Letter from Western Union

You don't know me you little pansy you think you know me because of how nice I've been around here I'd beat that fake fuck with all his flashy tattoos any fuckin day..
Sorry mother fuckers think I'm gonna roll around on the ground with you fat pieces of Shit like weighted pull up with his 65" waste haha that motha fucka is the sorryest excuse for a bodybuilder I have ever scene haha I can't believe that motha fucka had the balls to start a thread on me then Mands backs him with his fake HGH kits yeah I know all about your shills and Shit that goes on behind the scenes here I watch you stupid motha fuckas for a long time a lot of people like me :D
Stupid motha fuckers I swear talk about dumb bodybuilders haha

This summer point pleasant
Let's get all you big goofy motha fuckas on the boardwalk so I can One By One smack your silly asses into submission so all the Jersey Shore can watch ;)

Go suck some more dick CBS!!

Manwhore needs to go to work now I'll be back later to bash a few more of you fat pigs.. ;)

If you're gonna trash talk people, at least be man enough to tag them, MW.

@weighted chinup
You don't know me you little pansy you think you know me because of how nice I've been around here I'd beat that fake fuck with all his flashy tattoos any fuckin day..
Sorry mother fuckers think I'm gonna roll around on the ground with you fat pieces of Shit like weighted pull up with his 65" waste haha that motha fucka is the sorryest excuse for a bodybuilder I have ever scene haha I can't believe that motha fucka had the balls to start a thread on me then Mands backs him with his fake HGH kits yeah I know all about your shills and Shit that goes on behind the scenes here I watch you stupid motha fuckas for a long time a lot of people like me :D
Stupid motha fuckers I swear talk about dumb bodybuilders haha

This summer point pleasant
Let's get all you big goofy motha fuckas on the boardwalk so I can One By One smack your silly asses into submission so all the Jersey Shore can watch ;)

Go suck some more dick CBS!!

Manwhore needs to go to work now I'll be back later to bash a few more of you fat pigs.. ;)
What are you even talking about MANWHORE? What thread an what fake HGH?

@MANWHORE what the deal? I remember talking to you last year about some sourcing you were doing and told you just to make it right and explain yourself to other members. I also told you it was a bad idea. That was all of our interaction back then.

Not sure what this is coming from? You must have had me on your mind for a long time man.

@MANWHORE what the deal? I remember talking to you last year about some sourcing you were doing and told you just to make it right and explain yourself to other members. I also told you it was a bad idea. That was all of our interaction back then.

Not sure what this is coming from? You must have had me on your mind for a long time man.

You came out on weighted's post and told him good job about a faked prop test and some idiot getting an infection from not washing his ass..
Good job? Wtf?
None of that Shit was true all I saw was ultimate being backed by shills like Brutus and Johnny so I can understand why they bashed my lab but you coming out telling them good job.
I not only been here longer than anyone I helped more motha fuckers on this board than all you sorry asses from my own fuckin pocket!
Fuck this board and all your shilled sourced its a fuckin joke!
Nigger is a low life you idiot has nothing to do with race
Incorrect moron. It is slang for negro, whick means black... of all the shit spewing out of your mouth right now i find it very easy to ignore that is absolute retardation. The "i have black friends " shit is racist deflection, and if everyone didnt already know you were bottom feeding garbage they do now. Scum, scum, scum. Jersey shore indeed.
Incorrect moron. It is slang for negro, whick means black... of all the shit spewing out of your mouth right now i find it very easy to ignore that is absolute retardation. The "i have black friends " shit is racist deflection, and if everyone didnt already know you were bottom feeding garbage they do now. Scum, scum, scum. Jersey shore indeed.
Correction Nigger!
Your black country boy friends aren't the same as my black city friends and you are a fuckin nigger no doubt about it.
Incorrect moron. It is slang for negro, whick means black... of all the shit spewing out of your mouth right now i find it very easy to ignore that is absolute retardation. The "i have black friends " shit is racist deflection, and if everyone didnt already know you were bottom feeding garbage they do now. Scum, scum, scum. Jersey shore indeed.
the way I'm using it here you fuckin idiot..
You have uncle Tom black friends it's not the same you dirty bastard!
Correction Nigger!
Your black country boy friends aren't the same as my black city friends and you are a fuckin nigger no doubt about it.

the way I'm using it here you fuckin idiot..
You have uncle Tom black friends it's not the same you dirty bastard!

Its sad when someone doesnt realize they have trully cracked. We'll pray for you buddy. Whatever your on, we hope you pull through bro. Sad. Prayers sent.