Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

But, but, but the video... That proves the gear is gtg better than all those fancy tests, doesn't it? :rolleyes:

Shit and to think I haven't even begun reviewing those TWENTY PAGES of "evidence" that was needed as confirmation ONE AAS was GTG.

Gosh I'm wondering why were the other AAS PC raws only worthy of an quarter page narrative summary? Someone or thing got CHEATED!
Eq raises red blood cell counts.
I have no answer for primo.

There is NO BLOOD assay which will determine if the PC products your cycling are GTG (excluding direct testing for the involved AAS themselves). Heck I doubt the latter is even available excepting perhaps research labs.
But, but, but the video... That proves the gear is gtg better than all those fancy tests, doesn't it? :rolleyes:

Well of course that's the real reason I asked the question, that video could prove me wrong regardless of my approach, fund of knowledge or gestalt.

In fact it could be an insurmountable hurdle IF they conducted a real time video of the actual testing itself, but since thats NOT the case, I'm thinking even someone with my limited knowledge can LEGITIMATELY refute the bullshit PC has posted as "raw purity evidence".
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With your ignorance, close mindedness and failure to comprehend what i wrote, you are the epitome and exact poster child of what I think is wrong with this forum. Can't wait to see some logical/critical thinking from this guy. All you do is spout off and show just how ignorant and bitter you really are.

Blah, blah, blah. You know-it-all, 21-year-old clowns are a dime a dozen so I'm not really concerned with what you think.

I do have to ask, though - how would that lovely young woman with whom you enjoyed Philly cheesesteaks at Geno's in Philadelphia 2 weeks ago feel if you got busted, Sebastian? Would she wait around for you or do you think her parents and friends would convince her that you're a loser she's better off without? I'm guessing on the latter.

Here's a little free advice: Don't link your board handle with your Instagram and Twitter accounts when they're under your real name. It makes LE's job way too easy.
A DIMER is a chemical structure that is formed by the joining of two IDENTICAL or almost identical subunits. One great example is the binding of two identical amino acids to form a DIPEPTIDE!

DIMERIZATION is a that chemical reaction which results in the formation of DIMERS.

Shit but why did I ask such a question?

Bc AAS dimerization SHOULD NOT OCCUR using MS as the chemical reactor/accelerator unless the operator is incompetent. That's bc the voltages required to fragment the carbon covalent bonds would render the parent compound (AAS) unrecognizable, the end product being a sort of "fragmentation soup"!

So IF your MS resulted in dimerization the likelihood the parent compound would remain recognizable (especially at such high purity), and remain identifiable as the base peak would be REMOTE AT BEST!

Dimerization does occur and is relatively common with proteins and peptides when MS is the reactor. It follows then bc dimers are formed thru the binding of structually identical subunits they are readily identifiable on MS bc their MW is revealed as a multiple of the parent compound!

Perhaps now you know why I asked that question :)!
Yes, you are very smart in the area. I never doubted your competence here mate! Add to this my chemical incompetence and poor english language and the picture is clear. I will understand not very much from what you say unfortunately.
In any case, as I said before I will do my best to organize real tests in an independent lab and that report will satisfy you. I hope so at least.
However... you know, one of the guys told me the following:
Just to let you know, no source ever survives here....NONE of them. The Lord himself could come down from the heavens and piss 100% pure tren and in the end, he will be made out to be a scammer or liar. The more you engage these people, the worse it gets. If you indeed have a good product, it will sell itself on other boards and to some here.
After this I doubt whether any tests are really required... You will stay in any case unhappy with something...On the other hand, Pharmacom is a famous brand within lot of years and you will not find really bad and at this proven reviews about our products on other boards...For heaven's sake, Darius and his store with Pharmacom Labs products is clanging all the time the second and the third place in the list of the best and trusted sources. It means something. I don`t think people would buy products and vote for a source with bad gear...
Blah, blah, blah. You know-it-all, 21-year-old clowns are a dime a dozen so I'm not really concerned with what you think.

I do have to ask, though - how would that lovely young woman with whom you enjoyed Philly cheesesteaks at Geno's in Philadelphia 2 weeks ago feel if you got busted, Sebastian? Would she wait around for you or do you think her parents and friends would convince her that you're a loser she's better off without? I'm guessing on the latter.

Here's a little free advice: Don't link your board handle with your Instagram and Twitter accounts when they're under your real name. It makes LE's job way too easy.

You went way too far.

My whole family knows and hers probably does too, without going into detail I'm not the biggest guy on her side of the family and realistically it's more of a problem for future employment than le but you're right, it was very stupid of me, idk why i did that and hopefully an admin can change my user name and i just contacted them.

Also, you're a sick fuck.
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I have... :( I think I was 17, 18?? It really does hurt to pee.. That was the last time I raw dogged a chick I didn't know.. Learned my lesson, could've been a lot worse..

Hahhahaa these stories always make me laugh. Some sorority chick I was banging in college called me while I was at work and said "get over here now. We have to talk" I knew she was pregnant....

Then she told me she had given me the clap. I knew it had been burning when I peed, but I just figured it was too much alcohol. When I heard this news, I was devastated. I'm from the Bible belt bro, I didn't know what the hell "the clap" was. It sounded bad as fuck. I knew my wrecklessness had just contracted me a deadly disease, and my dick was going to fall off.

I remember her looking at me with the squint face as I was freaking the fuck out in her living room, wondering how I was going to tell my friends and family I only had a few months to live.

I remember driving to the doc with my best bro dogg and I told him what happened, all ashamed and shit. He looked at me, laughed, and said, "whaaaaaat?! You haven't LIVED until you've had the clap!" The joy on my face when the doc told me to take a z pack and start wrapping it up, and I'd be fine. Like you JB, that was the end of my rawdog days!
Blah, blah, blah. You know-it-all, 21-year-old clowns are a dime a dozen so I'm not really concerned with what you think.

I do have to ask, though - how would that lovely young woman with whom you enjoyed Philly cheesesteaks at Geno's in Philadelphia 2 weeks ago feel if you got busted, Sebastian? Would she wait around for you or do you think her parents and friends would convince her that you're a loser she's better off without? I'm guessing on the latter.

Here's a little free advice: Don't link your board handle with your Instagram and Twitter accounts when they're under your real name. It makes LE's job way too easy.
CBS, this was beautiful :D:D
Yes, you are very smart in the area. I never doubted your competence here mate! Add to this my chemical incompetence and poor english language and the picture is clear. I will understand not very much from what you say unfortunately.
In any case, as I said before I will do my best to organize real tests in an independent lab and that report will satisfy you. I hope so at least.
However... you know, one of the guys told me the following:

After this I doubt whether any tests are really required... You will stay in any case unhappy with something...On the other hand, Pharmacom is a famous brand within lot of years and you will not find really bad and at this proven reviews about our products on other boards...For heaven's sake, Darius and his store with Pharmacom Labs products is clanging all the time the second and the third place in the list of the best and trusted sources. It means something. I don`t think people would buy products and vote for a source with bad gear...
So who are you? A rep? A owner? A re-seller?

I'm not getting it.

Are you going to answer any of my earlier questions?

To me it's funny one group will day lab max everything (great idea it is) another group says lab max just shows compound not really purity so true now has there been any ugl funding out of there own pocket MS to make things right no not even pharmacom only Darius which is a reseller we all know
Now there are 2 member willing to help the cause to find out the truth (I hope we do this to every ugl) but I strongly suggest Darius pulls those product out of his stock until things are crystal clear
Further we all know the risk so you all telling me your private source never not once gave u under dose gear just once
I cannot believe every private source has 95/98 pure raws
To me it's funny one group will day lab max everything (great idea it is) another group says lab max just shows compound not really purity so true now has there been any ugl funding out of there own pocket MS to make things right no not even pharmacom only Darius which is a reseller we all know
Now there are 2 member willing to help the cause to find out the truth (I hope we do this to every ugl) but I strongly suggest Darius pulls those product out of his stock until things are crystal clear
Further we all know the risk so you all telling me your private source never not once gave u under dose gear just once
I cannot believe every private source has 95/98 pure raws

95-98% purity is impossible IMO...
Can you explain to me how they mass spec'd a tri blend?

I would venture to say those numbers are grossly exaggerated. I've seen pharm grade products from the US with lower purity than most of those.

Unfortunately I can`t. I can only suppose that the active agent is the same, only esters make it tri-blend. Or probably some peaks are typical for each ester... I will better say nothing here in order not to make you lough due to my incompetence in chemistry. I have no any chemical education and do not now, how it works. I am sales manager, not chemist/technologist. But i personally have seen printed essay with stamps and signatures. These were results of our gear made in a lab. The tests were ordered by one of our biggest bulk customers. And after this results he decided to place an order and orders every time. However, of course this is not an evidence, what I have seen.

Is this just a post so that you can get a rise out of those you are referring? Please tell me you don't believe what you just posted and it was just meant to get a reaction.

Have you been to a raw and chemical expo in China? Oh yes you can go there and see all the lovely suppliers of raws for UGL's and shit sources by the hundreds.

Do you understand that China has nobody regulating their facilities(warehouses) where these raws are made. Well actually some do but they get paid to look the other way if the raws are for some UGL.

So.... Let's say all the big pharm companies get their raws from China. Fuck the UK, Canada and the Ukraine. I would think you know Big Pharma test all their powders and do extensive testing after final product are manufactured. Do you think China is going to sell anything but 98% pure powders? Think about it. What is Pharmacon gonna do about it if China sells them 75% pure powders? Exactly! NOT JACK SHIT. And Pharmacon won't even know because they don't test their products like 98% of all UGL's.

If Pharmacom has this huge great facility and spends all this money on that why the hell don't they have all the data(MS/HPLC)from testing the raws and finished products?

I still am getting over the fact that you put Pharmacom and Bayer in the same sentence. SMH

I can't even think now or respond. I don 't even know why I waste my time.

I will say this though. I have never ran Pharmacom and they might be a great UGL. I can't say one way or another. But, if some big UGL tries to come in here and show me 98-99% pure finished products they are insulting my intelligence.

1. My friend, lot of pharmaceutical drugs are made in China. China has its own pharmaceutical market. Tell me, do you think that for example GenSci is an illegal company? Or is their Jintropin fake? This is also China!!! I tell you, if there is a purpose you will find the means to achieve it. For some persons would be for example possible to use their raws. In an unofficial way of course... However still possible... By the way, you mentioned that we do not test the raws, etc. I mentioned now growth hormone. I`ve been asked how we find and chose raws for it. I could not first reply that question, but addressed to our chinese technologist and he gave me an explanation with the data. Please read it here before you continue. And he gave me an example of the test results. I translated them and published here. And I can only repeat, if you think that most of chinese raws is shit, I confirm this, yes. Please read the post i gave the hyperlink to and the assay in that post. The half of 12 tested sources (samples) had no growth hormone at all. 3 sources had cut-off forms of HGH (with cut amino acid residues and lower molecular weight of about 17kDA). In fact only 1/3 of contained real HGH. Here is the link to that essay, just in case. So, believe me, if we chose a source we test his raws and do not buy big batches without any definite results. We have now a trusted supplier, which provide the good quality. And this supplier has its own production facility and produces a wide variety of legal drugs for chinese medicine. I may not and will not tell anything more. In any case my words mean nothing for sceptics here.I just wanted to underline that we would never buy unproven raws and produce unknown products. This is the reason why we absolutely do not mind if anyone here find an opportunity to properly test our products in a lab on respective equipment and publish the results here. While replying your question, what we are going to do if a source is offering 75% raws, we cut this source immediately from our tender list as you could see in that essay. From 12 samples only 4 passed the first step to get into closer consideration. You are drawing too audacious conclusions for a guy which is not aware about the affairs here and how the company works, which equipment has or access to which companies / raws manufacturers.

I mean... Are we even certain this guy posting as a rep for PC isn't just a reseller who is trying to make himself out to be an employee for pharmacom in order to sway business his way?

Clearly Darius is the man to go through, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that this other guy isn't just a jackle trying to steal business.
You want to check it? I posted here this video of our production line (by the way soon there will be the second one with our orals line, I already have its draft version on my laptop), I posted here info, that we start production of amps, I also published here photos of these amps. I told that Pharmacom is going to launch soon drugs for PCT (cabergoline, clomid, tamoxifen, even roaccutane). Have you seen this info or video / photos somewhere else in Internet? No, cause I am the first one who published all this.
Do you want any evidences? You could write some secret phrase to the official Pharmacom Labs mail address (by using their contact form on the official page) and in five minutes I publish this secret phrase here. I only ask myself why I am spending all my time trying to prove something to people which do not accept any proves what makes this affair pointless. I could spend this time developing our site and store. You are in any case absolutely impregnable. We will do just one more thing. As I said before, we are going to perform a test in an independent Swiss lab and will see the results. I hope we will manage to do this. And this time the lab will do everything as Dr. JIM says. There will be reference compounds, which cost extra 100 EURO for each sample. We pay to the lab to buy them. There will be all stamps, signatures, names of testers, etc. It will only need time, but I already received confirmation from my boss and we only hope that the lab will agree to do the tests of these illegal there substances.

So who are you? A rep? A owner? A re-seller?

I'm not getting it.

Are you going to answer any of my earlier questions?


I told this in the very beginning.
I am one of the members of Pharmacom Labs team, sales manager, which is responsible for bulk orders for some regions and subordinate to the company chef which decided from that moment not only to use resellers to sell our products, but also to open the direct store of Pharmacom Labs, which would provide the lowest prices for our products and authenticity guarantee due to the fact that products are shipped out directly from the factory without extra links in the chain, resellers. He empowered me to proceed all orders in this store, to develop it, make worldwide famous and take all decisions regarding this store. And why it takes so long time for the USA to organize domestic deliveries, this is because we were looking for ways and trusted people and now found them. But this thread is not about our store, we have a separate thread for it, so I stop here.
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@Pharmacom Labs you are spending time proving yourself and your company because that's what you should do to gain trust and business.

Thanks for taking the time to post I will dive into it a little later as I don't have much time to respond.

I also never said that the Chinese don't produce or supply pharmaceutical companies.

What I'm saying I can almost guarantee 100% that your finished products DO NOT contain a 98-99% purity? This is for your own education. If you can't except that I don't know what else to tell you.

Again thanks for your time.

So, you are Darius's boss? :)

Darius has stated he is a reseller one of the first so a middle man per say
I just want good gear at a decent price us that so much to ask for
I get it shit we all get raw powder at 98/95 ha ha but label the shit correctly so we know what we gonna put into our bodies
So, you are Darius's boss? :)
Nope. Darius is the oldest reseller of Pharmacom Labs and probably the first one who made this brand really famous in the USA and worldwide thanks to his proper and crucial approach to this business. It is not for nothing you guys respect him and he is Nr.2 (sometimes 3) in the top sources list on eroids. Darius really has always done his best to ensure as smooth service as possible, however it is not always realistic due to the fact that steroids are under a ban in the most countries of the world. This is a risky job.
So, Darius has his own store which is independent from the store I am responsible for. In this meaning we are kind of rivals frankly speaking. But on the other hand we are allies in terms of promoting Pharmacom Labs company and providing as good service and high quality products as possible.
By the way, you guys can consider this as self-conceit, but I really consider Pharmacom Labs as the steroid brand Nr.1 worldwide in the future. Almost 10 years of our experience and our ties in China, technologies / quality (acknowledged not by all here yet) allow me to hope for this. The time will show..
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Blah, blah, blah. You know-it-all, 21-year-old clowns are a dime a dozen so I'm not really concerned with what you think.

I do have to ask, though - how would that lovely young woman with whom you enjoyed Philly cheesesteaks at Geno's in Philadelphia 2 weeks ago feel if you got busted, Sebastian? Would she wait around for you or do you think her parents and friends would convince her that you're a loser she's better off without? I'm guessing on the latter.

Here's a little free advice: Don't link your board handle with your Instagram and Twitter accounts when they're under your real name. It makes LE's job way too easy.
This is why you DO NOT!!! I repeat DO NOT!!! Get in a pissing match with CBS!!
I have zero experience with Labmax.

However, as far as colorimetric tests are concerned, I have a ton of experience. I use pH, dKH, calc., mag., and various other colorimetric tests for use in a reef aquarium. Not sure how similar the process and reagents are, but, those tests have been extremely accurate in my 10+ years of using them a few times a week. Very rarely is there a misreading. Those are cheaper than labmax, and have held up fine.

I think using the price of the test as a way to discredit it holds no weight.

A fellow reefer! How big is your tank? The thing is, it doesn't matter if you use ESV 2 part or plain ole sodium bicarb, or even if your salinity is way off, you'll still get an accurate alk reading. That isn't the case with labmax, which engenders some skepticism.