Marvel Labs

I denied being compensated as for my own safety. I can't explain that anymore. But I am OPENLY being compensated for my time and effort.

That is bullshit and you know it. You already implicated yourself in an illegal operation as soon as you started the thread and admitted to being the rep. Your personal safety had nothing to do with your omission.

You tried to use your name and reputation to convince Meso members that you were essentially a paying customer of this lab, and that you just wanted to share what you believe is a good source. Admitting to receiving compensation would have changed how your message was received.
exactly. you have proven my point. Even suggesting that it still wouldn't be good enough is enough for you to say it's not good enough.
What exactly are you wanting?
What exactly does posting that information do for you/meso community? Genuinely asking to know.

You're deflecting,....not good enough for me, not good enough for meso members.....blah blah blah

I ask you specific questions. I want an answer to those questions. It quite simple. How can you stand behind something you know nothing about.

You tell me how you would benefit from posting pics? If I decided to do an ugl here, I'd post up pics of my filters. Maybe because it would ease someone's mind that the gear I made is sterile, because I used the right filtration method, the right size, the right type of filter, perhaps.

Maybe if I explained how I sanitize my vials & rubber stoppers, I'd gain some trust & respect from the members that I care about my business and the product I put out.

Maybe if I posted a pic of pill press, it would show.......that I possibly could know how to use'd think

"What do I want?" I'm very transparent.......
@CensoredBoardsSuck thank you for pointing out his lack of understanding for the difference between sell and sale. That shit was driving me nuts. I don't understand how a grown man could possibly make that mistake multiple times. There's no way I would send money to some clown that can't differentiate between the two. Lol.
@CensoredBoardsSuck thank you for pointing out his lack of understanding for the difference between sell and sale. That shit was driving me nuts. I don't understand how a grown man could possibly make that mistake multiple times. There's no way I would send money to some clown that can't differentiate between the two. Lol.

Your sew wright. Tale that guy.
I'll comment on the things that are relevant.

1-Marvel Labs had not been up and running when that thread was.
2-I am being compensated for work and time. No denying that.
3-I am a member who stands behind Marvel gear and figured meso would benefit from a lab that isn't a bathtub operation
4-No shills. No idea who the member was. Marvel has no need for shills.
5-I am a current and active member and always will be
6-We run sells all the time

Hope these can answer your questions. I'm sure this entire post in meaningless to you, but I figured since you're adamant, I would bring attention to your post to clarify some misinformation that happened along the way.

Hey no offense or anything but if you're trying to make a living being a sales rep try to learn proper English so nobody gets confused on what you're doing... if that hasn't already happened...;) SALES!!!
You said Marvel was an established lab. Now you're saying it isn't:

You're so bad at this, you can't even keep up with your own lies.

If Marvel is an established lab, it was around in 2012. If it wasn't around in 2012, Marvel is nothing more than a start up, and start ups are high risk. The risk is even higher when the rep is a lying gear whore.

That's NOT what you said earlier in the thread:

No, you thought you could use your Meso name and the contacts you built here to line your greedy pockets, just like you did when you were gear whoring. Your motives have NOTHING to do with benefiting Meso. Marvel has already been caught scamming and selling bunk and that didn't stop you from pushing Marvel garbage on Meso. In fact, wwhen Marvel's dirty past was brought to light, you tried to claim it was a 'different" Marvel.

And yes, Marvel is the definition of bathtub lab.

The evidence in this thread shows you are lying. ecv3000 joined within hours of your Marvel announcement and used his first post to push your bathtub gear.

You are a current and active gear whore who is - and always was - here for your own self-interest. You were never a member and you're definitely not one now.

Most legit sources run sales. Most legit sources also know the difference between 'sell' and 'sale' too.

WOW.... bad cellphone service equals post being a little late haha
Edit: I had the page open reading at work and got busy, then responded to the post before reloading the page to see that you beat me to it
I denied being compensated as for my own safety. I can't explain that anymore. But I am OPENLY being compensated for my time and effort.

We all have our own definitions of established, I can't rebut that. Yes, Marvel is a common name, wouldn't be surprising to see it brought up in the WWW. I image you've seen labs with the same name? I know I have certainly seen two labs with the same name.

Censored, I can't prove that person was not a shill anymore then you can prove he is a shill. Now, if there was multiple people still posting positive reviews on this thread, that would be another discussion.

I traced the IP*. That "shill" was you under a different account. Youre a liar and a theif!

*I dont know how to trace IPs.
I hope they didn't pay box car too much. Pretty soon there gonna be looking for a refund. Hope you haven't pinned all that free gear yet.
Hey no offense or anything but if you're trying to make a living being a sales rep try to learn proper English so nobody gets confused on what you're doing... if that hasn't already happened...;) SALES!!!

I know, my bad everyone. But thank you for everyone who pointed it out ;) No more accidentally writing sells instead of sales thats for sure.
i just like getting all the info i can. i like to be in the know. its not about the sale's man but more about knowing the product. there are shitty sales man that sell top of the line cars. does not change the vaule of the car. it just means that they have a shitty sales man lol
Re posting this as I have these questions asked on a daily.

We only ship with in the US
Our only accepted payment is bitcoins (gladly to help anyone from start to finish)
Our price list is located in the first post

We are still running our buy two test e get one free sale.
150$ store credit for meso members only who post blood work! We ask you do blood work at your own discretion. Please do not inform me you will be doing bloods until after ordering.
As eventually it will wind up in your ass lol
Honestly man I really don't get the whole "Rep" thing. I said it easier in this thread why not just hustle Yourself? Bro raws are so fucking cheap, and guys sell gear very cheap. Cheap enough to resell if that's your fancy. But to be a nut hugger for a lab for somE free gear. C'mon. Pathetic.