Test Junki
2 orders a day? You chose to come to one of the biggest most visible forums out there. What shortcuts will you make if you received 20 orders a day? 200 orders? Stop filtering?
I will not except any more than 2 orders.
When I used the term shortcut my head was thinking how many people order anavar and get winny. My head was thinking the cost of a kg of anavar to a kg of winny. 4000 to 1500 and most new comers cant tell so many mix or sell winny as anavar. So a short cut on a big board would be order a kg winny and offer anavar and winny as 2 items. I can remember a story a great source was selling the best Primo everyone loved it and many many people were buying and paying top doller for it when the testing first came to light someone paid to have his tested came back Test E and EQ. That was a story I have read many years ago.
I am filled with stories , guys selling hcg as hgh guys selling IGF and sending hcg. people bought because back then and now mods were in sources pockets and they made a real fancy label. This don't happen hear, guess where I want to be in at