Liquid Muscle

Here another pic . No titties

I have money , no need to beat you and not make more. I want a steady few and we can keep pricing low and you will have a lifetime go to guy .C0061573-080D-4135-835B-780172F6B52A.jpeg
I copied a online label that I liked . The label is not 100% copy but close.

I did this for a nice resell.

I have a small group of BB and some like a fancy label to give there crew where some just want a bottle with no label.

The fact you copied pharma label will get your ass in a sling faster then you can blink. Ever heard of copyright infringement? The feds will give you more time for that, then selling gear, but your a dumbass who don'
know better

Now get the fuck out, fuck your stash of money, fuck your 100g of bullshit fuck your boxes of greytops! We already had onepharma in here selling Test C only. We don't need a TestE guy. The fact you can only accept $200 is a sign you don't have your shit together.

At least post up some HPLC testing. Post a labmax at least. Post up where you brew you crap. What type of carrier oils you use?

You got some nerve trying to setup shop while a débâcle with ppl, elite and other dumbass named labs here.

Are you a dog or cat lover?

Fuck you, no need for you to spew your stupid shit here anymore. You of all people here commenting in a source thread.

Vet this source properly.....I'm waiting, while eating a bunch of popcorn and M & M's
Thanks and merry xmas brother. I appreciate your comment and you should feel good about it.

Eat hearty be merry and tomorrow time to grind!

I did not 100% copy , maybe 50% and of the 50% its not a copy as far as size or font goes. Thank for your concern. You may laught at my 100g packs but many 100g packs cost thousands. What I'm selling is Test E that pic u saw was 2.5kg . My point in posting pics was to insure I'm not a fly by night guy.

I appreciate your concern for the others here.

I suffer from animal allergies , thus I'm not a fan.

My powder supplier had pasted along his testing reports. I can post them if wanted. To me I can post anything but titties it comes down to the end user knowing how the final product is.

My 200.00 is my choice, I don't want to get big orders.

I'm an older guy and I have ordered a lot. I don't do business with guys who ask screen names. I feel this is a way to give the known guys who been around longer the good stuff and the nobodys the shit stuff. Then when a nobody complains the guys who been around jump on them and scare them off.

I treat everone fair
It's very important you post pictures of your brewing equipment and brewing area. What you use to make sure everything is sterile AND the air is particle free. I'm sure you know this is a big deal right now

I did not 100% copy , maybe 50% and of the 50% its not a copy as far as size or font goes. Thank for your concern. You may laught at my 100g packs but many 100g packs cost thousands. What I'm selling is Test E that pic u saw was 2.5kg . My point in posting pics was to insure I'm not a fly by night guy.

I appreciate your concern for the others here.

I suffer from animal allergies , thus I'm not a fan.

My powder supplier had pasted along his testing reports. I can post them if wanted. To me I can post anything but titties it comes down to the end user knowing how the final product is.

My 200.00 is my choice, I don't want to get big orders.

I'm an older guy and I have ordered a lot. I don't do business with guys who ask screen names. I feel this is a way to give the known guys who been around longer the good stuff and the nobodys the shit stuff. Then when a nobody complains the guys who been around jump on them and scare them off.

I treat everone fair

2.5kg? Wow, that sounds like a lot if $$$, seeing that 1kg is more or less under $500. Do the math and that' what? So anyone with a half ass tax return can purchase what youve shown.

Not stupid, so don' play me or the board with reDICKulous pics. You won't fancy us with bling and other the other crap you posted. Pharmacon tried to bling us, so if that's your plan, better step back and shoot a full court jump shot at Madison Square garden and pray it goes in...

Try this....Go back and look at every source thread since 2008. They all say the same. "I' not going anywhere", I've never sourced on any other board", I'm here for the community", "I have plenty stock on hand", I have no other meso handles".

Does any of this sound familiar?

You will be vetted continuouly. If you want to remain here you'll abide by the forum members concern. If someone wants to see pics of your lab every week to ensure cleanliness, you'll provide such pics. If someone want to see your filtration system weekly, you will confirm. So get a pen ready because you'l be writing "meso w/ current date on piece of paper often.

You can' adhere to simple know where the door is...

Btw, really font care that you get your supplies from ppl. Don't care you can get greys or Black's from TP or PD.
Don't care period..

If you can take orders and get packs to customers 24 hours after orders are placed, maybe we can talk:eek:
5×10mL vials for $14 a pop? Except in jug form. That's pretty cheap.

We had a guy here who was practicing selling gear. Goes by @thebrewkit

His philosophy was to sell the gear as cheap as possible.

You wouldn't by any chance be him? Trying to reset and start over?

No I'm not him but I have read his thread when he first opened for the first few days. I did not know he sold AAS, I was under the impression he was like the old Fina guy who sold the kits to make the product without the hormone.

My philosophy is not to sell everything under the sun and dirt cheap. I want to focus on Test and as we all know test is cheap. My goal is 2 order a day that's it. Like I say I am older I been around the block, I go back way past ORD. I can easy have a list with short cuts and make a killing. I chose just Test .

I could go to any board and advertise some bullshit list. I chose here for this no bullshit. I can buy a mod on a big board and have them pave my way, again I chose just test and a board to get my ass kicked while trying to make 2 sales a day.

Anyone here can any time test me and say ill give you 300 a kit for grays or 50 a kit for hcg there not for sale. The pic is 700g Tren e, guess what not for sale. There just to prove I am a player and want to stay just selling Test. I cold sell deca your doc cant test your deca, lab max will just show the hormone is there but not the MG/ML. A doc can test your Test levels and you know whats up.
1-show is the results of the Raws, it’s just test e. Can’t be that hard
2-pics of lab,filters, and hopefully no fucking pets!
3-nobody cares that u have a stack of hundreds. It doesn’t mean that You won’t fuck us!
4-I would change those fancy labels, you have heard of Musclehead320....right.
I understand Amber vials are supposed to protect whatever's inside from light. But it makes it harder to inspect, you know for hair or anything like that. 50ml jugs? Do you suggest to your customers to draw straight from jug. Or transfer into a smaller sterile vial?
2 orders a day? You chose to come to one of the biggest most visible forums out there. What shortcuts will you make if you received 20 orders a day? 200 orders? Stop filtering?
I understand Amber vials are supposed to protect whatever's inside from light. But it makes it harder to inspect, you know for hair or anything like that. 50ml jugs? Do you suggest to your customers to draw straight from jug. Or transfer into a smaller sterile vial?

My whole time doing this I have never had any issues. I would draw from the vial and pin into muscle.

I don't like the amber vials for the same reason. I do filter with .22 I can post pic I have of them in there sealed bags. The vial being clear if people want that I can order them. I have but not selling 10ml vials for 1 buddy who likes his crazy blends in MTC oil. It looks way better a clear liquid in a clear vial. Maybe a clear label with just words.

I have not read every thread but I'm guessing someone got a cat hair in a vial? Years ago on Gymace board there was a overseas source who send a bottle that had a floating dead small mosquitoes in it to a member and he posted pic of it.

I know this is MESO and you heard this 1000 times but I would not sell you anything I would not inject into myself.