Massive problems with right arm


Well-known Member
Hello guys,
i have some massive issues with my right arm since around 7-8 weeks.
Before that, i had slight issues with elbow pain here and there.
Since 7-8 weeks, i can not do any puhsing movements but not due to my elbow, but due to immense pain in my forearm.
The pain is more or less located here:
it is so severe i can not even press an empty smith machine bar.
I can work back without any pain. Also Bizceps when my arm is fully rotated.
Hammer curls induce some pain but nothing compared to pressing movements.
Also, apart from training, the pain is worst at night when the arm rests. If i wake up i can only "curl up" with severe pain.
does anything had something similar or ideas what it might be?
I will probably try to get a ortho appointment in the next days
thanks guys!
Have some similar weird stuff going on. I think u have a pinched nerve in your neck between c4 and c8 most likely between c5 an c7

I have degenerative disc disease mild to moderate c4-c7 mine hurt more at night also.