Liquid Muscle

View attachment 81999 In my mail box from supplier. Don’t mean shit to me
You should have already sent your sampmes into Analyzer to have your raws tested before ever even attempting to brew. Now what youve done is brewed a shit load of unknown Test. You have no data to go by besides what your supplier sent you wich im sure is completely legit smfdh. If youve been here an studying Meso as long as you said you had been then why in the fuck have you not sent samples into analyzer an had them tested before ever brewing mystery powder in the 1st place?????......Unprepared at its finest with this one fellas
4EC74654-DDA3-4BB1-9918-63C5F957C243.jpeg 4EC74654-DDA3-4BB1-9918-63C5F957C243.jpeg 4EC74654-DDA3-4BB1-9918-63C5F957C243.jpeg It will be refiltered.

Here is a pic of the guy I’m with now calf’s. I told him meso want pics of titties. We see what he can come up with for you guys.

Since u used a non-sterile zapcap-cr to filter ur current stock. Will u refilter all of current stock with appropriate (S or S+) sterile filter? If so, how can we be certain that this is in fact done?
Good Morning MESO
Pics of filtration components with today' date, meso and time.

Pics of your HPLC TESTING

Did you put the date and time along with meso on that 2.5kg of test raw yet? Not sure I saw if, but if you did, please repost so we know you currently have it and its ready for brewing.

Don't remember seeing a pic of a clean countertop either.

Did you post a pic of your carrier oil? Don't think I seen that either.

Pic of your vial dispensing equipment?

Thank you

Oh, good morning
View attachment 82033 View attachment 82033 View attachment 82033 It will be refiltered.

Here is a pic of the guy I’m with now calf’s. I told him meso want pics of titties. We see what he can come up with for you guys.

So you WERE planning on selling ear that wasn' sterile? You ready for business... Lol

Did you notify your customers of your mistake? Are you going to refund them their $$$. It seems as though you have a lot from the pics you posted. Maybe a refund plus gear is appropriate.
My whole time doing this I have never had any issues. I would draw from the vial and pin into muscle.

I don't like the amber vials for the same reason. I do filter with .22 I can post pic I have of them in there sealed bags. The vial being clear if people want that I can order them. I have but not selling 10ml vials for 1 buddy who likes his crazy blends in MTC oil. It looks way better a clear liquid in a clear vial. Maybe a clear label with just words.

I have not read every thread but I'm guessing someone got a cat hair in a vial? Years ago on Gymace board there was a overseas source who send a bottle that had a floating dead small mosquitoes in it to a member and he posted pic of it.

I know this is MESO and you heard this 1000 times but I would not sell you anything I would not inject into myself.
Could u do a brew w the mtc oil for gso haters assuming u survive a few weeks here.
I keep asking myself the same thing.
A good for example would be i have a lanlord who comes by the house for repairs, regular visits by the pest control guy peeking in the cabinets with a flashlight, maybe my girl is not ok with her kitchen looking like a meth lab. I have a small son with big eyes who is forever asking me questions and i wont lie to him. So until i move into my own home, ill continue to outsource for my gear. I dont need much, dont plan on reselling, therefore am hesitant in investing in the needed labware.
2.5kg? Wow, that sounds like a lot if $$$, seeing that 1kg is more or less under $500. Do the math and that' what? So anyone with a half ass tax return can purchase what youve shown.

Not stupid, so don' play me or the board with reDICKulous pics. You won't fancy us with bling and other the other crap you posted. Pharmacon tried to bling us, so if that's your plan, better step back and shoot a full court jump shot at Madison Square garden and pray it goes in...

Try this....Go back and look at every source thread since 2008. They all say the same. "I' not going anywhere", I've never sourced on any other board", I'm here for the community", "I have plenty stock on hand", I have no other meso handles".

Does any of this sound familiar?

You will be vetted continuouly. If you want to remain here you'll abide by the forum members concern. If someone wants to see pics of your lab every week to ensure cleanliness, you'll provide such pics. If someone want to see your filtration system weekly, you will confirm. So get a pen ready because you'l be writing "meso w/ current date on piece of paper often.

You can' adhere to simple know where the door is...

Btw, really font care that you get your supplies from ppl. Don't care you can get greys or Black's from TP or PD.
Don't care period..

If you can take orders and get packs to customers 24 hours after orders are placed, maybe we can talk:eek:

Pics of filtration components with today' date, meso and time.

Pics of your HPLC TESTING

Did you put the date and time along with meso on that 2.5kg of test raw yet? Not sure I saw if, but if you did, please repost so we know you currently have it and its ready for brewing.

Don't remember seeing a pic of a clean countertop either.

Did you post a pic of your carrier oil? Don't think I seen that either.

Pic of your vial dispensing equipment?

Thank you

Oh, good morning
I like the cut of your jib sir! At least someone around here still adheres to the old meso standard of vetting a source;)
I just viewed on med lab web page.

Your correct.

I will order and have ups to me

For the members to know there is 1.06 price difference . My mistake was not to save a buck.
You are kidding right?! I know ZERO about brewing - but last week for the very first time I ordered .22 syringe filters to refilter some Ugl gear & I had enough brain cells to make sure they were blister wrapped & STERILE.
Sorry but that's just slack as hell...
I been reading this board for a while and I knew the pic thing was coming. I preparing some pics now of inventory.

My girl will not allow me to even take a pic of titties. I could ask and beg but her answer will always be no
#1 rule ..u don't ask to see ur women's titties u tell her to pull then out and u take a pic
#2 If she refuses then ur a panzie with no balls .