Lee Priest PCT Advice

Must be nice, but for the 99% others of us it's a must to recover. Unless your genetically gifted like him I wouldn't advise Lee's pct regime.
Must be nice, but for the 99% others of us it's a must to recover. Unless your genetically gifted like him I wouldn't advise Lee's pct regime.
Nah 100% wouldn't recommend. He even said himself it's probably why isnt able to have kids.
I'm sure he was on plenty of gear when she was conceived considering he started competing when he was 14. I don't know tho, might of caught up to him in his old age [emoji6]
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I would not recommend not using pct , but in the same breath I never have, in the last 30 yrs I tried clomid one time and I got more acne than I ever did from gear so I quit it , I also tried hcg once I did not feel like it did anything, the only problem I ever had was keeping my self motivated and to keep eating a clean diet after I went off .
I would not recommend not using pct , but in the same breath I never have, in the last 30 yrs I tried clomid one time and I got more acne than I ever did from gear so I quit it , I also tried hcg once I did not feel like it did anything, the only problem I ever had was keeping my self motivated and to keep eating a clean diet after I went off .
Damn. Was recovery time a lot slower.?Did you feel the same as you would if you was to pct? I know a few who hadn't used pct post cycle but that's cus they didn't know shit about cycling and they were like 18 lol. It was just unexpected from one of the best bodybuilders.
I would not recommend not using pct , but in the same breath I never have, in the last 30 yrs I tried clomid one time and I got more acne than I ever did from gear so I quit it , I also tried hcg once I did not feel like it did anything, the only problem I ever had was keeping my self motivated and to keep eating a clean diet after I went off .

What you think IWs experience is exclusive, bc no PCT was the standard in the 70s and for many even the 80s
What's up with the Mike Tyson tattoo on his face? Has Lee lost his mind? Not good in my opinion.