Marvel Labs

I have had his gear tested for active ration and any present metals but never mentioned it because I cant find the file.. I can tell after a day or to on short esters if its trash though I know my body. I run tren ace 100 1cc a day, .5cc test prop 100, and I take too much eq. I use clomid eod. I am trying to gain strength mainly but could use some mass. The chick that did the lab for me got in trouble and haven't been able to find her for a copy. I found where she got in trouble on the net by googling "real life breaking bad chemist Houston tx" but can never reach her by email. I could never afford anyone else she always did my labs for free
Note too self, do not have morning toke & proceed to read ecp3000 posts!!! Your delusional man, kick rocks!
I have had his gear tested for active ration and any present metals but never mentioned it because I cant find the file.. I can tell after a day or to on short esters if its trash though I know my body. I run tren ace 100 1cc a day, .5cc test prop 100, and I take too much eq. I use clomid eod. I am trying to gain strength mainly but could use some mass. The chick that did the lab for me got in trouble and haven't been able to find her for a copy. I found where she got in trouble on the net by googling "real life breaking bad chemist Houston tx" but can never reach her by email. I could never afford anyone else she always did my labs for free

Just because you "know your body" does not mean the gear is dosed properly. How do you know your prop is dosed at 100mg instead of 75mg. You don't. So please just stfu with how you feel. No one cares.
STFU! You don't know Marvel or the man behind it. Have you met the man/boy and have had dinner at his house and discussed life?

Do you know how ridiculous you sound and look to everyone.

oh yea no not like know him know him? Why would anyone every want the name or location of their gear dealer. I just know him for the year and half I been dealing with him. I wouldn't want to know him that way it would comp his safety and mine?? weird you would think "know him" means I fuck him or some shit?? lol
oh yea no not like know him know him? Why would anyone every want the name or location of their gear dealer. I just know him for the year and half I been dealing with him. I wouldn't want to know him that way it would comp his safety and mine?? weird you would think "know him" means I fuck him or some shit?? lol
You are clearly already fucking him. Marvel could be some fat ass jack off jerking off in your gear why he watches kiddy porn. You don't know if he's a some "bad ass dude" rookie. You don't know jack shit about anything except you got some free gear to give a review on MESO.

Again STFU and get lost or change your bullshit real quick.

You are clearly already fucking him. Marvel could be some fat ass jack off jerking off in your gear why he watches kiddy porn. You don't know if he's a some "bad ass dude" rookie. You don't know jack shit about anything except you got some free gear to give a review on MESO.

Again STFU and get lost or change your bullshit real quick.

I see your point, but being a pervious dn vendor you notice patterns in people, people like this guy that always do as they say 100% of the time on the things I can see or realize like when he says Ill ship that on Monday the every time ships when he says, you see what kind of guy he is, and over time seeing him do exactly as he says with all this other shit why would he put 75ml in a vial instead of 100ml then be on point with everything else. That active is not high priced he has no motivation to make extra $ that way by "pinching the bag" and also, it wasn't agreed upon that I get paid I just offered for free since I was in the hole a bit, but giving reviews has made stuff cheaper for me in the past, but I don't want anything for posting but to help him grow so I can get my shit even cheaper.
I see your point, but being a pervious dn vendor you notice patterns in people, people like this guy that always do as they say 100% of the time on the things I can see or realize like when he says Ill ship that on Monday the every time ships when he says, you see what kind of guy he is, and over time seeing him do exactly as he says with all this other shit why would he put 75ml in a vial instead of 100ml then be on point with everything else. That active is not high priced he has no motivation to make extra $ that way by "pinching the bag" and also, it wasn't agreed upon that I get paid I just offered for free since I was in the hole a bit, but giving reviews has made stuff cheaper for me in the past, but I don't want anything for posting but to help him grow so I can get my shit even cheaper.
Holy fuck man, you are a complete moron. You admit your a gear whore, why cuz your in the hole? More like taking it in the hole !!! So what bathtub boy sent you some free gear, and he knows it is good gear. And why? Cuz your dumb ass will bite and give glowing reviews. Then noobs will jump on board and receive under dosed crap! Save your posts, they are worthless here on Meso.
He might not purposely put 75mg/ml in the vial but I guarantee you that he IS NOT testing his raws so he doesn't have any more of an idea wtf is in the vial than you do. So please, once again, stfu and Quit riding his dick so hard. Big fucking deal he ships out when he says he will. That doesn't mean it's high quality just because his shipping time is quick.
Holy fuck man, you are a complete moron. You admit your a gear whore, why cuz your in the hole? More like taking it in the hole !!! So what bathtub boy sent you some free gear, and he knows it is good gear. And why? Cuz your dumb ass will bite and give glowing reviews. Then noobs will jump on board and receive under dosed crap! Save your posts, they are worthless here on Meso.
If gear whore means I use multiple vendors that is false. I have only used Marvel for the past year. If you hace all this $ to test stuff, why don't I get the coins, and when I put in my address I put yours so you get the bottle and test it. I can tell when I am on tren my bench goes up 10lbs a week. But you are right it could be off but I doubt it. But with this idea we all would know and wouldn't cost anyone anything? just a thought.
Another pissing match with no value or substance watsover! If y'all aren't interested move the fuck on. Bunch of woman addicted to drama here lol. Guy should of been ignored after his first post. Give me Break!
He might not purposely put 75mg/ml in the vial but I guarantee you that he IS NOT testing his raws so he doesn't have any more of an idea wtf is in the vial than you do. So please, once again, stfu and Quit riding his dick so hard. Big fucking deal he ships out when he says he will. That doesn't mean it's high quality just because his shipping time is quick.
yea I guess that's true. So how do we find out?
I've never heard a man sound so in love with another man in my life. And you haven't even met this bad ass super brewer. Get a room.
Another pissing match with no value or substance watsover! If y'all aren't interested move the fuck on. Bunch of woman addicted to drama here lol. Guy should of been ignored after his first post. Give me Break!
You can suck all the Marvel cock you want twink. Anyone can post here if they want! Just like anyone can be a cum guzzler there Jack! ;)
I have had his gear tested for active ration and any present metals
I can get this done with a bottle of my piss. Jugs are going on sale as soon as my stock piles up. This bargain is only available to new members so sign up quick! (And if you keep posting useless shit to make your newbie status change this deal is void)
Wow I've been here almost two years n never seen Mands use a curse word. Entrypostion3000 u have pissed off the most chill guy on this board, just leave man.
Wow I've been here almost two years n never seen Mands use a curse word. Entrypostion3000 u have pissed off the most chill guy on this board, just leave man.
ok how do I do that, can you delete an account? Im not trying to piss people off or have issues I have enough already