Liquid Muscle

Test Junki

Merry Christmas to all

I am Test Junki

I would like to come aboard MESO. Been reading the forums for a about a 2 years. I know my ass kicking is coming now for the next few months.

Offering a single item

50ml Testosterone enanthate

I don't want to be in the lime light but cant start out as a private source pushing 1 item.

Been on the sauce now for 20 plus years. How I got into making my own was when I was first put on TRT the cost was $325.00 a month for AndroGel. Insurance not covering any of it. After about a year doc put me on Inject costing 100.00 a month. This is affordable but I could do the same at a fraction of the cost.

There is nothing I would not sell you that I myself would not pin.

All Jugs are professional labeled
I use Filtered Grapeseed
filter finished .22
dry heat

I have never had a issue nor has anyone else.
What the hell. Show my some titties and I'm in.

I been reading this board for a while and I knew the pic thing was coming. I preparing some pics now of inventory.

My girl will not allow me to even take a pic of titties. I could ask and beg but her answer will always be no
I been reading this board for a while and I knew the pic thing was coming. I preparing some pics now of inventory.

My girl will not allow me to even take a pic of titties. I could ask and beg but her answer will always be no
Sounds like you been here before...
50 mg/ml huh?

You may attract a few TRTers... Not the worst idea... Unless you plan to ship them in preloaded syringes. :eek::D

GL, fella.

Edit: My reading ability is suspect today. :D
50 ml, that's a little different. What's the mg per ml?
Admittedly not many labs offer gear in 50ml jugs, as the 10ml ones seem tiny as anything. Who knows, this one may just be pure salad oil :rolleyes:
I have been wanting to open up for around 1 month now. I have more powder in different places. My point of posting pic is to see I am involved.

I'm here for you all who want to try.