Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

I mean... Are we even certain this guy posting as a rep for PC isn't just a reseller who is trying to make himself out to be an employee for pharmacom in order to sway business his way?

Clearly Darius is the man to go through, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that this other guy isn't just a jackle trying to steal business.

that could be true. i like this ^^^
i feel pharmacom has a good connect compared to genezas source honestly

What evidence do you have to back that up? Naps is probably the biggest AAS source in the world. If Naps doesn't have access the best quality raws, PC certainly doesn't.

i agree with this like in that video they had fucking mass vials and i believe if they have money for that equipment then I'm sure they got the money to buy good raws and thats probably what they do and i doubt geneza from naps has anything close to what pharmacom has tbh

Well, if you saw it in the video it MUST be real, right? I mean, no one would ever fake a video - especially an UGL.:rolleyes:
I'd stick around for the independent lab test results but I've never seen a single test be approved by one of our resident doctors here anyway. Gotta stay in business somehow right? ;)

Yea and why is that? My objections are always clearly listed and the labs response is either NO RESPONSE, or I'll get back to you NOT, or I didn't do the tests.

Those type of excuses only increase the index of suspicion on my behalf AND they should .
A simple example.

To verify what specific AAS is in ANY vial a REFERENCE STANDARD must be used for comparison, no exceptions, yet why is it many of those testing UGL AAS don't "feel" standards are necessary BULLSHIT!

But oh yea that's EXACTLY the type of testing you would WANT if your an UGL.
What evidence do you have to back that up? Naps is probably the biggest AAS source in the world. If Naps doesn't have access the best quality raws, PC certainly doesn't.

Well, if you saw it in the video it MUST be real, right? I mean, no one would ever fake a video - especially an UGL.:rolleyes:

Naps has proven to be a bottom feeding scumbag who tells his customers that they shouldn't be worried about the tren that looks like motor oil. I wouldn't give that fuck stick one red cent!
What evidence do you have to back that up? Naps is probably the biggest AAS source in the world. If Naps doesn't have access the best quality raws, PC certainly doesn't.

Well, if you saw it in the video it MUST be real, right? I mean, no one would ever fake a video - especially an UGL.:rolleyes:

some dude at my old rec told me to order from naps for my first cycle and i thought that each UGL on naps was separate and have there own factory or whatever but i personally feel geneza doesn't have what pharmacom has cause a lot of people say there shit is crappy and i feel if they say that then they must not have a top of the line kind of set up but me personally.

i had a good first experience geneza and ill stand behind it because its the truth and maybe i lucked out and got a good batch who knows.

2.well about that theres no way to prove or disprove this so i think its all personal preference depending on the person but to me i think that place looks awesome and i would like to live there and have free gear for a fat ass minute lol
honestly though if they have that stuff I'm sure they make better gear then most UGLs and bro I'm positive theres better raws out there like I'm sure there people in china with integrity and want to make a honest dollar so i really believe that video of pharmacoms factory is real and i would love to visit it <3
some dude at my old rec told me to order from naps for my first cycle and i thought that each UGL on naps was separate and have there own factory or whatever but i personally feel geneza doesn't have what pharmacom has cause a lot of people say there shit is crappy and i feel if they say that then they must not have a top of the line kind of set up but me personally.

Is that because Naps' gear is shit or do you just here more complaints because he has half a million customers? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Naps is or isn't gtg but I very much doubt his QA is any worse than any other ugl.

And I can guarantee you that Naps has everything PC claims to have, if not more. You don't brew testosterone in 100L batches in a cooking pot. That requires some pretty expensive machinery.
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Is that because Naps' gear is shit or do you just here more complaints because he has half a million customers? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Naps is or isn't gtg but I very much doubt his QA is any worse than any other ugl.

Really?! Did you not see the picture of some tren he sent a customer that literally looked like motor oil in a vial? As icing on the cake, he stated it was perfectly safe to inject.
Geneza is Naps own brand. He certainly has access to raws.

well if geneza has access to raws and all the reviews they get about shitty gear wouldn't you think that their raws that they get are poor compared to others?

and tbh i personally think pharmacom has the better opportunity to get better raws because i haven't seen any bad reviews on them compared to all the negative stuff i heard about naps geneza (but i had a good experience js) and after seeing that video of their factory just makes me feel like they got the money to get the better hook up for raws

Is that because Naps' gear is shit or do you just here more complaints because he has half a million customers? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Naps is or isn't gtg but I very much doubt his QA is any worse than any other ugl.

i heard mixed reviews about this like how its hit or miss and I'm not saying its shit cause my experience was good but maybe I'm just lucky but i have high hopes that pharmacom will be ''a lot'' better

Really?! Did you not see the picture of some tren he sent a customer that literally looked like motor oil in a vial? As icing on the cake, he stated it was perfectly safe to inject.

i actually seen that picture and that stuff just didn't look right and i never used tren and i seen on this youtube video that a vial of tren has a rusty copper look to it and i never heard about it ever being used when it looks black like tar
Is that because Naps' gear is shit or do you just here more complaints because he has half a million customers? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Naps is or isn't gtg but I very much doubt his QA is any worse than any other ugl.

And I can guarantee you that Naps has everything PC claims to have, if not more. You don't brew testosterone in 100L batches in a cooking pot. That requires some pretty expensive machinery.

Did you fly over the NAPS factory like MANDS did over Pharmacon? :)
Really?! Did you not see the picture of some tren he sent a customer that literally looked like motor oil in a vial? As icing on the cake, he stated it was perfectly safe to inject.

Yes, I saw it. It was disturbing, to say the least. But that doesn't mean everybody else's QA is better. UGLs suck. ALL UGLs. They all have access the same raw suppliers- the bigger ones, at least - and any one of them could put out a product that looks like motor oil, or has contamination, or is bunk and underdosed. If you think Naps' gear is worse than anybody else's, you're fooling yourself.
Did you fly over the NAPS factory like MANDS did over Pharmacon?

Haha No, I didn't. I just took into account the number of customers and the quantities he is selling and did the math. I suppose it's possible that he's got a bunch of Kazakh boys manning a production line of bathtubs full of AAS around the clock in order to meet demand but I suspect he's a little more high tech than that - even in Moldova.
P.s. dimer is a chemical structure founded on a base of two chemically similar structures. Something like this. I do not doubt that you can explain it much better.

A DIMER is a chemical structure that is formed by the joining of two IDENTICAL or almost identical subunits. One great example is the binding of two identical amino acids to form a DIPEPTIDE!

DIMERIZATION is a that chemical reaction which results in the formation of DIMERS.

Shit but why did I ask such a question?

Bc AAS dimerization SHOULD NOT OCCUR using MS as the chemical reactor/accelerator unless the operator is incompetent. That's bc the voltages required to fragment the carbon covalent bonds would render the parent compound (AAS) unrecognizable, the end product being a sort of "fragmentation soup"!

So IF your MS resulted in dimerization the likelihood the parent compound would remain recognizable (especially at such high purity), and remain identifiable as the base peak would be REMOTE AT BEST!

Dimerization does occur and is relatively common with proteins and peptides when MS is the reactor. It follows then bc dimers are formed thru the binding of structually identical subunits they are readily identifiable on MS bc their MW is revealed as a multiple of the parent compound!

Perhaps now you know why I asked that question :)!
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A DIMER is a chemical structure that is formed by the joining of two IDENTICAL or almost identical subunits. One great example is the binding of two identical amino acids to form a DIPEPTIDE!

DIMERIZATION is a that chemical reaction which results in the formation of DIMERS.

Shit but why did I ask such a question?

Bc AAS dimerization SHOULD NOT OCCUR using MS as the chemical reactor/accelerator unless the operator is incompetent. That's bc the voltages required to fragment the carbon covalent bonds would render the parent compound (AAS) unrecognizable, the end product being a sort of "fragmentation soup"!

So IF your MS resulted in dimerization the likelihood the parent compound would remain recognizable (especially at such high purity), and identifiable as a base peak would be REMOTE AT BEST!

Dimerization does occur and is relatively common with proteins and peptides when MS is the reactor. It follows then bc dimers are formed thru the binding of structually identical subunits they are readily identifiable on MS bc their MW is revealed as a multiple of the parent compound!

*sits back and quietly eats popcorn*
Bc AAS dimerization SHOULD NOT OCCUR using MS as the chemical reactor/accelerator unless the operator is incompetent. That's bc the voltages required to fragment the carbon covalent bonds would render the parent compound (AAS) unrecognizable, the end product being "fragmentation soup"!

So IF your MS resulted in dimerization the likelihood the parent compound would remain recognizable (especially at such high purity), and identifiable as a base peak would be REMOTE AT BEST!

But, but, but the video... That proves the gear is gtg better than all those fancy tests, doesn't it? :rolleyes: