Let's talk about PRIMOBOLAN

No gear or cycle is worth this, why are you enduring it? I've never tried primo ace, but primo E hurts a BIT, nothing crazy.
Because I basically got $500 worth of primo ace for the cost of a $30 bottle of dbol. I really just don't want to waste the stuff and I want to see what kind of effect it produces.
I just can't see the benefit of running a higher priced compound like primo, compared to a relatively inexpensive compound like tren... MG per MG, is primo that much better?

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Because you get real gains from primo and very low to no side effects. For me you look more natural. Not like the exploding hulk look where you get higher red blood cells flowing through your muscles that give you that bulk look with lots of water rentention.

You'll get at least 10 lbs lean muscle on it. Of course with proper diet and workout.

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Because you get real gains from primo and very low to no side effects. For me you look more natural. Not like the exploding hulk look where you get higher red blood cells flowing through your muscles that give you that bulk look with lots of water rentention.

You'll get at least 10 lbs lean muscle on it. Of course with proper diet and workout.

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I don't how much you've ran tren, but it's far from the bulk look. Zero water retention and shredded is the tren look. Plus it's 10x more anabolic than test...that makes tren king of all aas.

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Because I basically got $500 worth of primo ace for the cost of a $30 bottle of dbol. I really just don't want to waste the stuff and I want to see what kind of effect it produces.
Well hell you should definitely not let it go to waste.
When I got 1test cyp that had horrible pip I cut it with test and eq and did daily shot to reduces the amount in each spot. Make sure you rotate injection sites alot. I used glutes, ventro glute, lats, side delts, and pecks. That gives you a 10 day rotation to use and gives each muscle a good break because when it hit a muscle to much with something with bad pip I will always get a sterile abscess, I think is the term, where my immune system attacks the hormone because it thinks it's something else.

Just my 5 cents bud. Hope it helps. Definitely go daily and use all those sites with the. Test or eq cutter. It will make an amazing difference. This works with bold ace too.
Mine weren't terrible on 100mg a week. From research I've come across both that it's mild on lipids and that it trashes your lipids, not sure what to believe because i never see bloods.
Did u see any results on 100mg a week ? I'm assuming along with a trt dose
My cholesterol is really good just had it checked 4 weeks after pct from my test anavar cycle. Only thing is my lipoprotein a is fuckin crazy high but I was told that's genetic And there's nothing I can do for it except keep my ldl very low like I have been so that's my main concern with running it with my trt
Did u see any results on 100mg a week ? I'm assuming along with a trt dose
My cholesterol is really good just had it checked 4 weeks after pct from my test anavar cycle. Only thing is my lipoprotein a is fuckin crazy high but I was told that's genetic And there's nothing I can do for it except keep my ldl very low like I have been so that's my main concern with running it with my trt

Hard to say really. Still making progress in the gym. Less e2 than a similar dose of test put me by itself. From what i read it shouldn't really do that, but that was my experience.
Hard to say really. Still making progress in the gym. Less e2 than a similar dose of test put me by itself. From what i read it shouldn't really do that, but that was my experience.
How long have u been running it ?
Does it at least give some good pump ? Lol I loved anavar for that reason
Yea I feel u I can run up to 500mg test with no ai and still come back with my e2 below 38 . Guess I'll have to try it and see
How long have u been running it ?
Does it at least give some good pump ? Lol I loved anavar for that reason
Yea I feel u I can run up to 500mg test with no ai and still come back with my e2 below 38 . Guess I'll have to try it and see

I believe ten weeks now. Just bumped it to 200mg a week this week and considering just bumping it to 400mg until i start my next blast in March.

I can't really tell anything pump wise.

I'm using 150mg a week of test and the same dose last year alone put my e2 over 100. With the primo is was like 40.

That's the reason I'm running it is just a little extra for my cruise and to eliminate the need for AI to give my body a break from it. Gonna try mast for it at some point.
Well hell you should definitely not let it go to waste.
When I got 1test cyp that had horrible pip I cut it with test and eq and did daily shot to reduces the amount in each spot. Make sure you rotate injection sites alot. I used glutes, ventro glute, lats, side delts, and pecks. That gives you a 10 day rotation to use and gives each muscle a good break because when it hit a muscle to much with something with bad pip I will always get a sterile abscess, I think is the term, where my immune system attacks the hormone because it thinks it's something else.

Just my 5 cents bud. Hope it helps. Definitely go daily and use all those sites with the. Test or eq cutter. It will make an amazing difference. This works with bold ace too.

How would you compare 1-test pip wise and gains wise to primo?
What I can tell you from running primo myself is that you keep your gains.

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I can't. I haven't run primo because I can't afford it most of the time. All my extra money goes to hgh.

Oh. How did you like the 1-test?

How much does primo go or these days? My raw source is selling it for $15 per gram which seems pretty cheap. Whether or not it's legit is a different story
Oh. How did you like the 1-test?

How much does primo go or these days? My raw source is selling it for $15 per gram which seems pretty cheap. Whether or not it's legit is a different story
I really like 1test cyp (dhb) it gave me some nice muscle gains. Also seemed to help with fat loss although my training was insane at the time so may have just helped preserve muscle. I am going to stack it with tren next time I run it. My buddy did this and had an awesome effect on him.
Wow. Someone got fucked and it sure wasn't you.

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Consider it a early Xmas gift from me to him. I was gonna trash it. The pip and flu like symptoms wasn't worth it to me.
Primo Ace is the absolute worse pip EVER.
The hell with $500 wasn't gonna feel like shit day in and day out. That dbol bottle
Was resold with some brewed test I made. I don't buy from labs anymore.