Marvel Labs

That is not Marvel. We have never been on that website, but most importantly we were not even around in 2012.

But you said Marvel was an established lab. LMFAO

Let me guess... your definition of established lab is 6 months in business, right?

No, Marvel is strictly darknight, right? It's never been on ASF just like it's never been on reddit and Meso... oh wait - it is on those forums!
But you said Marvel was an established lab. LMFAO

Let me guess... your definition of established lab is 6 months in business, right?

No, Marvel is strictly darknight, right? It's never been on ASF just like it's never been on reddit and Meso... oh wait - it is on those forums!
We are darknet. Reddit is only a forum, no reps what so ever.
Stated earlier
First active rep
If I lost all those things I wouldn't be taking juice on credit. lol I would be concentrating on taking care of my shit.

im not perfect by any means. I have $ coming im not broke. And its better I lost it all she was a bitchy dishonest whore, just burns a little at first
If Marvel is an established lab, why does he need you to set up shop here, for him?

I'm pretty sure he knows what & how to do it. I know your receiving some kind of compensation for your help, or are you the lab?

Why risk your Reputation on someone you don't know, unless you are the lab in question. Nophat did this exact same thing.

Lastly, why use your handle on this? Would have been better to create another handle. Your affiliation with this is not a positive attribution to this board

1- Marvel is expanding his business outside of where they are now. He can't scale up the business and process more orders without having someone to help him. The markets automate the ordering process, but email orders are a lot more time intensive. Did I understand your question

2-Marvels working with me because he can't put an ad in the paper to hire help. Labs get busted when they distribute local too or hire people they know. He's not a buddy of mine or someone I know outside of my relationship of using his products. Is the relationship of whether a lab and it's reps know each other on a personal level important to you?

3-Put into perspective that members here buy from labs they don't know who source raws from factories in China they don't know and take advice from strangers on these forums that they don't know. Despite all of that they inject that product into their body, and do it because they have evidence that the person is trustworthy and there is evidence that the product is quality.
Despite all of that they inject that product into their body, and do it because they have evidence that the person is trustworthy and there is evidence that the product is quality.

And you using shills to push your bathtub brew makes you NOT trustworthy. You are the worst kind of member: you are the kind of member that attempts to use whatever credibility they have to take money from the same community they claim to be a part of. You are a disgrace to the community.

To those who don't know Boxcar, his history on Meso is that of a gear whore. He whored himself out to Hammer and no doubt many other sources. Beware of this loser.

Before I get ragged on.
I AM GAINING NOTHING FROM POSTING THIS REVIEW. I am no way connected to hammer other than the free shit he had me run to post a review.
I received 3 tren ace, and 1 insanity.
And you using shills to push your bathtub brew makes you NOT trustworthy. You are the worst kind of member: you are the kind of member that attempts to use whatever credibility they have to take money from the same community they claim to be a part of. You are a disgrace to the community.

To those who don't know Boxcar, his history on Meso is that of a gear whore. He whored himself out to Hammer and no doubt many other sources. Beware of this loser.
Wow,CBS surely nailed it. Boxcar is right up there with the likes of Sworder alright.
And you using shills to push your bathtub brew makes you NOT trustworthy. You are the worst kind of member: you are the kind of member that attempts to use whatever credibility they have to take money from the same community they claim to be a part of. You are a disgrace to the community.

To those who don't know Boxcar, his history on Meso is that of a gear whore. He whored himself out to Hammer and no doubt many other sources. Beware of this loser.
He's gaining nothing from posting the review? Then states except the free gear I got to post this review. lol CLASSIC!

And you using shills to push your bathtub brew makes you NOT trustworthy. You are the worst kind of member: you are the kind of member that attempts to use whatever credibility they have to take money from the same community they claim to be a part of. You are a disgrace to the community.

To those who don't know Boxcar, his history on Meso is that of a gear whore. He whored himself out to Hammer and no doubt many other sources. Beware of this loser.
WOW! Completely forgot about that. People, so it seems, will even sell their soul for some free gear. I thought that was only the crackhead who did that.
But you said Marvel was an established lab. LMFAO

Let me guess... your definition of established lab is 6 months in business, right?

No, Marvel is strictly darknight, right? It's never been on ASF just like it's never been on reddit and Meso... oh wait - it is on those forums!

CBS in his post he said we
As he is marvel or affiliated not just a rep
We meaning he is part of the operation
1- Marvel is expanding his business outside of where they are now. He can't scale up the business and process more orders without having someone to help him. The markets automate the ordering process, but email orders are a lot more time intensive. Did I understand your question

2-Marvels working with me because he can't put an ad in the paper to hire help. Labs get busted when they distribute local too or hire people they know. He's not a buddy of mine or someone I know outside of my relationship of using his products. Is the relationship of whether a lab and it's reps know each other on a personal level important to you?

3-Put into perspective that members here buy from labs they don't know who source raws from factories in China they don't know and take advice from strangers on these forums that they don't know. Despite all of that they inject that product into their body, and do it because they have evidence that the person is trustworthy and there is evidence that the product is quality.

Why does he need YOU? I don't see why this question is so hard to answer. It's quite simple, you're a tool, like a disposable razor. You'll get used and then disposed of. When LE gets to him he's going to give you up and say you're "Marvel".

I can see your in it for free gear and/or money. What's his offer? You get $10 for every $100 you bring off of meso members? So you just woke up one morning and said "Hey, I think meso members need quality gear and marvel can provide them a service. Top it off, I'll hook both sides up, free of charge! Whooohoo!"

It doesn't take long to brew up gear & bottle it, even for an established, well off, successful ugl. It doesn't take long to come on the forum for 30 minutes and answer question and make ridiculous statements. It does not take much time to drop package's in the mail....especially if you're organized.

I did research when it came to using gear and how to construct a cycle. Didn't ask a whole lot of questions, just did plenty of reading. I'm sure most of us read and researched first, before asking questions on a forum, or advice from anyone. I don't make decisions based off of someone's experience, hence the shilling that goes on.

You fail to realize....marvel doesn't work with you. You are the ho, Marvel the pimp, and you seriously take us as being the trick! (Street talk)

Btw...since you are now sourcing, don't reply to other threads. You're not playing both sides of the field here. You've chosen your path, and it's not a member. And since @CensoredBoardsSuck posted your statement about using hammer gear, I've lost all respect for you.

No, Marvel is strictly darknight, right? It's never been on ASF just like it's never been on reddit and Meso... oh wait - it is on those forums!
From the first post I mentioned Reddit as a source of information about Marvel along with the others. It is for people to decide what sources of information they value. You are trying to spin things like I am withholding information. You are taking so much time to post in this thread to suggest that I am being dishonest. When I posted that review about hammers gear I was transparent and said that it was review from free gear that I received. I am not here claiming that Marvels great and I am not getting compensated for it. Part of the point of making the post was publicly letting the community know that I am a rep. I get it that you don't like that I went from a member to rep and understand how you feel about it. I definitely wont be offering my opinion on labs whatsoever from on
From the first post I mentioned Reddit as a source of information about Marvel along with the others. It is for people to decide what sources of information they value. You are trying to spin things like I am withholding information. You are taking so much time to post in this thread to suggest that I am being dishonest. When I posted that review about hammers gear I was transparent and said that it was review from free gear that I received. I am not here claiming that Marvels great and I am not getting compensated for it. Part of the point of making the post was publicly letting the community know that I am a rep. I get it that you don't like that I went from a member to rep and understand how you feel about it. I definitely wont be offering my opinion on labs whatsoever from on
Boxcar so let me get this correct. You completely sold out here AND are sucking Marvel Cock for free??? You definitely need that ct scan bro!!!! o_O
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Boxcar,since you've mastered the cup balls insert cock into thy mouth position, perhaps you would care to enlighten us on your feelings towards deep throating on the first visit???
That is not Marvel. We have never been on that website, but most importantly we were not even around in 2012.

You say you just became a Marvel rep but now youre saying "we" AND talking about what the lab was doing months and years ago? Either youre more involved then repping or you had to take a lab history class when you were "hired" :D
Boxcar so let me get this correct. You completely sold out here AND are sucking Marvel Cock for free??? You definitely need that ct scan bro!!!! o_O
Naw he aint doing it for free. He would be a complete idiot to involve himself over some free gear but it most likely is what is going on. This boxcar is why you are a sell out. You sold out your member status, any rep you had left, integrity and maybe eventually your freedom over some ugl dime a dozen castrol in a vial. Bitcoin won't save your ass from an indictment when you rat fucks decide to roll all over each other.
CBS in his post he said we
As he is marvel or affiliated not just a rep
We meaning he is part of the operation

From the first page alone, he uses 'we' or 'our' 17 times to refer to Marvel. But he isn't receiving compensation, though.:rolleyes:

We are not here to claim the holy grail of labs, or to spam about how great we are.

Instead, we take the approach of letting our customer base be our source of credibilty.

Here is a link to our reddit website

we only do bitcoins for our safety as well as our customers.

We are strictly a darknet vendor.

If you can gain acsess to the darkweb, majorty of our reviews, and blood work is there.

But no, we are not a private lab.

We are a the top vendor in multiple darkweb maketplaces.

We are here to expand. We are a top vendor on the darkweb.

We use bitcoin for your safety and our safety.

We do not.