Pinned left quad on Monday, only some discomfort for a couple of days. Pinned right quad yesterday, virtually no PIP today.

Yesterday I warmed up the gear with very hot water. Maybe this is what I am missing?
Pinned left quad on Monday, only some discomfort for a couple of days. Pinned right quad yesterday, virtually no PIP today.

Yesterday I warmed up the gear with very hot water. Maybe this is what I am missing?

If you bought the gear back in winter , or the gear came thru a "cold zone" it will crystalize and will need to be warmed back up . I suggest warming up all gear , I just went thru some bad PIP from not warming the vial .
Hey BP,
by god I tried your suggestion for the first time yesterday of pin and gear in quick and I have no pip today, first time ever with prop. Prop always gives me pip, but not after doing as you say. Was always told to do everything slow in the past. Thanks for the awesome tip!

Most guys move the pin around while injecting, It's like a tiny razor in there and damage muscle tissue. It works for me and I never get pip. never:)
If you bought the gear back in winter , or the gear came thru a "cold zone" it will crystalize and will need to be warmed back up . I suggest warming up all gear , I just went thru some bad PIP from not warming the vial .

How do you warm up your gear? Looking for good tips.

Thanks man!
I just set my syringe or vial (if too cold or crashed) in the sink directly under hot running water, cap on of course, about 2 minutes...
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How do you warm up your gear? Looking for good tips.

Thanks man!

I nuke a ceramic bowl of water 2 inches deep until its real hot to the touch , then stand a 10ml vial in the bowl for up to 4-5 minutes , swishing the vial every once in a while . This will melt any crystals that have formed . Shouldnt have any bad PIP after doing this unless theres high BA in the gear.
Guys, maybe i'm just overanalizing this. But it seems to me that the problem could be, (needle too big, conc. to high, poor technique, short needle, benzly alc. conc., ethyl oleate present). Maybe warming the oil will make it more fluid, (and make the test. more soluble), but i don't see how that will help.
The thinner the oil, the better and faster it will absorb into the muscle fiber...Some pip is also caused by the hormone leaving the vehicle, poor needle placement, moving the needle too much while injecting, and if you are pinning a virgin muscle you may also get pip...
I just pinned my tri's for the first time on Wednesday, ohhh Damn!!!!!
27g 1/2".....Zero pin pain, it's the 2nd day that sucks...

I mean, I never felt the pin go in but the pip sux!!!!
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Brothers I really have to ask myself what the fuck is going on. I am not a source and will never be, but I home brewed for many years. I read posts about gear crashing, and many posts about pip, and I don't understand it.
It is not hard to produce gear that does not crash or gear that will not cause pip. I really wonder what the fuck you guys are injecting into your bodies.
I don't get it:( There must be some truly ignorant ugl's out there.
This kind of shit is amateur hour that I would expect to read on the home brew section of our board from a bro who has no fucking clue as to what he is doing!
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Brothers I really have to ask myself what the fuck is going on. I am not a source and will never be, but I home brewed for many years. I read posts about gear crashing, and many posts about pip, and I don't understand it.
It is not hard to produce gear that does not crash or gear that will not cause pip. I really wonder what the fuck you guys are injecting into your bodies.
I don't get it:( There must be some truly ignorant ugl's out there.
This kind of shit is amateur hour that I would expect to read on the home brew section of our board from a bro who has no fucking clue as to what he is doing!

totally no experience here when it comes to 'brewing' however reading the list of 'ingredients' on my RX of depot testosterone lists:

-testosterone cypionate 200mg, benzyl benzoate 20%, benzyl alcohol 0.9% as preservative, in cottonseed oil

so what's with all the other shit UGLs put in their gear?
It's a ugl. Neither you or I know what they put in their gear. Since it is a ugl, I don't see why they bother to put ingredients that they have used in the production of that gear on the list.I suppose it is to make you feel better.
You start with quality raws, that must be tested.
What I do after you know you have quality raw is this. You need ba at either 1-2 % to preserve the solution. You need bb, which is 10 x more effective as a solvent than ba in your gear so it doesn't crash! I don't understand why anyone would use more than 2% ba in their gear, but I have argued with knot heads on this board about that, and I really don't give a shit how much ba they use, it's their ass's not mine, and hopefully not yours.
You need a sterile oil to put it in and the product needs to be filtered and sterilized.
That's it. Simple!
That is how you produce gear that does not crash or give you pip, or send you to the er with an embarrassing infection.
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Pinned left quad on Monday, only some discomfort for a couple of days. Pinned right quad yesterday, virtually no PIP today.

Yesterday I warmed up the gear with very hot water. Maybe this is what I am missing?

Sorry to have to say this, but you sound like you're in denial- what your missing is that the gear in your vial is garbage.
I saw the threads on the other board you started, and there are guys complaining about crippling pain from a half cc of test e...... Then there are other guys chiming in that it's normal LOL.
It's not normal at all. You even have Millard trying to tell you this and you keep on injecting it anyways. Smarten the fu k up before you wind up in the doctors office. You need to realize that a lot of the guys chiming in on that other board have an interest in that lab, and no matter what they will do their best to minimize things or cover them up.

I have pinned test e a couple of hundred times easily, and it should not hurt ever. I'll say that occasionally it's possible to mess up a shot, hit a nerve, something of that nature, but any more than 2 painful shots and it's time to toss that vial before you get an infection. A quality lab would give you a refund, not try to say you're a pussy and try to cover up the fact their gear is shit.
Stuff like this really pisses me off.
I pinned each delt yesterday after 120mcg of Clen. That was fun. Lol. Hands shaking like crazy. First time I've had PIP in awhile.
Started heating my test-e with hot water and leaving it for a bit. Since then have done 2 injections into the quad and ZERO PIP. Heating gear is key!
As for the severe swelling/pain I had in my glute (which there still is a hard lump 2 weeks later!). I don't feel it is getting deep enough in the muscle. I have a tiny ass, next to no fat; somehow the 1" I don't feel is getting deep enough. I would be willing to try glute again if I had 1.5" pins.