Lurking, always learning, please come with critism/feedback of my drug selection


New Member
Hello, my objective is quite simple, have strong tendons and bones for the long haul(think collagen synthesis whe you're looking at the PEDS).
started going to the gym about 7 years ago, I would say I've been trying seriously for the last 2-3 years.
Accomplished a half marathon, a 5k elevation obstacle course. Looking to go for a full marathon soon, I mostly enjoy running through every forest in my state.

experinced PEDs(just things I tried throught the years):
- alway HCG 250 iu 3pw(love keeping my balls), tapered up 50iu a week to see top potential
- bucal Anavar 5-20mg pre workout
- carderine (Fucking glorious) 10mg 4pw
- injectable L-carnitine 500mg daily (a true +1 in every aspect of daily living, annoying to pin)
- oral albuterol 2-4mg (was more useful in my early journey
- baby test cycle 280mg~ every other day sub-Q(get your giggles in now)

top health meds for me:
- ezetimibe
- fish oil
- metformin/tudca/NAC on bimonthly 3 day fasts (liver and kidney markers are always golden so I don't consider tudca/nac on my shrimpy ass cycle)
- 5mg tadafinil daily

the weird shit:
- IV embryonic stemcells(don't you start looking at me funny, they're cultured)(my insurance policy)
- IV BPC 157 (my insurance policy)
- IV cerebrolysin (my insurance policy)
- PT 141 1-2mg (if you know, you know)
- Modafinil 50-200mg (higher dosages makes me annoyed at others emotions and I display little of my own, will not take around people)

vain cunt things I use:
- invisaline (fixed minor symmetry issues in jaw/lips)
- tretinion 0.1 night (took months to ramp up the retiniods/tret, but my skin feels and looks great)
- adapiline 1% day (a very clean mechanism of action with little to no irritation even if I forget sunscreen)
- birmaprost (makes the women in my life seethe like no other)
- benzoyl peroxide+clindamycin (only thing I trust in for the long term)
- hydroquinone 4% 2x daily (hate freckles)

Interested in:
- never doing ab exercises, I hate the fridge look
- Primo (collegen/elastin synthesis)
- IGF-1 (got to try it at some point eh?)
- high test (got to try it at some point eh?)
- dental bonding (some asshole shaved part of my cuspids down)
- teeth whitening (very white dude+teeth, hard one to figure out)
- weekly IV glutathione (I want to look like I'm out of ceramic)

current PED baby cruise:
- 250 iu hcg
- ezetimibe
- fish oil

last full panel date: a week ago (feels good man, finding no issues, everything is almost optimal, hormones aren't scewd minus the obvious suspects of free/total test+HPTA feedback)
last part panel date: two months ago
I love the cardarine also! On top of making max heart rate easier to achieve and maintain, it lowered my cholesterol from about 285 to 207 in about 6-8 weeks. Do you have any concerns about long term use? I'm thinking that it will be good for my heart when I add mesterolone to my TRT/HcG schedule.
As far as long term risks, there is only a theoretical risk of increasing the growth rate of pre-existing tumors(haven't even seen first hand experinces/case studies on humans that such a thing has occured) as long as you got your cancer markers checked, you can run a low/moderate dosage for months in duration without risk. But hey, N=1 and the benifit you're getting to your cardiac marker FAR out weigh the "risks" imo. It is important to stay in a safe threshold when it comes to red lining your heart rate because it becomes effortless on it as you've experinced. check your resting heart rate/ blood pressure through out a few weeks to see where you're trending towards and adjust/discontinue from there.