Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

All the fuckin money on advertising. Take the time to clean out what ever your mixing this shit in so the lab maxes aren't reading different compounds. Cuz I think that's what's up here. Yeah its got eq but test e and tren also.not that the vial is loaded with three different compounds but even residue will throw it off.imo
You went way too far.

My whole family knows and hers probably does too, without going into detail I'm not the biggest guy on her side of the family and realistically it's more of a problem for future employment than le but you're right, it was very stupid of me, idk why i did that and hopefully an admin can change my user name and i just contacted them.

Also, you're a sick fuck.

Haha you're the dumb fuck who has the same screen name on all of your shit...CBS just called you out for it...
Without going into detail, but I know your full name, address and driver license number....You don't think LE is a problem?? Man you young fucks don't have half a brain...
Oh how's the weather in Jersey today? West Orange to be exact....
You went way too far.

My whole family knows and hers probably does too, without going into detail I'm not the biggest guy on her side of the family and realistically it's more of a problem for future employment than le but you're right, it was very stupid of me, idk why i did that and hopefully an admin can change my user name and i just contacted them.

Also, you're a sick fuck.

Haha you're the dumb fuck who has the same screen name on all of your shit...CBS just called you out for it...
Without going into detail, but I know your full name, address and driver license number....You don't think LE is a problem?? Man you young fucks don't have half a brain...
Oh how's the weather in Jersey today? West Orange to be exact....

You're absolutely right, Harry. Cbass is a prime example of what's wrong with kids today. I did him a huge favor by pointing out a massive security risk. Instead of thanking me, which is what any normal person would do, he called me names. No manners.
Haha you're the dumb fuck who has the same screen name on all of your shit...CBS just called you out for it...
Without going into detail, but I know your full name, address and driver license number....You don't think LE is a problem?? Man you young fucks don't have half a brain...
Oh how's the weather in Jersey today? West Orange to be exact....
Fuck you i admitted i made a dumb mistake and I'm trying to change it. I'm messaging the board admins and I'm still waiting for reply back to change my name. Why are you still being a dick and permanently adding more info. This is all over a discussion on raw purities. You guys are sick, what's your problem

It is not for nothing you guys respect him and he is Nr.2 (sometimes 3) in the top sources list on eroids. Darius really has always done his best to ensure as smooth service as possible, .

And that's exactly why few UGL are respected on Meso, their shit kicking arrogant and argumentative attitude, (something Darius apparently lacks).

When will you fellas ever learn to PUT UP AND SHUT UP, rather than try to "prove" your products are GTG by posting the analytical "results" from some other UNDERGROUND TESTING LAB.

These "Labs" are anything but "independent" and I know that's the case bc ONLY uncertified testing labs generate AAS assay results with purities EXCEEDING that of many research standards. Heck you yourself as much as admitted that noting, the "analytical lab PC uses tests all of our products". Well I guess they have no vested interest now do they, LMAO.
SICK FUCK I resemble that remark..problame?? are we the problame ????or is your post the problame????.....*****your out of order, this whole thread is out of order,,ahhh

I like turtles
Has anyone had any experience with pharmacom test prop and masteron?

I'm running the test prop at 350mg/wk... I don't have any bloods to back it up, but it's doing its job. I should also mention I'm running tren ace alongside it at the same dose.
Probably about a week and a half in. Steadily growing while minimally gaining fat. I'm about 27ish days in if I had to guess.
Probably about a week and a half in. Steadily growing while minimally gaining fat. I'm about 27ish days in if I had to guess.

Yeah I'm actually trying to get lean. I'm doing 350mg of prop 350mg of masteron a week and 50mg of anavar ed.
How's your liobo?
Yeah I'm actually trying to get lean. I'm doing 350mg of prop 350mg of masteron a week and 50mg of anavar ed.
How's your liobo?

It was stupid high before I crashed my E2 with letro. I bridged into a bulk cycle from a cut cycle, during the last few weeks of my cut cycle I started to get gyno symptoms so I upped my arimidex dose only to find out that it was bunk when I got a lump. Hoped on letro at 2.5mg for a week and started raloxifene. No longer using an AI in order for my estrogen to get back into normal range since I crashed it, still using ralox and will continue to do so for the rest of this cycle. Libido is slowly coming back. At one point before I crashed my E2 I was popping erections all day at work solely from my girlfriend texting me...
It was stupid high before I crashed my E2 with letro. I bridged into a bulk cycle from a cut cycle, during the last few weeks of my cut cycle I started to get gyno symptoms so I upped my arimidex dose only to find out that it was bunk when I got a lump. Hoped on letro at 2.5mg for a week and started raloxifene. No longer using an AI in order for my estrogen to get back into normal range since I crashed it, still using ralox and will continue to do so for the rest of this cycle. Libido is slowly coming back. At one point before I crashed my E2 I was popping erections all day at work solely from my girlfriend texting me...

I'm actually not using an ai I'll get bloods in 2 weeks and post em up here. If my e2 levels spike up I'll get me some adex.
This is only my second cycle. My e2 levels were normal last cycle I did test c only at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. Sex drive was through the roof lol
^^^^^Back in the day when you purchased prop made from synovex. If you ran it with no ai your nipples would look like safety cones
Or for example our masteron can have an unidentified impurity with m/z 717 (retention time 27.95, contents according to LC-MS about 1%). It may be dimerization product formed during storage or a byproduct of the synthesis.
But this is the best raws of masteron we found among lot of sources.
So, it is very hard, almost impossible to find 100% pure raws. We test and provide the best gear available on the market!

Bc AAS dimerization SHOULD NOT OCCUR using MS as the chemical reactor/accelerator unless the operator is incompetent. That's bc the voltages required to fragment the carbon covalent bonds would render the parent compound (AAS) unrecognizable, the end product being a sort of "fragmentation soup"!

So IF your MS resulted in dimerization the likelihood the parent compound would remain recognizable (especially at such high purity), and remain identifiable as the base peak would be REMOTE AT BEST!

So Franks was talking about an unidentified impurity, theorized it could have been a dimerization product 'formed during storage or a byproduct of the synthesis'.

Then doctor Jim goes off about how if a dimer was formed after the trenbolone molecules entered the mass spectrometer. it would require too strong of an electron beam to get a good spectrum.

Its not like he caught him in a lie or anything.

What exactly is your point doctor Jim?