lantus and humalog

Then if everybody is wrong and you’re right then explain to us
For starters. You don’t just instantly drop dead from using insulin even if you fuck up. You start pouring sweat, get severe thirst and hunger to the point where you want to eat everything in the house. If you then continue to sit there and wait without eating for another 30-45 mins then yes you may go hypo to the point that you go unresponsive but if someone's around to call ems you’ll be fine.

I've been a medic for 14 yrs and have used insulin on and off for 10 yrs. It's far from what everyone thinks and from a health perspective it’s way safer than any other compound other than maybe a low dose of test and gh.
I didn't say all of them use it or most of them use it.

Type 2 diabetics still utilize insulin, especially alot of them in an inpatient setting

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Yes but they need highter dose
I dont see a lot of prescription in france of insulin for diabetic type 2
Never seen one to be honest and i’m a pharmacy technician
Yes but they need highter dose
I dont see a lot of prescription in france of insulin for diabetic type 2
Never seen one to be honest and i’m a pharmacy technician
Yea? And people in France arent as unhealthy as the US.

I am not trying to brag but apparently France has 5.3% of their population with T2DM and US has 11%+.

France might be pros at not getting diabetes but by golly we are pros at GETTING IT, so we have alot more people on treatment for it
No most of the time type 2 diabetics don’t have insulin
More like glp1 , metformin, glifozin
They have resistanc to insulin
If you can’t resolve insulin resistance you start injecting insulin to keep blood sugar onther control. That’s when the pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin and gets damaged overtime if not treated. That means a type 2 will need insulin in severe cases like extreme obesity and if left untreated, type 2 can easily become type 1 who needs a ton of insulin
Yea? And people in France arent as unhealthy as the US.

I am not trying to brag but apparently France has 5.3% of their population with T2DM and US has 11%+.

France might be pros at not getting diabetes but by golly we are pros at GETTING IT, so we have alot more people on treatment for it
Diabetic type 2 in france or us doesn’t matter
Unless your type 2 became type 1 there is no reason to used insulin that’s it
If you can’t resolve insulin resistance you start injecting insulin to keep blood sugar onther control. That’s when the pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin and gets damaged overtime if not treated. That means a type 2 will need insulin in severe cases like extreme obesity and if left untreated, type 2 can easily become type 1 who needs a ton of insulin
Yep unless you become type 1 you don’t need insulin
No you need it in certain type 2 patients as an add on to your own insulin to decrease your pancreas workload. This is for someone with severe insulin resistance.
Yeah who is not far away from diabetic type 1

Btw we considered someone like that diabetic type 1 most of the time thoses people don’t leave very long after