Liquid Muscle

6480C237-B323-4AC5-BEAA-8091A95A382D.jpeg 30538CB3-2541-4B95-96C6-69CCFABA128D.jpeg I deleted that post I did not like what was being reflected. Lol

I have this on me now . Same pic I send a member.

I get the vetting. Think as to why I would lie or deceive with you animals waiting to attack. Lol

I would have be crazy

Stop being You posted a side view of that filter. It hard to read it from the side..good try!

Post the 2nd pic again, WITH MESO DATE & TIME.

thanks for trying to comply. Itll be worth it once you start up.

Remember though, this is a continuous vetting process..;)
that is what I send buyers yesterday and today. I will do until I brew up new. At that time I will make everything as fancy as I can get,
1 Just a single product looks pretty down to earth and honest for a starting source, I must admit.

2 Why not 10 ml vials, just for the first few (3?) months or so
so new customers can test the waters?

3 I didn't read all the posts but what's current

4 The 'Fed law' "disclaimer in vial labels is both funny and awkward.
Thank You

I can do 10mls instead of 50mls if you want.

Pricing is

1 50ml jug $80.00 with $7.00 shipping

2 50 ml jugs $140.00 with $7.00 shipping

3 50ml jugs $200.00 free shipping

As my auto reply states a 50ml jugs cost me $20.00 to make . For me to sell for $80.00 I’m happy .

I can do MTC oil , grape seed oil.
So he used wrong filter and people are still keeping his thread active.

I used a unsterile.22 , I would guess once ba ran threw it it was good. I have right ones on the way and took care of my issue by hand for the guys who ordered.

I could ask you what is difference between a unsterile and sterile once opened. We’re the .22 unsterile when the bad ran threw them? Just asking like I did with a few good kitchen chemistry guys. Let me compare your answers to the guys who really do this work . Please go into fine detail so I can forward it and see who’s more knowledgeable
I used a unsterile.22 , I would guess once ba ran threw it it was good. I have right ones on the way and took care of my issue by hand for the guys who ordered.

I could ask you what is difference between a unsterile and sterile once opened. We’re the .22 unsterile when the bad ran threw them? Just asking like I did with a few good kitchen chemistry guys. Let me compare your answers to the guys who really do this work . Please go into fine detail so I can forward it and see who’s more knowledgeable

You already messed up. You already showed your lack of knowledge. I don't need to go into detail and help your operation. Good luck. You won't last long. FYI I wouldn't tell too many "chemistry" guys what your doing. Never know when someone will want to get out of a dui or domestic abuse case.
You already messed up. You already showed your lack of knowledge. I don't need to go into detail and help your operation. Good luck. You won't last long. FYI I wouldn't tell too many "chemistry" guys what your doing. Never know when someone will want to get out of a dui or domestic abuse case.
When my drunken ass got my DUI, i pleaded with them to let me go.i told em i was sober, enough, but i would tell them where to find the closest donut shop on me! Didnt work
I read that day after day

That is a bad name to compare to. I will fix this issue and will not make mistake again. At leased I filtered. Read many stories on that name and all bad
So what are you gonna do with all the gear you have in all those un sterile 50ml vials? Not sure about anyone else but I will NEVER buy AAS in a brown vial.
What nationality are you? Your either foreign or stupid as fuck. You can't complete a sentence using proper verbs,nouns,pro nouns and adjectives.

I'm going to make a change to my list.

For the guys that want 10mls , I will do for the 3x50ml broken into 15 x10ml. I see this as a way to generate more money to invest into clear vials and new labels.
Why do you need more money for clear vials? Looks like you already have plenty of cash on hand Mr deep pockets.
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All good brother. Ya threw me for a loop on the grain of salt thing. The only reason why ive pointed TestJunki in the right direction is for the better sake of the community.

If he insists on sourcing here then i wana make damn good an sure he knows what hes working with. You never know what can be hiding in those raws. Also Until they are tested for potency, he'll never be able to brew to exact lable claims. That can be very harmful to an individual who needs an AI if you dont know exactly what the mg/ml is from the get go.

Im just trying to keep our community safe brother. All i want us for everyone to have safe sterile accurately dosed gear. Thats not to much to ask for seeing as how we have Analyzer to ensure the purity an potency of our raws an finished oils.
@Skull , me and @MisterSuperGod were just waiting in the bushes on this one LMFAO! I read that and was like uh oh:confused: he's getting lynched and I'm grabbing my pitch fork lol

What nationality are you? Your either foreign or stupid as fuck. You can't complete a sentence using proper verbs,nouns,pro nouns and adjectives.

Why do you need more money for clear vials? Looks like you already have plenty of cash on hand Mr deep pockets.

I’m happy to be American. So I guess that make me a little bit of everything. I like the name Mr. Deep pockets. My girlfriend is always calling me a stupid mother fucker when she has her meltdowns. I’m being to believe her.
No shit eh lol. No more mystery gear :p

I respect you all on MESO . I get 100% your doing to guys like me and I’m here to comply.

When Analyzer get back to me I will send out my product.

I will tell you , you having a persons testing his own products and you believe he’s sending you the same shit just because it tested 275 a ml or 99% pure is some of the silliest shit ever. The right way is for a randon member to send it and ever player who plays shop here chips in and pays when there product is randomly tested. My labels say 250mg per ml , what happens when I send him a vial I made 300mg and he post it’s 300mg a ml . All you run and buy my over dosed oil. This is the oldest trick in the book .

You complain but I say well it was tested and it’s gtg. Maybe your diet is off try eating better.

I laugh to my self when I read a guy eating 100 mg of dbol and no weight gain . People say your diets off. I can eat dbol and not eat and I will blow up.


Thank you all for your orders . I appreciate it all.