Marvel Labs

why yall attacking the chode? lets do business here. Your prices are a bit high Im sure youve been told. After running labs that offer 40ml vials All never go back to individually buying little 10ml bottles. I use way to much oil and its Way to expensive that way. You gotta differentiate yourself Mofucka
Yeah, sorry Jack we don't offer any bigger vials, but we have sells going on frequenlty.

We are not trying to stand out from any other lab. We are an established lab with a massive customer base on the darknet I am the first and only rep not on the darkweb.
Really boxcar?
I am a member on here first and rep later. I am not here to spam or rage about out Marvel.
Marvel and I built a relationship and got talking, and I decided to be his first rep outside of the darkweb.
Many people do not know how to get onto the darkweb and this is limiting them from labs that are run off customer base and not advertisement, sponsored forums, promotions, free gear etc.
I am a member on here first and rep later. I am not here to spam or rage about out Marvel.
Marvel and I built a relationship and got talking, and I decided to be his first rep outside of the darkweb.
Many people do not know how to get onto the darkweb and this is limiting them from labs that are run off customer base and not advertisement, sponsored forums, promotions, free gear etc.
if you were a member here first, you wouldn't be a rep for this guy. you would also know that real reviews, bloodwork, and preferably mass specs are how people should be making decisions
if you were a member here first, you wouldn't be a rep for this guy. you would also know that real reviews, bloodwork, and preferably mass specs are how people should be making decisions
We have real reviews and bloods on reddit and darkweb.
Reddit is only a smart part of Marvel Labs.

I am a rep because I have used Marvel products and now only use Marvel. Meso is a very hard place to get your foot in the door as i've seen it happen to numerous labs here. We are not a start up, we are an established lab, and have a large customer base to support that.

I encourage anyone to look up Marvels GRAMS link in reddit for the darkweb to view all of Marvels feedback and customer base.
I guess I could have PM'd you with this, but since you made this thread, I guess I'll just post it here.

Boxcar, you and I go back to (I believe) when you first joined. I know we use to exchange quite a few PM's a little while back. I have always liked you, man. Thus my motivation for posting this.

Have you truly weighed the risk versus reward with this endeavour? Have you considered that you are now an employee, a member of a criminal organization? Have you been paying attention to OCJ? Have you considered the fact that you are now what LE considers an "accomplice"?

a person who helps another commit a crime.

Boxcar, I am assuming that you have taken steps to separate yourself, and I assume that Marvel has done the same with you. But you are still facilitating the sale of illegal scheduled drugs. I don't know how well you have insulated yourself, and I don't know (or want to know) what your arrangement with Marvel is.

But I'll ask again, have you weighed the risk versus the reward with your involvement with this UGL?
I guess I could have PM'd you with this, but since you made this thread, I guess I'll just post it here.

Boxcar, you and I go back to (I believe) when you first joined. I know we use to exchange quite a few PM's a little while back. I have always liked you, man. Thus my motivation for posting this.

Have you truly weighed the risk versus reward with this endeavour? Have you considered that you are now an employee, a member of a criminal organization? Have you been paying attention to OCJ? Have you considered the fact that you are now what LE considers an "accomplice"?

a person who helps another commit a crime.

Boxcar, I am assuming that you have taken steps to separate yourself, and I assume that Marvel has done the same with you. But you are still facilitating the sale of illegal scheduled drugs. I don't know how well you have insulated yourself, and I don't know (or want to know) what your arrangement with Marvel is.

But I'll ask again, have you weighed the risk versus the reward with your involvement with this UGL?

If Marvel is an established lab, why does he need you to set up shop here, for him?

I'm pretty sure he knows what & how to do it. I know your receiving some kind of compensation for your help, or are you the lab?

Why risk your Reputation on someone you don't know, unless you are the lab in question. Nophat did this exact same thing.

Lastly, why use your handle on this? Would have been better to create another handle. Your affiliation with this is not a positive attribution to this board

I am a member on here first and rep later.

No. Once you cross the line and become a rep, you will no longer be considered a member here. Period. In fact, "members" who become reps have even less stature than reps. Using the reputation you built as a Meso member to push an ugl is disgusting. It shows a complete lack of respect for Meso, and for the guys that have been fighting the good fight day in, day out.
if anyone gives a shit i defiantly learned from my spartan gear experience after realizing its just another ugl, not a rep for them at all and only was actively for about a week.
i had a couple issues with some inconsistencies with the gear so i would be quite upset if i caused someone else to get questionable,bad, or misrepresented gear
We have real reviews and bloods on reddit and darkweb.
Reddit is only a smart part of Marvel Labs.

I am a rep because I have used Marvel products and now only use Marvel. Meso is a very hard place to get your foot in the door as i've seen it happen to numerous labs here. We are not a start up, we are an established lab, and have a large customer base to support that.

I encourage anyone to look up Marvels GRAMS link in reddit for the darkweb to view all of Marvels feedback and customer base.
For some reason, you think that reddit reviews mean something here, they don't. And you act like being part of the dark Web makes them something special, it doesnt.
Lucky Duck was a respectable member until he sold out to MF. MF went to shit and dissapeared along with Lucky. Any member who becomes a rep is a fucking sell out. Sworder did it. Manwhore did it. Strech did it. PC did it. Nophat did it....... All ended up being lying piece of shit chumps in the end. Boxcar you are a fucking sell out buddy. No go here at Meso, walk on home boy.
Don't you remember Bick? AAS is only a slap on the wrist....
Evidently it is.

I know of this guy and with having two convictions e didn't do Much time. Just an example.

Personally if I'm going to hustle it's going to be for me, no one else. I'll never dim ride anyone. That's just how I see a "rep" for an underground snake oil salesman. What's your take? Can't be much. I know the exact cost of brewing, bottling, labeling etc. so what for free gear? You of all people should've thought this one over a little more. I respect you and we have talked from time To time but this was probably a bad move.

On another note, I'm dying to check out the dark web- just not to computer savy, and use
My phone rather then a desk or laptop.
If Marvel is an established lab, why does he need you to set up shop here, for him?

I'm pretty sure he knows what & how to do it. I know your receiving some kind of compensation for your help, or are you the lab?

Why risk your Reputation on someone you don't know, unless you are the lab in question. Nophat did this exact same thing.

Lastly, why use your handle on this? Would have been better to create another handle. Your affiliation with this is not a positive attribution to this board

Don't want come off as a smart ass or anything.

But I have answered all of these questions before in one way or another.


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