Lowest dose tren?

i always hated tren and got crazy sides. I decided to do 200mg a week and my god its like im not even on it. the sides are non existent sleep became much better and gains slowly came and started getting better week 7 of tren e. So before anyone wants to give up tren just try 200mg per week with other compounds in the mix.
There you have it, I do 3 tests spaced 3 minutes apart to get a good average baseline. This tren ace 300mg per week 15 days in, and test prop 400mg per week 3 shots in. This was after breakfast this morning. These are the same average readings I get from the machine at CVS and the Drs office. The only aas that has ever pushed my blood pressure into the caution area has been Masteron. Masterson and I just dont get along on all fronts, makes me ornery as hell and makes my blood pressure so high I see spots lol
I think you have been scammed; looking at those numbers, it can’t be tren...lol.
My BP on just TRT test is higher than you on tren. Must be the good genes.
I think you have been scammed; looking at those numbers, it can’t be tren...lol.
My BP on just TRT test is higher than you on tren. Must be the good genes.
I am having some suspicions of being underdosed though. I've went through 3 bouts of tren cough and I have made noticeable changes in the past 2.5 weeks. But I'm not experiencing night sweats at all, the trensomnia has tapered off to non existent, I'm not dealing with any uptick in anger or frustration of any consequence and last but not least my libido has increased only slightly (I went from rubbing one out everyday to rubbing two out everyday lol). I've felt a saw a bigger kick from test prop at the same dose I'm the same time frame. And I sweat like a pig on NPP but not on tren hmmm. I'm gonna bump it up to 400mg per week just due to how easy going its been so far.
Glutes and quads. The one that gave me the instant tren cough was in the glute. I always assumed it was a scratchy sensation that went away after a couple minutes. Fuck no that shit keeps going like the gift that keeps giving and then all the sweating and itchiness that follows fuck me lol
I'm not sure where I got this info but keep some iso- alcohol at the ready when injecting Tren. I have those little alcohol wipes I grab with my pins and the only few times I started to get that cough I ripped an alcohol swap open and held it up to my nose. Stopped my cough dead in its tracks. Like I said , I'm not sure what forum or blog I read that on but inhaling that iso-alcohol did work for me.
I'm not sure where I got this info but keep some iso- alcohol at the ready when injecting Tren. I have those little alcohol wipes I grab with my pins and the only few times I started to get that cough I ripped an alcohol swap open and held it up to my nose. Stopped my cough dead in its tracks. Like I said , I'm not sure what forum or blog I read that on but inhaling that iso-alcohol did work for me.
I tried that on the second one and it was marginally helpful. I've been icing the injection area prior to injection recently and I havent had the problem since. I'll keep icing and keep the isopropyl alcohol around until it happens again and then I'm gonna seriously think about tossing this shit
bumped up to 300mg e at week 6 of my blast so far still steady gains and no real bad sides. was at 150mg first 5 weeks
Well lucky me!!! I was cruising on this tren run with almost 0 sides. Now that I've bumped the test up to 400mg per week to match the tren all the sides that I was lucky enough to avoid have all come marching in to say hello!

Night sweats: oh yeah I gottem
Libido: the wife is depleted lol
Lethargy: full swing, I can sleep standing up during the day until I try to go to bed...
Trensomnia: I'm in the bathroom rubbing one out nightly now last 2am cause I cant sleep and got nothing better to do.
I just dropped my Tren E dose from 400mg to 320mg, was taking prami 0.25mcg every day and 12.5mg Aromasin everyday and was still fighting with gyno..
Yeah that’s what I’m saying, but 500 sust. I’ve been on 1.2g test E and 600/800 Deca and still didn’t get this much Gyno flare ups

I mean, it's a medical fact that Tren doesnt aromatise.
Just doesnt.
However, I actually have a Gyno flare up from 350 tren and 200 Test

Had to hammer Aromasin and Ralox to get it under control.
Based in my limited knowledge (hopefully someone smarter than me can chime in)
Basically, you arent effected by the high estro usually (like me)
But Prolactin (progesterone to a lesser extent) is created in a high estro environment.
So something that is typically harmless and that we are used to, becomes and issue with the tren.
I mean, it's a medical fact that Tren doesnt aromatise.
Just doesnt.
However, I actually have a Gyno flare up from 350 tren and 200 Test

Had to hammer Aromasin and Ralox to get it under control.
Based in my limited knowledge (hopefully someone smarter than me can chime in)
Basically, you arent effected by the high estro usually (like me)
But Prolactin (progesterone to a lesser extent) is created in a high estro environment.
So something that is typically harmless and that we are used to, becomes and issue with the tren.
Yeah I think I’m just gonna stop tren all together, the prami makes me want to vomit every time I take it and everyday is getting ridiculous. Probably gonna swap it out with 500mg mast maybe up test a little. That way I’m not taking 12.5mcg Aromasin ED either .. lol
Yeah I think I’m just gonna stop tren all together, the prami makes me want to vomit every time I take it and everyday is getting ridiculous. Probably gonna swap it out with 500mg mast maybe up test a little. That way I’m not taking 12.5mcg Aromasin ED either .. lol

Dopamine agonists scare the shit out of me.
Messing with Dopamine receptors isnt a good plan
I keep Caber on standby, but I'd rather crash e2 than use it

Shirt of actual lactation, no Caber for me lol
Well tren anger is in full swing! Now I know what it is and what it actually feels like.

This motherfucking internet tough guy went out of his way and began poking the wrong bear.

I commented on a stupid post of his where he was being an asshole to another member on the car page I am on. I simply asked him for clarity on his comment. He decides to run me down verbally on the page and then hit my WIFE up on messenger as well and starts talking shit about how my wife plays second fiddle to me and all kinda shit and then verbally berates her for being with me and how she must be insecure etc etc. Well if youd messaged me talking shit I'd probably have laughed but you went too far. Well of course hes anonymous cept or the name on the profile, no pics, no info nothing. Well he slipped up and left one little thing on one old post that he left public from years ago and I was smart enough to pick up his trail there. 2 hours later I have his address, his nieces and nephews and practically everyone in his family since he lives in a town of 480 people in Idaho.

I have cow pastures across the street and I'm thinking since he likes to intimidate people's wives I'm going to package up a few pounds of cow shit and send it to every female in his family in that little town and explain to them what a little spineless shit their uncle is and that if he ever so much as breathes my wife's name again where I can see it the next packages will be to him and they wont be so fucking funny.

Yeah I wanted to put my hands on that man so bad after I opened my messages and then looked over at my wife who's looking at me like who the fuck is this that sent me this message about you?!?! That just made me want blood
Well tren anger is in full swing! Now I know what it is and what it actually feels like.

This motherfucking internet tough guy went out of his way and began poking the wrong bear.

I commented on a stupid post of his where he was being an asshole to another member on the car page I am on. I simply asked him for clarity on his comment. He decides to run me down verbally on the page and then hit my WIFE up on messenger as well and starts talking shit about how my wife plays second fiddle to me and all kinda shit and then verbally berates her for being with me and how she must be insecure etc etc. Well if youd messaged me talking shit I'd probably have laughed but you went too far. Well of course hes anonymous cept or the name on the profile, no pics, no info nothing. Well he slipped up and left one little thing on one old post that he left public from years ago and I was smart enough to pick up his trail there. 2 hours later I have his address, his nieces and nephews and practically everyone in his family since he lives in a town of 480 people in Idaho.

I have cow pastures across the street and I'm thinking since he likes to intimidate people's wives I'm going to package up a few pounds of cow shit and send it to every female in his family in that little town and explain to them what a little spineless shit their uncle is and that if he ever so much as breathes my wife's name again where I can see it the next packages will be to him and they wont be so fucking funny.

Yeah I wanted to put my hands on that man so bad after I opened my messages and then looked over at my wife who's looking at me like who the fuck is this that sent me this message about you?!?! That just made me want blood
Go make love to your wife instead
Go make love to your wife instead
I will do that anyways cause I love her and can't get enough of her.

I wish I filthy rich so I could hire someone and pay them to move to that town in Idaho and seduce his wife and fuck her brains out for a good 6 months to a year and then expose it all to him and remind him of the day he messaged my wife. Then I will politely inform him that there are consequences to your actions and I was merely doing him a service to teach him better manners.
I will do that anyways cause I love her and can't get enough of her.

I wish I filthy rich so I could hire someone and pay them to move to that town in Idaho and seduce his wife and fuck her brains out for a good 6 months to a year and then expose it all to him and remind him of the day he messaged my wife. Then I will politely inform him that there are consequences to your actions and I was merely doing him a service to teach him better manners.
I'll do it man. Anything to help you out. lol