Marvel Labs

Wow, checking the status of this thread and both the rep and lab got beat to hammered cat shit. Should be an example for all the nubs that even think about endorsing/repping a ugl around here. Meso doesn't not fuck around. You're either in or killed. This board is no joke. Walk softly...
From the first post I mentioned Reddit as a source of information about Marvel along with the others. It is for people to decide what sources of information they value. You are trying to spin things like I am withholding information.

No, I am trying to show you are dishonest. Denying that you didn't send ech3000 to shill for you is an example of your duplicity.

You are taking so much time to post in this thread to suggest that I am being dishonest.

As much time as it takes. If there's one thing I don't like, it's dishonest sources that treat us like we're stupid while trying to line their pockets.

When I posted that review about hammers gear I was transparent and said that it was review from free gear that I received.

So what? All you did was admit to being a gear whore.

I am not here claiming that Marvels great and I am not getting compensated for it.

That's exactly what you're doing.

Part of the point of making the post was publicly letting the community know that I am a rep.

The ENTIRE point of making that post was to troll for sales. You being the rep was obvious.

I get it that you don't like that I went from a member to rep and understand how you feel about it. I definitely wont be offering my opinion on labs whatsoever from on

You were never a member, you were a gear whore. You admitted it yourself. You going from gear whore to rep was a natural progression. It certainly wasn't a surprise to me, and I suspect it wasn't a surprise to anyone else.

I don't like or dislike you becoming a rep. I couldn't care less. What I do care about is ensuring no Meso member fall for your BS.
This board actually is a mess at the moment.
I'm sure Millard would love your ideas on how he can make it "NOT A MESS." care to explain yourself? If your idea of a mess is an uncensored board, in which trends can shift like the wind due to free opinion, then you do not have to stay.
I am not here claiming that Marvels great and I am not getting compensated for it.

If you're not being compensated then you won't mind letting this thread die and you'll no longer push Marvel Labs on Meso - you know, since the members have clearly spoken and they don't want your bathtub gear.

If you continue to push Marvel it will be proof that you are being compensated.

So what's it gonna be? I know how I'd bet.
I'm sure Millard would love your ideas on how he can make it "NOT A MESS." care to explain yourself? If your idea of a mess is an uncensored board, in which trends can shift like the wind due to free opinion, then you do not have to stay.

I dont care to indulge..but i can say and many will agree that a bit too much negativity is being demonstrated.No one wants that after a shity day of life in the real world..negativity.What is you real agenda and ease up.Im done.
This thread is a perfect example to all jr., active, an wkm's of what NOT TO DO!!!!!!!
Btw i am here for the long run brother.
Good, cause I like you. People have thier opinions about the current state of the board. I can Definately see your point of view. I don't have an agenda my friend. I'm just here to kick it will like minded iron movers.
I dont care to indulge..but i can say and many will agree that a bit too much negativity is being demonstrated.No one wants that after a shity day of life in the real world..negativity.What is you real agenda and ease up.Im done.
I can understand your post but we as a community should get together to share information about what's good and what's bad. Also to keep out the rubbish labs such as Marvel, Thunder, Hammer, etc. This is our mission and purpose to serve the community and BE the community to endorse the best things within our so-called hobby of training and performance enhancement, while warning about the things that are downright wrong. Debate is a good thing, and the uncensored format of this forum promotes a common ground without the pressure.
I can understand your post but we as a community should get together to share information about what's good and what's bad. Also to keep out the rubbish labs such as Marvel, Thunder, Hammer, etc. This is our mission and purpose to serve the community and BE the community to endorse the best things within our so-called hobby of training and performance enhancement, while warning about the things that are downright wrong. Debate is a good thing, and the uncensored format of this forum promotes a common ground without the pressure.

Ive been around a while brother and underestand where you are coming from oldschool and beileve in being a gentleman and if things get nasty(then)letting loose the devil inside me will come when needed.Again your a good guy and thanks for the constructive feedback.
I dont care to indulge..but i can say and many will agree that a bit too much negativity is being demonstrated.No one wants that after a shity day of life in the real world..negativity.What is you real agenda and ease up.Im done.

If you don't care to indulge, why stir the pot?

Regardless, two things come to mind about your inane post. 1) No one is forcing you to be here and 2) negativity after a shitty day pales in comparison to how shitty people feel when they get scammed.

Don't like the thread? No likee, no clickee.
Ive been around a while brother and underestand where you are coming from oldschool and beileve in being a gentleman and if things get nasty(then)letting loose the devil inside me will come when needed.Again your a good guy and thanks for the constructive feedback.
LOL I see a lot of hackles rising in this thread, but it's all good as everyone has their own views on such a topic as this one but we do agree bad labs are definitely no good.
I dont care to indulge..but i can say and many will agree that a bit too much negativity is being demonstrated.No one wants that after a shity day of life in the real world..negativity.What is you real agenda and ease up.Im done.

As a side note, I find it telling that the two Marvel "employees" (Boxcar and ecp3000) 'liked' your post within minutes. And they say they're not working together! LMFAO
If you don't care to indulge, why stir the pot?

Regardless, two things come to mind about your inane post. 1) No one is forcing you to be here and 2) negativity after a shitty day pales in comparison to how shitty people feel when they get scammed.

Don't like the thread? No likee, no clickee.

You sir..idk what to say.Its good...we can share the same island and not run into eachother..too much i think.I am here..i choose and will be here.What are you?Nvm.
If you don't care to indulge, why stir the pot?

Regardless, two things come to mind about your inane post. 1) No one is forcing you to be here and 2) negativity after a shitty day pales in comparison to how shitty people feel when they get scammed.

Don't like the thread? No likee, no clickee.
I feel that @dnoyez isn't trying to attack people here in general, its just the negativity seems to get ratcheted up way high is what he's trying to say. He's also not condoning labs like this one just being rather pragmatic.

Sorry if I sound like I am defending anyone just my honest opinion. You I have a lot of respect for and you do deserve it. Debate is a good thing IMO, so nothing wrong in people speaking their mind.
I can understand your post but we as a community should get together to share information about what's good and what's bad. Also to keep out the rubbish labs such as Marvel, Thunder, Hammer, etc. This is our mission and purpose to serve the community and BE the community to endorse the best things within our so-called hobby of training and performance enhancement, while warning about the things that are downright wrong. Debate is a good thing, and the uncensored format of this forum promotes a common ground without the pressure.
Well fucking said big dog. This board brings the raw truth in your face, like it or not! I see nothing wrong here, I love this place. It's better now, than what it was long ago from my memory.
I feel that @dnoyez isn't trying to attack people here in general, its just the negativity seems to get ratcheted up way high is what he's trying to say.

I know he isn't. He doesn't like the tone. Too fucking bad. I don't like dishonest sources and hate seeing members get ripped off. If a negative tone is what it takes to prevent someone from losing their hard earned money, so be it.