Maximize Pecs on Gear

I'm wondering if you don't devote one workout to only doing chest isolation s**t???

Incline fly
Decline fly
Flat fly

Cable fly

Pec dec

What is your flat bench 1RM, and how does it compare to your inclined bench press 1RM?
As always you are very astute ... i made thursdays a pec day after shoulders and tris so I can't leverage them into the presses. Doing Iso movements like flys, all but declines.

I think my one rep max is somewhere between 267 and 305. Seems like I was able to press 3 plates, 1x under my own power in the past. But the 1x rep calculator says my 8x215 working weight is 267. I'll check with a spotter this week to verify and find out about my incline bench which I have not gauged before.
As always you are very astute ... i made thursdays a pec day after shoulders and tris so I can't leverage them into the presses. Doing Iso movements like flys, all but declines.

I think my one rep max is somewhere between 267 and 305. Seems like I was able to press 3 plates, 1x under my own power in the past. But the 1x rep calculator says my 8x215 working weight is 267. I'll check with a spotter this week to verify and find out about my incline bench which I have not gauged before.

Please update with 1RM on incline...I suspect that upper chest is the culprit here....
Oh yeah, I should mention I'm consuming about 3300-4000 calories/day, protein heavy.

I got better results when i bumped up my grams of carbs to about 50g more that grams protein ED. Everything looked better, had more energy...


Okay bro I feel for ya....let me tell you my story and what worked for me.

Same deal but I always ran about 195lbs 9% BF for years! Prob spent 3 hours ED 6 days a week at the gym. My two biggest problems were that I could not gain weight (get to be over 200 lbs) and that bench was my WORST exercise. Friggin huge arms, back from hell, strong legs, I played college rugby and bucked three string hay bales all week long between classes.

Now I am sitting around 233 and my chest is almost too big. I am freakin out about calves and torso (waistline) now NOT chest at all. Seems like all of the press exercises I can do 3 plates or more --- bench, incline, decline, and even millitary press. So what happened?

  1. WIDE BENCH - Changes my life bro. Found this machine that said 'wide bench' and after using it for 6 mo or so I noticed that my pecks were lookin GOOD. Then I moved my hands out 3 inches or so on ALL press type exercises. I have a whole other day devoted to trys bro where I just ter the shit out of em, so bench day is like my chest day.
  2. Stopped for a sec about one half inch above chest Another thing that helped was coming to a complete stop about half an inch above my chest for every type of press EVERY TIME FOR EVERY SET.
  3. Alternated the sequence of my workouts (bench, incline, decline) then 4 or 5 days later (incline, decline, bench) and so on...
  4. Diet got super clean and I bumped up carbs.

When I finish bench day I do over to the cable row machines and spend at least half an hour doing every type of cable fly you can think of. I pretend to be flexing for a contest and fill those pecks up till I think they could burst...then i do some more, till the weight is like what a chick would use.

Immediately after i carb up, then big meal.

If I were you I would not worry about overtraining. I found out that I had one of those body types that seems to be able to take anything and I have to go ape shit to get any real change.


Thanks Billy, some good advice/insight there for me.

I've actually come to the conclusion that I have more slow-twitch muscle fibres in my chest than the typical male. Just a theory, but I've never really done a high high-rep, high-set, short-rest, heavy-weight workout for my chest. It's always been traditional 6-8 rep/3-4 sets/long rest/heavy weights. So it might well be worth testing that theory for a few weeks, or mix it up as part of my routine to keep my chest guessing. This theory would certainly explain a few things though. In fact, your 1/2 hour cable exhaustion routine at the end of your workout seems to suggest exactly that for your own chest, combining traditional with high-rep.

I have been incorporating some wide grip lifts into my workout since that was suggested here early on, and seem to be seeing some results. So I will focus a little more on that now for a bit and see if I see even more dramatic results.