Liquid Muscle

Nope totally opposite . Bro u been around long time . Before my time. I'm not trying to commit suicide here
All good brother. Ya threw me for a loop on the grain of salt thing. The only reason why ive pointed TestJunki in the right direction is for the better sake of the community.

If he insists on sourcing here then i wana make damn good an sure he knows what hes working with. You never know what can be hiding in those raws. Also Until they are tested for potency, he'll never be able to brew to exact lable claims. That can be very harmful to an individual who needs an AI if you dont know exactly what the mg/ml is from the get go.

Im just trying to keep our community safe brother. All i want us for everyone to have safe sterile accurately dosed gear. Thats not to much to ask for seeing as how we have Analyzer to ensure the purity an potency of our raws an finished oils.
Merry Christmas to all

I am Test Junki

I would like to come aboard MESO. Been reading the forums for a about a 2 years. I know my ass kicking is coming now for the next few months.

Offering a single item

50ml Testosterone enanthate

I don't want to be in the lime light but cant start out as a private source pushing 1 item.

Been on the sauce now for 20 plus years. How I got into making my own was when I was first put on TRT the cost was $325.00 a month for AndroGel. Insurance not covering any of it. After about a year doc put me on Inject costing 100.00 a month. This is affordable but I could do the same at a fraction of the cost.

There is nothing I would not sell you that I myself would not pin.

All Jugs are professional labeled
I use Filtered Grapeseed
filter finished .22
dry heat

I have never had a issue nor has anyone else.

1 Just a single product looks pretty down to earth and honest for a starting source, I must admit.

2 Why not 10 ml vials, just for the first few (3?) months or so
so new customers can test the waters?

3 I didn't read all the posts but what's current

4 The 'Fed law' "disclaimer in vial labels is both funny and awkward.

Here is a DEAL for the 2 to place there order Thursday and Friday.

1 5000iu hcg kit per order.

So basically you're saying screw it, youre gonna sell without doing your due diligence to prove to the members that your respect them, and to provide them constantly with a great product.

Your sitting on 5kg of test and acting like your scared shirless to test it.

If you customer base is good (locally), you can hold off before starting up here.

You haven't even refilterd your current batch...FML...jeesh
I can test with a preg Test?

I don’t sell them was being nice and marketing.

I have 0 complaints on my end useing them and paid 13 each one . If there not real I’m going be pissed

This is the same HCG that Basicstero was selling about two years back that he admitted himself was bunk and supposively took off the shelf. I know two years is a long time but be wary guys. Just a heads up!
This is the same HCG that Basicstero was selling about two years back that he admitted himself was bunk and supposively took off the shelf. I know two years is a long time but be wary guys. Just a heads up!
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Until I brew up again I have been doing the orders by hand as of yesterday. I send each person a pic with name
Stop being You posted a side view of that filter. It hard to read it from the side..good try!

Post the 2nd pic again, WITH MESO DATE & TIME.

thanks for trying to comply. Itll be worth it once you start up.

Remember though, this is a continuous vetting process..;)