Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

A fellow reefer! How big is your tank? The thing is, it doesn't matter if you use ESV 2 part or plain ole sodium bicarb, or even if your salinity is way off, you'll still get an accurate alk reading. That isn't the case with labmax, which engenders some skepticism.
Ah, I've had many of them, and I actually ran a business for years building and servicing reefs here.

ATM I just have my small octo tank. Currently building a 240 gal FOWLR for my living room. We just moved into our new house, so this is sort of the last step in the remodel.
Ah, I've had many of them, and I actually ran a business for years building and servicing reefs here.

ATM I just have my small octo tank. Currently building a 240 gal FOWLR for my living room. We just moved into our new house, so this is sort of the last step in the remodel.
Here's a pic of my old blue-ringed before he died (unfortunately they only live about a year)


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I've been running some Anavar from Darius for about 12 days now at 50mg a day. I'm still running the same voodoo prop since my last blood draw and since my estradiol was sky high I got some arimidex from Darius as well. So I've been running the dex for about 15 days.

So If I got some bw done right now I could tell u if his dex is bunk I'm sure, but my only question is would the var at 12 days be leveled out enough to show anything on bloods? I'd have to time it the same as last time as well which was 16 hours after last pin.

I'm really thinking I'm gonna go donate tomorrow just to have something besides these labmax tests. Worth it or no?
I've been running some Anavar from Darius for about 12 days now at 50mg a day. I'm still running the same voodoo prop since my last blood draw and since my estradiol was sky high I got some arimidex from Darius as well. So I've been running the dex for about 15 days.

So If I got some bw done right now I could tell u if his dex is bunk I'm sure, but my only question is would the var at 12 days be leveled out enough to show anything on bloods? I'd have to time it the same as last time as well which was 16 hours after last pin.

I'm really thinking I'm gonna go donate tomorrow just to have something besides these labmax tests. Worth it or no?
Luckily I only ordered a ton of adex from darius last week :(
Luckily I only ordered a ton of adex from darius last week :(

I don't think it's bunk but I honestly have no clue til I get that paperwork. I think I'll do it just to check my estradiol level. Can't hurt. I just don't want to waste money on bw if I can only get results for his ancillaries.

I will do bw on the test and EQ I got but that will be a while down the road.
I don't think it's bunk but I honestly have no clue til I get that paperwork. I think I'll do it just to check my estradiol level. Can't hurt. I just don't want to waste money on bw if I can only get results for his ancillaries.

I will do bw on the test and EQ I got but that will be a while down the road.
Fuck, well, with the amount of aromatizing compounds I'm running, I can tell you within a week if the adex is good, without bloods.

Sure, bloods would help. But my nipples and ankles will be able to tell you with extreme accuracy as well :)

BW on EQ is damn-near impossible, I mean RBC count could be some indicator, but not conclusive.

I am actually very optimistic about Darius.
IW swooping in with basically the same answer :)

Lmao! Well I figured var would do something to my test levels but I wasn't sure.

Well shit I'm at an impass here. My nips are fine and definitely less bloated if that helps. But I guess that could be the var and I don't really have a problem with gyno so I may just wait until I run the test e for BW. Or I may say fuck it and do it now. Gonna think this one over. I just bought a new truck so not rolling in the dough as much as I was last month. Lol
Here's a pic of my old blue-ringed before he died (unfortunately they only live about a year)

Beautiful! Where did you manage to find him? I'm not sure I've ever seen a blue ring with a private aquarist, though I have heard friend-of-a-friend stories about them hitchhiking on LR. I've always liked cephalopods in general, but never had any myself. Plumbing a tank for an octo or cuttlefish into my main system is definitely on the to-do list at some point in the future.

I'll be putting a peninsula (~90g, 4'x30"x16") in the living room this summer, maybe I can talk the GF into another "small" tank next year.
Beautiful! Where did you manage to find him? I'm not sure I've ever seen a blue ring with a private aquarist, though I have heard friend-of-a-friend stories about them hitchhiking on LR. I've always liked cephalopods in general, but never had any myself. Plumbing a tank for an octo or cuttlefish into my main system is definitely on the to-do list at some point in the future.

I'll be putting a peninsula (~90g, 4'x30"x16") in the living room this summer, maybe I can talk the GF into another "small" tank next year.
I can help you with ceph husbandry if you're truly interested. I have kept (successfully, I would call that more or less a year, just given their natural lifespan) flamboyant cuttlefish, wunderpus P., mimic octopus, bimac., blue ringed and some various random specimens people have received on rock and coral shipments, that they were just going to kill.

As far as blue ringed hitchhiking, pretty unlikely. We don't import much rock from Aus., and that's where they primarily come in from. I think that's a boogieman story.

Peninsula tanks are beautiful, are you going to do a rimless one?

I keep my blue rings in a 14 gallon oceanic bio-cube, so it's not too much of a commitment to give one a try. Just don't get bit ;)
I can help you with ceph husbandry if you're truly interested. I have kept (successfully, I would call that more or less a year, just given their natural lifespan) flamboyant cuttlefish, wunderpus P., mimic octopus, bimac., blue ringed and some various random specimens people have received on rock and coral shipments, that they were just going to kill.

As far as blue ringed hitchhiking, pretty unlikely. We don't import much rock from Aus., and that's where they primarily come in from. I think that's a boogieman story.

Peninsula tanks are beautiful, are you going to do a rimless one?

I keep my blue rings in a 14 gallon oceanic bio-cube, so it's not too much of a commitment to give one a try. Just don't get bit ;)

Thanks, I'll probably take you up on that offer when the time comes, possibly this winter or next spring depending on time and budgetary constraints. I've got a few spare 40Bs hanging around, which I figure would probably be OK for smaller species, especially plumbed into the reef to keep water quality high. I imagine my GF might be a little nervous about a blue ring. She's kinda paranoid about aquatic stuff sometimes, and I imagine the idea of something the size of a golf ball that can squeeze out a hole the size of a marble and easily kill a human (or dog) might be a tough sell. I think it's most likely I'd try some sort of cuttlefish first, maybe S. bandensis given the relative availability of CB eggs.

The peninsula will be Euro-braced, 3 sides starphire with an external overflow. It's being built by Miracles right now. I thought about rimless, but decided on euro-bracing to minimize splashing and make installing a screen top a little bit easier.
Thanks, I'll probably take you up on that offer when the time comes, possibly this winter or next spring depending on time and budgetary constraints. I've got a few spare 40Bs hanging around, which I figure would probably be OK for smaller species, especially plumbed into the reef to keep water quality high. I imagine my GF might be a little nervous about a blue ring. She's kinda paranoid about aquatic stuff sometimes, and I imagine the idea of something the size of a golf ball that can squeeze out a hole the size of a marble and easily kill a human (or dog) might be a tough sell. I think it's most likely I'd try some sort of cuttlefish first, maybe S. bandensis given the relative availability of CB eggs.

The peninsula will be Euro-braced, 3 sides starphire with an external overflow. It's being built by Miracles right now. I thought about rimless, but decided on euro-bracing to minimize splashing and make installing a screen top a little bit easier.
For cuttles you almost NEED to buy the eggs. If not, the moment they enter the tank, they smash into the glass and kill themselves. Seen it many times.

I put my flamboyant in a black bag with a little slice in it, and allowed him to crawl out. Only did that as eggs are not an option for them :)

Bimac octo would be your best bet. You can't really fail with them.
For cuttles you almost NEED to buy the eggs. If not, the moment they enter the tank, they smash into the glass and kill themselves. Seen it many times.

I put my flamboyant in a black bag with a little slice in it, and allowed him to crawl out. Only did that as eggs are not an option for them :)

Bimac octo would be your best bet. You can't really fail with them.

Poor cuttlefish, just trying to snuggle the glass...
I like my fish grilled on a taco.

Got my test e today. Adex/dbol on the way. Im glad to havr dbol doing good on the labmaxs if that means anything (anything helps for me).

There is something about the way Darius handles business and his rep that gives me really good vibes plus i WANT him to be good so the biased standpoint is real. Oldest pharmacom distributor and he is cut and dry.

I am actually very optimistic about Darius.
Bloodwork a,week before my test prop masteron anavar cycle.
Currently 10,days into cycle will get bloods in 2 weeks.


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