Low dose daily dbol


40+ crowd
Has anyone ran dbol at a low dose 10 mg daily for an extended period of time, 3+ months ?
My minimal effective dose is dialed in at 10 mg with no major sides. I'm considering 10mg ED and drawing blood after 8 weeks.
Thanks for the feedback
Being in my 50s, orals are always a bad idea. In my life, orals are much harsher on my blood and body.

For me more test would always equal an easier path to any goal I might have. The orals allowed me to do some crazy shit, but crazy shit hurts.
Not quite the same, but I've pulsed 5mg Dbol Injectable (supposedly equivalent to 10mg oral) for 5 days on, 2 off. Bloods were untouched.

The intention behind this was as a source of Estrogen on a Deca only cycle initially, and worked great. Hell, I still take small doses of Dbol (10mg) sometimes before social occassions as it's such a feel-good compound.
Not quite the same, but I've pulsed 5mg Dbol Injectable (supposedly equivalent to 10mg oral) for 5 days on, 2 off. Bloods were untouched.

The intention behind this was as a source of Estrogen on a Deca only cycle initially, and worked great. Hell, I still take small doses of Dbol (10mg) sometimes before social occassions as it's such a feel-good compound.
Interesting, How long did you pulse the 5mg? When did you check bloods?
Now that I'm 40+ crowd I stick to the safer compounds. Test Primo Anavr. This blast I am currently on is Tbol Test Tren and will be my last kick at the Tren can. The body doesn't recover like I am 20 any more. Dbol Abombs sdrol winny all don't sit well with me anymore. Tbol been great and I always been a var guy
Now that I'm 40+ crowd I stick to the safer compounds. Test Primo Anavr. This blast I am currently on is Tbol Test Tren and will be my last kick at the Tren can. The body doesn't recover like I am 20 any more. Dbol Abombs sdrol winny all don't sit well with me anymore. Tbol been great and I always been a var guy

What pros and cons do you notice in Tbol compared to Dbol ?
Interesting, How long did you pulse the 5mg? When did you check bloods?
Was for about 8-9 weeks alongside 280mg NPP per week (i.e. 40mg day), taking bloods at week 8. Values were all normal, including liver and BP. The gains, athleticism and look were actually really good. The only reason I dropped it was because I started to feel a bit off mentally and my libido yo-yo'd (shot up first few weeks then plummeted). I intend to try this again at some point but with a DHT in there - probably proviron.
@unkwnlifter I found Tbol to be a bit mild myself, felt I got more out of Var as well.

@Mrhairyman at 50 Dbol wrecks me anymore. I used dbol in my early 40s and enjoyed it only a few times. After that I couldn’t touch it for more than a few days even at 10mg, it just wrecked my stomach. I am more in line with @pigeonhed more test or maybe another injectable.

However there is a nice pro on Tbol not mentioned yet. As far as Tbol, low dose for an extended period of time is what it was designed to be used for. It was developed by the Germans back in the 60s specifically for extended use with their athletes. Lot of science and research behind that particular compound, Same time, as with anything over an extended period of time your run a risk. There is a pile of factual documentation out there on it.
Anavar will give you single digit HDL within weeks, so calling it safe is a stretch
It’s a good general warning for people to hear this, but not fully true.

I added just 10mg daily to my TRT 2 years ago for 6 weeks pre-vacation, and my HDL at the end was 56. I like to see it above 60, but this confirmed to me that it’s dose dependent.