What is odd is this persistent cheerleading of MENT [1], a non-5α-reducible progestagenic androgen [2] that aromatizes to a highly potent 7α-methylestradiol [3] as a viable T alternative for supporting sexual function [4] despite all evidence to the contrary, borne out by its never being pursued to market through the clinical trials process, etc.
If you can grok the concepts described in the links herein, you might see why combination of testosterone (5α-reducible & aromatizable androst-4-ene-3-one) & a 5α-androstan-3-one (possessing antiestrogenic properties, see forthcoming Article regarding Primo & Crashed E2) with MENT is a rational cycle design.
This comment is pure gold
Never use ment without a test base
Ment is not good for hrt