What are your thoughts bro on my cycle?

My last cycle was test npp and mast
400/300/400. I loved it.

Mast has been suspected to inhibitor prolactin secretion. But only had confirmation in rats.

I am sure even 200mg of mast would be great with your cycle over anadrol.

Have you ran nandrolone before? It made me hungry as fuck
My last cycle was test npp and mast
400/300/400. I loved it.

Mast has been suspected to inhibitor prolactin secretion. But only had confirmation in rats.

I am sure even 200mg of mast would be great with your cycle over anadrol.

Have you ran nandrolone before? It made me hungry as fuck
No first time running it, I have only done once cycle before. Being dbol , test. Will see how it goes
Yoyoing goes on on this cycle.

Listen you want to progressive overload with everything , cals, drugs,weights , bw everything that's how y progress.

Weeks 1-8
600 test 300 npp (you should raise the calories as needed that means every time your BW increases you increase calories also.

Week 8-16
Now that you have properly raise the cals and dint gain anymore that's the time you're going to up the dosage.
So let's say week 8-16
600 test 400npp

After you stop gaining at this dosage you're going to incorporate anadrol
1 tab pre workout then after a week 2 tabs pre workout

Now you're at
600 test
400 npp
700 drol
Weekly dosages

1.700mg total but now you're appetite is shut down either from anadrol or because your body doesn't want anymore after all those weeks of eating over maintenance.

Now it's the time to utilize MK when you can't eat anymore, any other time it's a big waste ime
I’ve got a couple of questions. Why do you need mk and 1 gran of gear for 3k calories? What weight are you now where 3.3k calories is enough to bulk with but it also requires a gram and orals?
I’m just curious Cus I don’t understand how that adds up.

if you’re gonna run a gram of gear shouldn’t you be in a significant surplus so you can utilise it properly?
I’ve got a couple of questions. Why do you need mk and 1 gran of gear for 3k calories? What weight are you now where 3.3k calories is enough to bulk with but it also requires a gram and orals?
I’m just curious Cus I don’t understand how that adds up.

if you’re gonna run a gram of gear shouldn’t you be in a significant surplus so you can utilise it properly?
I am currently at 165 , lean.
I think drop the test to 400. Are you a high aromatizer? Do you think you would need an AI this dose?
I definitely know that I aromatize pretty highly since doing my bloods during the last cycle. So I will definitely have both caber and asin on hand.
I definitely know that I aromatize pretty highly since doing my bloods during the last cycle. So I will definitely have both caber and asin on hand.
Why dont you drop the test to 400 since you dont have to worry about adding more drugs... and npp to 300?

how do you know you were a high aromatizer if you were on dbol cycle 1?
Drop the NPP if you are cycling.

Drop the test to 400-500 and run it again. I doubt you need that much gear If youre eating 3k calories that’s essentially maintenance for guys that are absolutely yolked here.

Keep the anadrol in for the last 4-6 weeks.
Drop the NPP if you are cycling.

Drop the test to 400-500 and run it again. I doubt you need that much gear If youre eating 3k calories that’s essentially maintenance for guys that are absolutely yolked here.

Keep the anadrol in for the last 4-6 weeks.
Is it nandrolone itself that is suppresive? I thought it was mainly deca
I am currently at 165 , lean.
Still really lightweight man, you said you have cycled before, you should be heavier now like 180+ at that height if you were serious.

Fix something up perhaps diet and training, don't add more drugs. Real muscle takes time to mature and grow if you're looking to gain quality and not temporary water and glycogen fluff. Don't think that you will mutate taking all this gear, not gonna happen. It takes time.

Lots of dudes abuse gear and spin their wheels, start at 250-300mg test and train your ass off and eat, then do 500mg next time and maximize all you can out of that and only then think about adding something else, not now at this level.
Is it nandrolone itself that is suppresive? I thought it was mainly deca
To my understanding it’s the metabolites from the drug. I very would could be wrong but…

Ive read that the metabolites from the 19-nors stay in the system and continue suppressing for months after. I very well could of misunderstood. But it doesn’t make sense to me if it was just deca because it’s the same drug just a different ester. So once the ester clear it shouldn’t be an issue, I’ve also never heard of this issue with testosterone decanoate.