Labmax Pharmacom Darius - test e, tren e, EQ and Primo

Yes all pharmacom gear running test prop and masteron prop 350mg a week. I inject eod and I'm doing anavar at 50mg everyday.
OK, these are mass spec only tests of primo and EQ. I was half expecting the primo to be testosterone, but apparently not. It (681) isn't primo (MW~414) either, unless the mass references I found on the web are all wrong. The EQ looks like EQ (MW~453) with something else (269) that ruined the labmax test. All just my opinion, of course. Would like to see what everyone else thinks.


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OK, these are mass spec only tests of primo and EQ. I was half expecting the primo to be testosterone, but apparently not. It (681) isn't primo (MW~414) either, unless the mass references I found on the web are all wrong. The EQ looks like EQ (MW~453) with something else (269) that ruined the labmax test. All just my opinion, of course. Would like to see what everyone else thinks.
First of all thank you for your work and contributions that all of us here at meso benefit from [emoji4]
A question i have is , so the primo tested positive for something but at this point we dont know what, is this correct?
Also any idea on concentration of the eq?
First of all thank you for your work and contributions that all of us here at meso benefit from [emoji4]
A question i have is , so the primo tested positive for something but at this point we dont know what, is this correct?
Also any idea on concentration of the eq?
Thank Darius for paying for the tests, and @ironwill1951 for providing the samples and dealing with the lab. I'm just the relay : )

I would rather go by more experienced/educated opinions than my own at this point.
Flenser, Darius and Iron, thank you, very much. This is great for our community.

As far as the results-
I am gathering test E and tren E are clear passes (at least with labmax)

EQ seems pretty likely to be good.

Primo is not so Bueno. As far as molecular weight, I have seen different esters of primo marketed over the years. What are your thoughts on that being a possibility? Seems like a stretch. I'm guessing it's more likely test prop or something.

I would be very interested to test the deca 300 I reveived. flenser, thoughts?
OK, these are mass spec only tests of primo and EQ. I was half expecting the primo to be testosterone, but apparently not. It (681) isn't primo (MW~414) either, unless the mass references I found on the web are all wrong. The EQ looks like EQ (MW~453) with something else (269) that ruined the labmax test. All just my opinion, of course. Would like to see what everyone else thinks.

@Dr JIM , what say you good sir??
Do we have other MS undergoing? Is the primo coming from the reseller of Darius or is directly from Darius?

Any chance we can have test P MS?


@Darius PharmacomStore

@Pharmacom Labs
Do you want to chime in and explain why the primo doesn't look like primo? This is quite serious after all the talks about quality etc. I still want to believe pharmacom is a great UGL. So I'm not jumping the gun, but I'm a bit skeptical at the moment.

test P hasn't look good as well.
OK, these are mass spec only tests of primo and EQ. I was half expecting the primo to be testosterone, but apparently not. It (681) isn't primo (MW~414) either, unless the mass references I found on the web are all wrong. The EQ looks like EQ (MW~453) with something else (269) that ruined the labmax test. All just my opinion, of course. Would like to see what everyone else thinks.

Thank you for sharing this.

Briefly, I'll resume this testing story. Ironwill ordered multiple vials of TEST, TREN, EQ and PRIMO.

TEST & TREN - passed LM. EQ & PRIMO failed.
EQ is definitely legit from the Mass Spec so Labmax failed there.

PRIMO failed both LM and MS, MS indicating another compound there.

Ironwill can confirm he received 2 packages, one from my location (TEST & TREN) and one from my reseller from ASIA. (EQ & PRIMO).
The mass spec clearly indicates an active substance there and not a 0% active concentration compound.
I already started my investigation but all the evidence lead to the fact that some purple top vials were mislabeled by my reseller.
EQ for example is the only Yellow top vial from the Pharmacom line so it can't be mislabeled, but for purple tops, there is DECA, DECA NPP, NOLTOS, MASTERON.

To back up my theory I already sent to Flenser new vials (test, tren, eq, primo) for testing. Results should be in next week.

For further tests, both LM and MS, please get in touch with me by PM or e-mail and I'll cover all the costs.
the eq is good to go , i do believe this was a labeling issue with the primo , when i received it from his shipper darius and i talked about the labeling which is what prompted me to test it .
Thank you for sharing this.

Briefly, I'll resume this testing story. Ironwill ordered multiple vials of TEST, TREN, EQ and PRIMO.

TEST & TREN - passed LM. EQ & PRIMO failed.
EQ is definitely legit from the Mass Spec so Labmax failed there.

PRIMO failed both LM and MS, MS indicating another compound there.

Ironwill can confirm he received 2 packages, one from my location (TEST & TREN) and one from my reseller from ASIA. (EQ & PRIMO).
The mass spec clearly indicates an active substance there and not a 0% active concentration compound.
I already started my investigation but all the evidence lead to the fact that some purple top vials were mislabeled by my reseller.
EQ for example is the only Yellow top vial from the Pharmacom line so it can't be mislabeled, but for purple tops, there is DECA, DECA NPP, NOLTOS, MASTERON.

To back up my theory I already sent to Flenser new vials (test, tren, eq, primo) for testing. Results should be in next week.

For further tests, both LM and MS, please get in touch with me by PM or e-mail and I'll cover all the costs.
You are leading by great example here Darius. Any other source or potential source should take note of this. Your responses to adversity make me beyond comportable to give you my money.