You are right, that was not OPs question thats why i wanted to directly reply to you.
There is breast cancer studies suggesting the opposite.
Prolactin and Estrogen Enhance the Activity of Activating Protein 1 in Breast Cancer Cells: Role of Extracellularly Regulated Kinase 1/2-Mediated Signals to c-fos - PMC (activation through the ERK1/2 and c-Fos pathways)
Prolactin and estrogen both activate MAPK/ERK pathways, which regulate cell proliferation and AP-1 activity which in return can amplify estrogen signaling and aromatization.
Given both activate and work through joint pathways, it is not just a one-way street, so gotta be cautious in the future.
I have seen that myself with higher/lower E levels and Prolactin levels on my own.