Liquid Muscle

2 orders a day? You chose to come to one of the biggest most visible forums out there. What shortcuts will you make if you received 20 orders a day? 200 orders? Stop filtering?

I will not except any more than 2 orders.

When I used the term shortcut my head was thinking how many people order anavar and get winny. My head was thinking the cost of a kg of anavar to a kg of winny. 4000 to 1500 and most new comers cant tell so many mix or sell winny as anavar. So a short cut on a big board would be order a kg winny and offer anavar and winny as 2 items. I can remember a story a great source was selling the best Primo everyone loved it and many many people were buying and paying top doller for it when the testing first came to light someone paid to have his tested came back Test E and EQ. That was a story I have read many years ago.

I am filled with stories , guys selling hcg as hgh guys selling IGF and sending hcg. people bought because back then and now mods were in sources pockets and they made a real fancy label. This don't happen hear, guess where I want to be in at
My whole time doing this I have never had any issues. I would draw from the vial and pin into muscle.

I don't like the amber vials for the same reason. I do filter with .22 I can post pic I have of them in there sealed bags. The vial being clear if people want that I can order them. I have but not selling 10ml vials for 1 buddy who likes his crazy blends in MTC oil. It looks way better a clear liquid in a clear vial. Maybe a clear label with just words.

I have not read every thread but I'm guessing someone got a cat hair in a vial? Years ago on Gymace board there was a overseas source who send a bottle that had a floating dead small mosquitoes in it to a member and he posted pic of it.

I know this is MESO and you heard this 1000 times but I would not sell you anything I would not inject into myself.
Don't think selling gear in non sealed vials will be acceptable here, since there's a unsterile gear is running rampant through meso

1.) Post pics of membrane filter that say they'e sterile .2

2.) Post pics of the types of vial dispensing unit (aka pipettor) you use

3.). We all know you brew in the kitchen so spare us. Post pics of your counter tops please

Meso, today' date.
1-show is the results of the Raws, it’s just test e. Can’t be that hard
2-pics of lab,filters, and hopefully no fucking pets!
3-nobody cares that u have a stack of hundreds. It doesn’t mean that You won’t fuck us!
4-I would change those fancy labels, you have heard of Musclehead320....right.

Hello I will copy from email what my powder guy sent me. In my eyes that don't mean shit to me. what he had tested does not mean that what he sent me. I tell the truth.

I'm trying to say I will not fuck you by stating I want 2 orders and max of 200.00 each order. If you got balls and I will put this out there hear and now because someone in a earlier post said my excepting 200 max is a sign I don't have it together. here how well I work send me any amount of money under 10.00 send it any where you want in one of 4 states I will give you to chose , make up a receivers name and don't tell me and never tell me yours. just send me MTCN I will get it within 30 min of you sending me just MTCN.

I just stated how well I am together in this. Prove me wrong I have been here 3 hours . I will get it. so if I can get that I can get 1000s. But I chose not to. But please try me for 3.00 and see how well I am together.

I have never heard of Musclehead320, feel free to advise me
Shit pic when I was home I will get close up later when home.

I never stated I had a lab or I brewed in a lab. If anyone came here with a story of a lab they own I would call bs.

I am a kitchen chemist. Lol

I have no problem posting pic with dates

Don't think selling gear in non sealed vials will be acceptable here, since there's a unsterile gear is running rampant through meso

1.) Post pics of membrane filter that say they'e sterile .2

2.) Post pics of the types of vial dispensing unit (aka pipettor) you use

3.). We all know you brew in the kitchen so spare us. Post pics of your counter tops please

Meso, today' date.
here how well I work send me any amount of money under 10.00 send it any where you want in one of 4 states I will give you to chose , make up a receivers name and don't tell me and never tell me yours. just send me MTCN I will get it within 30 min of you sending me just MTCN.
What does this mean? Prove? And why?
I been reading this board for a while and I knew the pic thing was coming. I preparing some pics now of inventory.

My girl will not allow me to even take a pic of titties. I could ask and beg but her answer will always be no
Um, where shall I start? I have tons of questions, but I'll start with a few. Each question deserves an answer.

1.) How long have you guys been brewing?

2.) Why come to Meso and who told you to come here?

3.) Do you have any reps?

4.) Do you have pics of brewing setup?
This includes filters, beakers, carrier oil, scales (with the dates, mesorx and your labs name). Also include rubber gloves & lab coats

5.) Pics of stock. Low stock items are a no no here.

6.) Are you using presealed vials.

7.) Have you gotten labmax, qualitative or quantitative testing done on your products.

8.) You sure you never sourced on any other steroid forums

These are just a few questions to start.

Where do you get your raws?

Do you test you raws? Post up the results)

Photos of lab set up/filtration?(Include Meso name and current date)

What type of filters are used?(Photos with Meso name and Date)

How often are filters rotated?

Sterilization protocols for vials and caps?

What type of oil do you use?

And fucking so on! If you had put in the time to really research this board you should have the answers to the questions readily available. So wtf's up?????

Also i wana see all your HPLC/Mass Spec reports on all your raws before they were brewed to see what kind of purity you was working with in order to be able to brew your TestE to 100% full dosages. My guess is you have nothin to prove the purity of your raws which leads me to believe you are brewing blindfolded......
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What does this mean? Prove? And why?

on page 2 this is what was said to me about only excepting 200 max
The fact you can only accept $200 is a sign you don't have your shit together.

I can except anything I want and that was my way of proving that I can. but I don't want a order above 200. can I except one , yes, is my shit together , yes and I made a challenge to prove how good its together by giving anyone the chance to prove it wrong.

I chose just to sell test and I chose 200 and I chose 2 orders a day. I don't want more but I could have but don't want it
Um, where shall I start? I have tons of questions, but I'll start with a few. Each question deserves an answer.

1.) How long have you guys been brewing?

2.) Why come to Meso and who told you to come here?

3.) Do you have any reps?

4.) Do you have pics of brewing setup?
This includes filters, beakers, carrier oil, scales (with the dates, mesorx and your labs name). Also include rubber gloves & lab coats

5.) Pics of stock. Low stock items are a no no here.

6.) Are you using presealed vials.

7.) Have you gotten labmax, qualitative or quantitative testing done on your products.

8.) You sure you never sourced on any other steroid forums

These are just a few questions to start.

Where do you get your raws?

Do you test you raws? Post up the results)

Photos of lab set up/filtration?(Include Meso name and current date)

What type of filters are used?(Photos with Meso name and Date)

How often are filters rotated?

Sterilization protocols for vials and caps?

What type of oil do you use?

And fucking so on! If you had put in the time to really research this board you should have the answers to the questions readily available. So wtf's up?????

lol I like this.

I will get to it.

I will say I don't have a lab and I have never stated anything was made in a lab. I do every in my power to keep it clean.

I will get back to this will all the answer
Hello I will copy from email what my powder guy sent me. In my eyes that don't mean shit to me. what he had tested does not mean that what he sent me. I tell the truth.

I'm trying to say I will not fuck you by stating I want 2 orders and max of 200.00 each order. If you got balls and I will put this out there hear and now because someone in a earlier post said my excepting 200 max is a sign I don't have it together. here how well I work send me any amount of money under 10.00 send it any where you want in one of 4 states I will give you to chose , make up a receivers name and don't tell me and never tell me yours. just send me MTCN I will get it within 30 min of you sending me just MTCN.

I just stated how well I am together in this. Prove me wrong I have been here 3 hours . I will get it. so if I can get that I can get 1000s. But I chose not to. But please try me for 3.00 and see how well I am together.

I have never heard of Musclehead320, feel free to advise me
Ok I believe u can receive money..all good! One of the things musclehead got in trouble for was counterfeiting a companies product...hence that’s why I mentioned your labels! You don’t wanna bring anymore attention to what you’re doing than u have to.That’s all.
Pics of how you brew and what you brew with!
If the paperwork from your powder guy doesn’t mean shit to you, how do we know you’re selling a legit product! Has anything been tested...blood work...anything? Or were just hoping it’s good....
on page 2 this is what was said to me about only excepting 200 max
The fact you can only accept $200 is a sign you don't have your shit together.

I can except anything I want and that was my way of proving that I can. but I don't want a order above 200. can I except one , yes, is my shit together , yes and I made a challenge to prove how good its together by giving anyone the chance to prove it wrong.

I chose just to sell test and I chose 200 and I chose 2 orders a day. I don't want more buy I could have but don't want it
Thats not what i meant. I understand you can accept any amount. So youre saying receiving an amount under 10 bucks proves that? Then what? :confused:Regardless, you have WU receivers set up in 4 states for a test e only $200 a day operation?
Ok I believe u can receive money..all good! One of the things musclehead got in trouble for was counterfeiting a companies product...hence that’s why I mentioned your labels! You don’t wanna bring anymore attention to what you’re doing than u have to.That’s all.
Pics of how you brew and what you brew with!
If the paperwork from your powder guy doesn’t mean shit to you, how do we know you’re selling a legit product! Has anything been tested...blood work...anything? Or were just hoping it’s good....
I brought the notion of counterfet vials to his attention already. Hope he understands he'l do more time for counterfeiting than illegal sales.

I doubt it
Ok I believe u can receive money..all good! One of the things musclehead got in trouble for was counterfeiting a companies product...hence that’s why I mentioned your labels! You don’t wanna bring anymore attention to what you’re doing than u have to.That’s all.
Pics of how you brew and what you brew with!
If the paperwork from your powder guy doesn’t mean shit to you, how do we know you’re selling a legit product! Has anything been tested...blood work...anything? Or were just hoping it’s good....

I'm in this for years , one time my powder guy had a hiccup . If you remember about 4 years ago the guys were having painfull test e . They were skipping the final was to rinse carbolic acid off. Well I had about 2kg of it. I brew 1000ml at a time so I new I had a issue going into batch number 2. I was one of a few who tried washing in distilled water and backing. I did this 100g at a time with 7 to 10% loss and it worked.

Other than that I can tell you my powder is great I have the same following and Test is what make us grow .

My knowledge of this brewing is maybe dated back 2005.

My labels I don't think are a copy , like I said I changed a lot of it. I can change them at any given time I want. I really like the clear label in a clear bottle. We will see

your 100% right when you say I'm hoping its good. Its always a risk with this game. I hope every time its the best stuff. I don't control that part of it but my guy been around for a very long time. As we all know at any given time someone goes bad. I know in my life maybe 5 guys who retired and did it the right way.
Thats not what i meant. I understand you can accept any amount. So youre saying receiving an amount under 10 bucks proves that? Then what? :confused:Regardless, you have WU receivers set up in 4 states for a test e only $200 a day operation?

sir it is what it is. I'm here for 200.00 a day maybe 2 orders a day with a 6 day TA. if you believe me read my list on day 7 I'm late with package stop ordering. I don't want the big 1200 scam. ok

2 orders a day 200.00 max 6 day ta. easy and the business don't effect my life.

if I'm a day late on your order shut me down in my own thread . I give you my word
lol I like this.

I will get to it.

I will say I don't have a lab and I have never stated anything was made in a lab. I do every in my power to keep it clean.

I will get back to this will all the answer
These answers should have been posted before you setup shop. You stated you'e been reading up on meso before you posted, right? You know how things operate here.

Or are you not trustworthy?

Since you'e posted pics on $$$ and products, why haven' we seen filtration devices with today' date already.

Remember for each member that ask a simple request, you must comply...
These answers should have been posted before you setup shop. You stated you'e been reading up on meso before you posted, right? You know how things operate here.

Or are you not trustworthy?

Since you'e posted pics on $$$ and products, why haven' we seen filtration devices with today' date already.

Remember for each member that ask a simple request, you must comply...

I have been reading along time on MESO and your right , I'm half cocked . I will fix

Trust in this game , they say always trust your supplier. Meso says trust no one we can go bad at any time. I'm not asking anyone here to trust me. Time builds trust, not true we can go bad at any time. so it come down to this as I was taught years ago " only spend what you can afford to loose" This is how I think when I buy

I am not home. I believe I posted in page 3 a shit pic of my .22 filters. when I am home I will get better pics of bags. I buy by the case. No problem
sir it is what it is. I'm here for 200.00 a day maybe 2 orders a day with a 6 day TA. if you believe me read my list on day 7 I'm late with package stop ordering. I don't want the big 1200 scam. ok

2 orders a day 200.00 max 6 day ta. easy and the business don't effect my life.

if I'm a day late on your order shut me down in my own thread . I give you my word
Lets just cut the bullshit act! You showed pics of tren e raws and gh boxes, for what? To show you have them but theyre not for sale? Right! Youre a source whos been reading Meso for a long time- no clue about musclehead tho, right? It be in your best interest to learn who he is and how he got caught up, so you know what NOT to do! Also, why is it when pics are asked, you guys always say "im not home right now, pics to come" lol, at least 8 times now in the year ive been year. Ahhh, whatever, "it is what it is"
Damn fuckin right it should have. Where the fuck he think he is? The land of the unforgivin thatz where. I want all my questions answered @Test Junki along with all of your HPLC/Mass Specs. My guess is you have none whatsoever. So jus how do you believe that your 250 isnt 50 or worse. Bunk as fuck!!!!!

I have what my supplier send me. I will posy for your enjoyment. to me it what he send me means shit.

Well you can at any time do the freezer test with test e . This works but you will only see the crystal crash not knowing the MG. If I posted blood work for myself and say I only pin 1cc a week and my levels were 1800 what would that mean. nothing. whos to say thease guys testing hgh are really only pining 1 vial before blood work . If I gave 6 kits away and said pin 2 vials and say 1 most would. You your self have to see and compare to past test results.

I can send someone a 50 ml to test, now what if I made his at 350mg/ml painless he post great results then I send you 100mg . its the game that is played. This is why I say 2 orders and 200 max.