Liquid Muscle

He should 1st get them tested for himself and the community, before attempting to sell.

Then post results. Once the INITIAL vetting is complete, then conduct business.

Continuous vetting, continuous testing.

Seen to many flyby night come here, setup shop, take a few orders, cant keep up, take short cuts, china orders get seized, then flame out, and lastly orders not getting fulfilled.

This is how it is, has been, and forever will be. Itll happen here, just a a matter of when.

Yes totally agree. Testing first!
I agree with the history of growing a aas buisness successfully online. This is why I chose just test, we will all grow on test and I will just have to worry about getting in less packages.
Me capping a 200max and 2 orders a day keeps me happy and less packs inbound
Then why didnt you come fully prepared with purity an potency of your raws from analyzer before ever brewing your first batch? Why do you insist on avoiding my questions? You were not nearly as prepared as you thought you was. Infact without HPLC/MassSpec of your raws done by Analyzer, you have not a fuckin clue whats in your test. Answer the questions
Then why didnt you come fully prepared with purity an potency of your raws from analyzer before ever brewing your first batch? Why do you insist on avoiding my questions? You were not nearly as prepared as you thought you was. Infact without HPLC/MassSpec of your raws done by Analyzer, you have not a fuckin clue whats in your test. Answer the questions

@Test Junki

This right here needs to be addressed ASAP. If you don’t believe the reports your supplier sent you concerning purity of raws, and you haven’t tested them yourself, how can you know what your finished products mg/ml is with any accuracy?
@Test Junki

This right here needs to be addressed ASAP. If you don’t believe the reports your supplier sent you concerning purity of raws, and you haven’t tested them yourself, how can you know what your finished products mg/ml is with any accuracy?

I agree with you. I have not put in the time to learn where to send a sample to be tested. Do every source send in a sample to test out of every KG? Whats the cost? I'm not saying my powder guy sends me fake test results but I don't believe everything I read. in my time people have faked results and posted up or posted up real blood work from a long standing member only to send out low dosed shit after.

I guess what I'm trying to state above is if I paid to get my KG tested what is to say that is what I'm sending you? You believe what I post is what your getting, or I make 1000ml and have it tested and its great and I post up results, you think and trust that your getting the same oil I had tested. Now I'm scriped Test C Pharm grade, do you think I can send a sample of that and with pharm grade results posted sell my Test C I'm going to have.

Proof is in end results , you fine people here at a take no shit board is where I want to be. I know clearly what I got my hands into with you guys.

Point me in the right direction to get something tested. Please do and I will send.

I'm not saying I'm right but I have done biz with my powder guy for years and only the one complant on the carbolic acid , which I ended up fixing. I have ever gotten. I have never made anyone sick either.

I posted my email deal and it was for 5kg shipped in 2.5kg packs. So I will receive a total of 6 pouch of powder. I should send 6 samples out each time.
@Test Junki

This right here needs to be addressed ASAP. If you don’t believe the reports your supplier sent you concerning purity of raws, and you haven’t tested them yourself, how can you know what your finished products mg/ml is with any accuracy?
He has no fuckin clue.... an thats why its went unanswered. Seems to me he don't give a fuck what hes working with. Idk why in the fuck anyone would brew anything knowing that we have Analyzer on our side to check the content of our raws before doing so. I completely beyond me why home brewers an sources alike wouldn't be using hus services in order to make tye necassary adjustments to brew 100% accurately dosed gear smfdh. Why in tye fuck was this not done upon starting up your lil bizz here @Test Junki. I demand a Fuckin answer to this!!!!! Im at a loss of words for it honestly. I think it all boils down to them not giving a fuck what they brew along with a dash of greed for not wanting to spend a measly $60-80 in order to know what you have ordered frim your raw source is infact what you got along with the purity of the raws you are working with. To me an the way i think, i take it like @Test Junki doesn't give a fuck what it is dosed at as long as he gets to send a few orders out. Get your fuckin shit together an tested. Your gear is never going to be dosed accurately according to what tye label states without doing so pure an simple.....We want some fuckin answers on this now!!!!!!
Point me in the right direction to get something tested. Please do and I will send.
Get to reading....I wana see if your words are as real as you say....
Analyses areprovided for reasonable price in range 40-70 USD per AAS/SARM sample and 100-200 USD perpeptide/GH sample, depending on type of analysis and number of samples.
Laboratory testing of AASs, GH, peptides...
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He has no fuckin clue.... an thats why its went unanswered. Seems to me he don't give a fuck what hes working with. Idk why in the fuck anyone would brew anything knowing that we have Analyzer on our side to check the content of our raws before doing so. I completely beyond me why home brewers an sources alike wouldn't be using hus services in order to make tye necassary adjustments to brew 100% accurately dosed gear smfdh. Why in tye fuck was this not done upon starting up your lil bizz here @Test Junki. I demand a Fuckin answer to this!!!!! Im at a loss of words for it honestly. I think it all boils down to them not giving a fuck what they brew along with a dash of greed for not wanting to spend a measly $60-80 in order to know what you have ordered frim your raw source is infact what you got along with the purity of the raws you are working with. To me an the way i think, i take it like @Test Junki doesn't give a fuck what it is dosed at as long as he gets to send a few orders out. Get your fuckin shit together an tested. Your gear is never going to be dosed accurately according to what tye label states without doing so pure an simple.....We want some fuckin answers on this now!!!!!!

I get the same way when I'm on the Tren. Well maybe worse

I care, I never said I did not care. My guy says there 99%. I slightly overdose 10% anyhow.

I'm not the type of guy to be cheep when in a long term I can make money. to say 80.00 it can be tested. Please PM me his Testing info I will have everything tested.

I have gotten orders thus far. Most who speak to me in email say the guys bashing you are the same guys asking for free shit in email or they are just people with nothing better to do. I don't know and I don't care.

Please PM me his info and I will now sit and read all the threads who have had there oil tested batch after batch after batch and posted.
View attachment 82150

See what some can send for testing and post results.

I like your idea of making the box look legit. The concerns others have raised is how serious copyright infringement is. Infringement is a huge fucking word. It’s why it was used in the Second Amendment. Now if only the lawyers were so zealous in enforcing the infringement aspect of the right of the people to bear arms, might be a different world we live in. But I digress...

To not Infringe doesn’t mean you can’t do something, it means you can’t even come close to doing it. Don’t even get near the borders of what is being protected.
I like your idea of making the box look legit. The concerns others have raised is how serious copyright infringement is. Infringement is a huge fucking word. It’s why it was used in the Second Amendment. Now if only the lawyers were so zealous in enforcing the infringement aspect of the right of the people to bear arms, might be a different world we live in. But I digress...

To not Infringe doesn’t mean you can’t do something, it means you can’t even come close to doing it. Don’t even get near the borders of what is being protected.
That's genuine Watson Test C packaging - not his replica. OP was just saying he could send the contents for testing then use those results to Pimp his homebrew.
I think his 'Pharma-ish' vial label looks pretty neat myself - but it's what's inside that counts clearly.
I like your idea of making the box look legit. The concerns others have raised is how serious copyright infringement is. Infringement is a huge fucking word. It’s why it was used in the Second Amendment. Now if only the lawyers were so zealous in enforcing the infringement aspect of the right of the people to bear arms, might be a different world we live in. But I digress...

To not Infringe doesn’t mean you can’t do something, it means you can’t even come close to doing it. Don’t even get near the borders of what is being protected.

That's my script. its real

my point of posting it was what to say I don't have that tested and say its my own brew.
That's genuine Watson Test C packaging - not his replica. OP was just saying he could send the contents for testing then use those results to Pimp his homebrew.
I think his 'Pharma-ish' vial label looks pretty neat myself - but it's what's inside that counts clearly.


and your right it what inside that counts.

and your right it what inside that counts.
Never trust your raw source. Get your shit tested an brew from their. Im done buying untested gear. The days of simple labmax an melting points are over. Now with HPLC/MassSpec being available, we should see 100% full dosages from everyone. Once you get the purity of your raws, then it boils down to simple mathmatics in order to bring each one of your raw batches to exact label claims. You'll also need to test each an every new batch upon recieving them since we all know that no batches are created equal. ..Btw get rid of that avi @Test Junki .....Its miss guiding to all that see it. Your shit isnt Pharma so theirs no need for it to be posted otherwise. If anything post a pic of ine of your jugs that you brewed so everybody knows wtf your working with.
Never trust your raw source. Get your shit tested an brew from their. Im done buying untested gear. The days of simple labmax an melting points are over. Now with HPLC/MassSpec being available, we should see 100% full dosages from everyone. Once you get the purity of your raws, then it boils down to simple mathmatics in order to bring each one of your raw batches to exact label claims. You'll also need to test each an every new batch upon recieving them since we all know that no batches are created equal. ..Btw get rid of that avi @Test Junki .....Its miss guiding to all that see it. Your shit isnt Pharma so theirs no need for it to be posted otherwise. If anything post a pic of ine of your jugs that you brewed so everybody knows wtf your working with.

I sent him a Pm , I'm on this asap when he gets back to me.