained everything much better than I could:

for example with testosterone propionate as powder, there’s no color change for either Test A or Test B, but testosterone propionate provided in oil solution is reported to give olive green for A and yellow for B. Why a different result than when supplied as powder?

The steroid is the same. That’s not the reason. Rather, the chemical properties of the particular carrier used must have provided the color change, for example by reaction with double bonds in fatty acids of the oil.

Another example would be the result with testosterone enanthate. There’s no chemical reason why in any colorimetric test testosterone enanthate would react differently than testosterone propionate. But here, they obtained a completely different color result than with the enanthate. This would be from the carrier being different.

Now what if the carrier used in your product was different than in the product they tested? Perhaps your supplier used ethyl oleate while their product happened to use, say, sesame oil. Or your supplier used different amounts of benzyl alcohol or benzyl benzoate than their product used.

The test might well then produce a different color pattern than what their chart says.

This business is no longer just my income it's part of my life. My bulk purchases from Pharmacom are quite substantial and I'm taking all the possible measures to make sure the gear stands to the same reputation being attributed to me.
I would have no interest in continuing a partnership with a shady manufacturer.

I consider that we should guide this debate towards a constructive solution for the future. Seems like MESO community is avid for lab test so let's implement an unquestionable way of testing the gear, the mass spectrometry.

I agree it's unrealistic to ask a customer or MESO member to spend hundreds of dollars on a professional test, so I will. Till things will clarify I'll assign 1.000$ monthly budget for Mass Spec testing. I'll send you the samples for free and wire the funds through a transfer company or bank account. Feel free to choose which mass spec laboratory you want and have the results published here.

I can also send further products from the same batch for Labmax testing to Flenser if needed. I'm sure that most probably the Test, Tren and Anavar that already passed may now very well fail.

I'm not afraid of the mass hysteria recently developed over this issue nor my active customers. Pharmacom gear continues to ran out of stock faster than I can restock.

Nevertheless i expect some induced placebo PMs of members not feeling the Dbol kicking in after 3 days or Testosterone not properly increasing the libido.
Darius, I don't want to sound like a shill here... But honestly, I couldn't expect a better response.
I agree it's unrealistic to ask a customer or MESO member to spend hundreds of dollars on a professional test, so I will. Till things will clarify I'll assign 1.000$ monthly budget for Mass Spec testing. I'll send you the samples for free and wire the funds through a transfer company or bank account. Feel free to choose which mass spec laboratory you want and have the results published here.
Darius, please understand we do not have access to labs that test steroids. One recent addition has made testing available on a limited range of compounds. If you were to provide a lab connection, your products would be tested without your involvement.
Darius, please understand we do not have access to labs that test steroids. One recent addition has made testing available on a limited range of compounds. If you were to provide a lab connection, your products would be tested without your involvement.
This is true, too. The idea is great, but execution may be a problem.
for example with testosterone propionate as powder, there’s no color change for either Test A or Test B, but testosterone propionate provided in oil solution is reported to give olive green for A and yellow for B. Why a different result than when supplied as powder?

I have been using this test for a long time and it is just waste of time talking to idiot who tries to be expert and does not understand the test.

he admitted in his own words that he never used the test and he pretends to be expert.

This is the UV light you use, this is the fluorescence you read, powder or oil form has the same blue glow in case of testosterone propionate.

This is how the test works.
I like reading these arguments. These are the only arguments on this site worth reading. Regardless of what Mercury claims about Bill Roberts' intelligence, I don't believe BR is anywhere NEAR an idiot.

However, I truly respect Merc's opinions as well, and I believe he has contributed a ton to our board.

I'm along for the ride :rolleyes:
I am defiantly not backing pharmacom, but I will say any kind of liquid test that can't separate ingredients that is a colormatic test instead of a positive or negative test is flawed to many variables in MY opinion. As bill Roberts said though a pharma company should consistently show same result over and over even if it doesn't match the LM color code. That's my like me making a 5 dollar (not comprehensive since its 5 dollars same price as a pack of hamburger). A test that test my shit for if I ate a peanut butter. If the peanut butter is maybe not the brand they like it might provide a different result. My point is to many people are swayed to think they got junk gear over a 5 dollar test. I agree it can have its pros but there is a reason it's 5 dollars and not 50 dollars in MY opinion. Just making sure your all aware it's a opinion and I am not claiming to be a scientist.