Lowest dose tren?

So far I'm handling it really well I think. My libido has plateaued, the sweats are about half what I experience with NPP, my temper is actually mellowing day by day, and the insomnia comes and goes but its manageable. The onmy side that is currently annoying me is the aches and pains but even that is starting to taper off. I don't have experience with high test high tren as this is my first go with tren but I'm beginning to believe the: high tren + low test = low sides theory floating around. This is becoming a walk in the park. I'm a little over 2 weeks into this, running tren ace at 350 per week and trt test cyp at 150mg per week and everyday it gets easier and easier barring that fucking tren cough.

Im gonna try that icing method I keep reading about otherwise it would be a real bitch to have to drop the tren considering how well I'm reacting to it and how little sides I'm getting
I'm saying though I always thought tren was this big bad monster that I would have all kinds of problems and sides with. I'm actually still really upbeat and super sweet to my wife which was my biggest worry since I didnt want to be argumentative with her and mean. All the other sides are pretty much out of sight out of mind. I'm dealing with less sides on tren than I do on NPP. I get the sweats like crazy on npp and I do tend to get some strange mental sides from NPP such as mild depression and anxiety, loss of libido and a diminished ability to orgasm. Masteron was the worst injectable for me with severe anger issues and I mean severe followed by the anger I get on dbol.

I'm kinda pissed knowing what I know now and not having ran this earlier.
Ok guys help me understand why I'm losing strength on this cycle? My working bench weight is down around 20lbs my pull downs are down 20lbs squat down 50lbs all in 2 weeks on 300mg of tren. I was only running my trt at 150mg per week prior
Ok guys help me understand why I'm losing strength on this cycle? My working bench weight is down around 20lbs my pull downs are down 20lbs squat down 50lbs all in 2 weeks on 300mg of tren. I was only running my trt at 150mg per week prior
Your calories being above maintenance has a lot more to do with strength then gear for me atleast, you dieting ?
Your calories being above maintenance has a lot more to do with strength then gear for me atleast, you dieting ?
Nope. That's what has got me messed up. I cranked my calories and carbs up again. Calories are running around 4k to 4.5k per day and my carbs are at 400g give or take 25g depending on the day. I was on this exact diet plan last cycle and it was wonderful . Growth is happening all over but im gradually losing strength on almost all lifts. I'd heard that tren isn't the best for strength gains but I didn't expect to be losing strength. If next week is more of the same I'm going to throw some test prop in the mix to hopefully reverse the strength loss.
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Ok guys help me understand why I'm losing strength on this cycle? My working bench weight is down around 20lbs my pull downs are down 20lbs squat down 50lbs all in 2 weeks on 300mg of tren. I was only running my trt at 150mg per week prior
You probably just need rest.I ussualy deload every month, that way i can push max effort for 4-5 weeks.Its principal thay i adopted from Dr.Scott Stevenson FT training,now using it every style of training.
If you're lean, you'll see the cosmetic effects of tren ace with as little as 10 mg/day. You'll see actual strength gains and fat loss at 25 mg/day.

Any sides at that dose?
Well I said fuck it and threw the damn test prop into the mix. Im two pins in, and I'm going for 100mg eod. I figure since I'm tolerating the tren so well and my BP keeps coming back perfect, last nights BP an 40 minutes after workout averaged 116/72. I was looking for muscle and strength gains from this cycle and to be honest I think test prop alone has more kick the first two weeks for me than tren ace did the first two weeks.
Well I said fuck it and threw the damn test prop into the mix. Im two pins in, and I'm going for 100mg eod. I figure since I'm tolerating the tren so well and my BP keeps coming back perfect, last nights BP an 40 minutes after workout averaged 116/72. I was looking for muscle and strength gains from this cycle and to be honest I think test prop alone has more kick the first two weeks for me than tren ace did the first two weeks.
I envy your bp
I envy your bp
There you have it, I do 3 tests spaced 3 minutes apart to get a good average baseline. This tren ace 300mg per week 15 days in, and test prop 400mg per week 3 shots in. This was after breakfast this morning. These are the same average readings I get from the machine at CVS and the Drs office. The only aas that has ever pushed my blood pressure into the caution area has been Masteron. Masterson and I just dont get along on all fronts, makes me ornery as hell and makes my blood pressure so high I see spots lol


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I remember being on Pareto’s Test 400 and Tren + Clen. My BP was 186/69 and my resting heart rate was 110. I could hear my heart beat in my neck hitting my pillow. I use to hit the gym sitting at like 220 8% bf and after the tanning bed I’d be legit dark purple. Probably should have simmered down a bit lol
There you have it, I do 3 tests spaced 3 minutes apart to get a good average baseline. This tren ace 300mg per week 15 days in, and test prop 400mg per week 3 shots in. This was after breakfast this morning. These are the same average readings I get from the machine at CVS and the Drs office. The only aas that has ever pushed my blood pressure into the caution area has been Masteron. Masterson and I just dont get along on all fronts, makes me ornery as hell and makes my blood pressure so high I see spots lol
Settle down athlete.
I'm actually surprised I thought for sure tren was gonna bump me over the 130/80 mark but it's still holding good. We'll see what happens now with the test prop in a week or two.