Let's talk about PRIMOBOLAN

The more I read about the results people get it interests me. I'm a pip vagina so I may give e a try.
The more I read about the results people get it interests me. I'm a pip vagina so I may give e a try.
I'm a glutton for punishment so I'm sticking it out with the ace but almost every person I read about trying primo ace never finished their cycle. It is really that painful.
Pretty sure I have read that primo does have some potential sides, but the interwebs are full of misinformation. Can anyone chime in on any sides they've experienced from primo?
its not that it has no sides but you don't get severe night sweats or an uncontrollable cough that makes you think you will die, or weaken your lung capacity so you cant do cardio, or makes your temper so short that even your minister hates you,
if you think you will miss all those things don't use primo.
recently I have become very interested in primobolan. I've heard many people talking about primo as the Rolls Royce of steroids. No side effects, pure muscle gains, tissue growth in a deficit, and that primo was the compound that changed the appearance of their physique forever. I want to know what you know about primo. Your experience with it. Primobolan Enanthate, primo acetate, and oral primo ace. I'm currently 3 days in on injectable primo acetate. 1.1cc every day, dosed at 75mg/ml. Most painful compound I've ever used, but if the stories are true it'll be worth it. Is around 600mg primo ace a week enough? Let's start the discussion.
Haha! I just finished my primo cycle 2 weeks ago. I'm now in day 15 after last pin. Waiting 4 more days till I start PCT cycle.

Primo is legit. My first shot was painful. Not the shot it self, but the day after my ass was sore for 2 days. Then every shot after that never hurt. Weird right?

I was doing 400mg primo/week. With 500 test/week. My first cycle.

I started natty 145 lbs 15% body fat. 12 weeks in I was 158 lbs 13% body fat.

Now I'm of gear and maintaining at 154 lbs with a body fat of 12%

I did not focus in cardio during this cycle. Only did cardio twice a week 20min each time.

My next cycle I will do alot of cardio [emoji4] since it ends mid summer.

Pre blood work my Testosterone level was 466 with an estrogen level of 16.8

Mid blood work my testosterone level was 5080 and estrogen level 48

Post blood work 2 weeks after last pin my testosterone level is 789 with an estrogen level of 38

Even though I'm off primo now and it's now 15 days after last pin. I'm still beast mode at the gym. I lifting weights and training just as hard as when I was on gear. Lost zero strength. I'm actually pushing a little more off gear. Weird.

While on primo my gains were slow but solid. Strength came gradually and so did the weight. So it wasn't obvious at the gym that I was on gear. 8 weeks in that's when I started getting random compliments at the gym. So I would recommend primo, because it feels like a more natural steady solid gains. You don't get all that water weight. For side effects, I had only a few pimples on my face. Fuck like a bunny. Probably from The test.

Some guys use other gear and it's very obvious. Just 2 months and they blow up 30-40 lbs. Then off cycle they drop 30 lbs lol

Well that's my experience with primo. We will see what happens when I start PCT cycle.

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I never experienced the flu symptoms

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I've never run primo. Just mentioning what these guys were reporting earlier in the thread. Doesn't sound like fun to me, and I'm a fan of short esters and ed pinning even.
Haha! I just finished my primo cycle 2 weeks ago. I'm now in day 15 after last pin. Waiting 4 more days till I start PCT cycle.

Primo is legit. My first shot was painful. Not the shot it self, but the day after my ass was sore for 2 days. Then every shot after that never hurt. Weird right?

I was doing 400mg primo/week. With 500 test/week. My first cycle.

I started natty 145 lbs 15% body fat. 12 weeks in I was 158 lbs 13% body fat.

Now I'm of gear and maintaining at 154 lbs with a body fat of 12%

I did not focus in cardio during this cycle. Only did cardio twice a week 20min each time.

My next cycle I will do alot of cardio [emoji4] since it ends mid summer.

Pre blood work my Testosterone level was 466 with an estrogen level of 16.8

Mid blood work my testosterone level was 5080 and estrogen level 48

Post blood work 2 weeks after last pin my testosterone level is 789 with an estrogen level of 38

Even though I'm off primo now and it's now 15 days after last pin. I'm still beast mode at the gym. I lifting weights and training just as hard as when I was on gear. Lost zero strength. I'm actually pushing a little more off gear. Weird.

While on primo my gains were slow but solid. Strength came gradually and so did the weight. So it wasn't obvious at the gym that I was on gear. 8 weeks in that's when I started getting random compliments at the gym. So I would recommend primo, because it feels like a more natural steady solid gains. You don't get all that water weight. For side effects, I had only a few pimples on my face. Fuck like a bunny. Probably from The test.

Some guys use other gear and it's very obvious. Just 2 months and they blow up 30-40 lbs. Then off cycle they drop 30 lbs lol

Well that's my experience with primo. We will see what happens when I start PCT cycle.

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Were you using Primo E? Which ether were you using? I would still technically consider you still "on cycle" since the Test E hasn't cleared your system yet. Your blood work even shows it. Wait until after PCT to see what gains you keep and then judge if it was a successful cycle.
Were you using Primo E? Which ether were you using? I would still technically consider you still "on cycle" since the Test E hasn't cleared your system yet. Your blood work even shows it. Wait until after PCT to see what gains you keep and then judge if it was a successful cycle.
I used GP Prima 100 (100 mg/mL)
Methenolone Enanthate

Yup that's why I'm waiting for when I start PCT. I hope I don't lose it all.

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Any other sides, or is that really it?
I had no sides from primo besides the pimples on my face. It wasn't acne just random pimples here and there. Oily face but it reduced when I drank more and more water and started using face wash when I shower. I rinse my face with cold water after the gym then use oxypads to wipe my face. That shit turns from white to brown lol.

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I had no sides from primo besides the pimples on my face. It wasn't acne just random pimples here and there. Oily face but it reduced when I drank more and more water and started using face wash when I shower. I rinse my face with cold water after the gym then use oxypads to wipe my face. That shit turns from white to brown lol.

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Tbh I'm primarily concerned with hair loss, since it's more of a permanent side effect.