Melted raws


New Member
Hi has anyone got deca raws before an experienced a hot day and their raws melted and then went hard again?

I want to know if this is still good to use? I got mad ventraglute pip off my
Last 2 injections of a homebrew deca

Hard to tell if its the raws or what as every other time ive had no issue.
I have had that happen and can't say i noticed anything different.
Hi has anyone got deca raws before an experienced a hot day and their raws melted and then went hard again?

I want to know if this is still good to use? I got mad ventraglute pip off my
Last 2 injections of a homebrew deca

Hard to tell if its the raws or what as every other time ive had no issue.
Well, It is no problem to use. Deca raws have a low melting point. They will melt even you order in June or Sep. Just remember to cook them all at a time. As to pip of deca, rarely heard it. I don't think it is raws problem.
Well, It is no problem to use. Deca raws have a low melting point. They will melt even you order in June or Sep. Just remember to cook them all at a time. As to pip of deca, rarely heard it. I don't think it is raws problem.
I understand this but what i mean is if you leave it i your draw still in raw powder form then a hot day melts it to liquid then it goes back to waxy rock form. Is this still ok to use or not?
Not sure. Maybe you can have a testing on it. Probally yes if well sealed. Mostly I will suggest to store it in a cool & dry place!

I understand this but what i mean is if you leave it i your draw still in raw powder form then a hot day melts it to liquid then it goes back to waxy rock form. Is this still ok to use or not?
Yes it fine to use.. test e also dies this easily and it really common. As long as you filtered you brew with a .22 micron filter there should be zero bacteria. You most likely getting pip from just a unhappy Muscle or you may have been off a little on your injection and got a little subq leak. I've never had pip from deca. Only from my injection errors.