MENT solo in lieu of TRT

Besides its very suppressive potency what about MENT makes it particularly well suited for male contraception or HRT?
In my case it was useful because it did not raise HCT while fully (ish) replacing testosterone. Mine was also a unique circumstance and I would not apply the results across the whole population.
In my case it was useful because it did not raise HCT while fully (ish) replacing testosterone. Mine was also a unique circumstance and I would not apply the results across the whole population.
Interesting though, still. Do you felt it replaced T because your prick still worked basically?

How was blood pressure?
holy fuck you’re THE Type-IIx???

Sure I read your articles, I also read the references, and it’s references and quotation, and the latest German study with MENT from 2023, yes it’s not a perfect, but it’s at least something that androgenic enough (or not but human sturdies weren’t great and rats I’m afraid of) to sustain most (at least based on 10 humans, gosh it’s so low the number of Probanden:( or at least at least the majority of both andro and estro functions)y

I will try to find the dissertation you mentionedx danke.
I am, yes.

Suvisaari J. 7α-Methyl-19-Nortestosterone (MENT): Pharmacokinetics and Antigonadotropic Effects in Men [dissertation]. [Helsinki]: University of Helsinki; 2000. 85 p.

This is the best single work on MENT that I've read,
it does an excellent job at aggregating & assessing the higher quality data.
Study designs are not great at all :( I can barely tolerate results of MENT studies done (i mean published studies) on macaques, horses, rats and I think they are round 10.
Yeah, just ignore nonhuman results.

There have been four phase I human clinical trials (never made it past phase I).

These were the Helsinki single i.v. trial, the Helsinki & Santiago single i.m. & 6 i.m. q.d. trial, and the two Helsinki, Santiago, & Edingburgh implant trials.
But those young scientist doing the binding affinity tests in vitro etc are really the plight sometimes. Skew the picture and then STUDY PROVES MENT IS BETTER THAN NAMDROLONE!!!!

Your last question is very important. I don’t know if discuss here in the open or tell you privately, because I’ll get ostracized the moment I answer that last question haha :((
OK, don't feel compelled to do anything that'll embarrass.
Interesting though, still. Do you felt it replaced T because your prick still worked basically?

How was blood pressure?
I felt fairly normal, just as I had on traditional trt. Libido went from 10/10 to 13/10, but otherwise it wasn’t materially different than testosterone. I had to increase HCG because at the beginning I was feeling some low e2 symptoms, but once I had that sorted out it was nice.

And my BP was a total mess as soon as I raised the dose for a brief blast. It took over a year before it returned to normal with 160mg valsartan. I’m still on valsartan at 80mg/d because MENT permanently altered my BP, which prior to using it was always perfect.
I am, yes.

Suvisaari J. 7α-Methyl-19-Nortestosterone (MENT): Pharmacokinetics and Antigonadotropic Effects in Men [dissertation]. [Helsinki]: University of Helsinki; 2000. 85 p.

This is the best single work on MENT that I've read,
it does an excellent job at aggregating & assessing the higher quality data.

Yeah, just ignore nonhuman results.

There have been four phase I human clinical trials (never made it past phase I).

These were the Helsinki single i.v. trial, the Helsinki & Santiago single i.m. & 6 i.m. q.d. trial, and the two Helsinki, Santiago, & Edingburgh implant trials.

OK, don't feel compelled to do anything that'll embarrass.

If one absolutely must replace testosterone with other androgen both aromatase resistant and 5a-RI immune, which is not a DHT derocativw, what would you recommend? Estrogen is exogenous and kept within normal male range for heath. No other supplements except for blocker and other tricks to have the body not convert anything to test or DHT.

If one absolutely must replace testosterone with other androgen both aromatase resistant and 5a-RI immune, which is not a DHT derocativw, what would you recommend? Estrogen is exogenous and kept within normal male range for heath. No other supplements except for blocker and other tricks to have the body not convert anything to test or DHT.

Methandienone (Dbol) at 10 mg/d is a perfectly suitable HRT for men that meets these parameters. Fluoxymesterone (Halo) is arguably even better, and this is evidenced by its historical use for androgen replacement in men. Notably, JFK was prescribed Halo, and his reputation for sexual potency if not infidelity is legendary.

Strictly speaking though, I personally don't believe that it is likely that anything can truly supplant T (with equal efficacy) for full maintenance of male endocrine function. I believe that aromatase and 5α-reductase are essential functions of T for male endocrine, including sexual, function that have been evolutionarily conserved, shaped and refined.
Methandienone (Dbol) at 10 mg/d is a perfectly suitable HRT for men that meets these parameters. Fluoxymesterone (Halo) is arguably even better, and this is evidenced by its historical use for androgen replacement in men. Notably, JFK was prescribed Halo, and his reputation for sexual potency if not infidelity is legendary.

Strictly speaking though, I personally don't believe that it is likely that anything can truly supplant T (with equal efficacy) for full maintenance of male endocrine function. I believe that aromatase and 5α-reductase are essential functions of T for male endocrine, including sexual, function that have been evolutionarily conserved, shaped and refined.
Thank you! Looks like compounds like this dont exist. Both are metabolized by 5a. I wonder if sarms can be allegedly 5a and Aromatase resistant.

Looking for something to replace Test with for one year and a half :O
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I think I set an anti record for AST/ALT and CK values in the hospital lol.

P.S. Around 1mg a day.

Well I am glad you did not die, geez man are you okay now?

More details on the "experiment" please? Was this just 1mg MENT and nothing else? Or did you end up adding test and a DHT?

I am on the fence about MENT replacement therapy for my upcoming cruise (next week), I have vials in hand, and leaning towards 75-100mg test per week / with 3mg MENT per day. I have never tried MENT. I do know that I get heavily fucked emotionally if my DHT is too low. Now hearing your story I'm even more concerned.
Well I am glad you did not die, geez man are you okay now?

More details on the "experiment" please? Was this just 1mg MENT and nothing else? Or did you end up adding test and a DHT?

I am on the fence about MENT replacement therapy for my upcoming cruise (next week), I have vials in hand, and leaning towards 75-100mg test per week / with 3mg MENT per day. I have never tried MENT. I do know that I get heavily fucked emotionally if my DHT is too low. Now hearing your story I'm even more concerned.
I am okay but it took some convincing on my part to have doctors let me go out of the emergency room. I went in because of immobilized arms, I basically strained muscles REALLY HARD, and been doing that for some time - apparently, without much recovery happening, as I was running MENT solo, as in no test, no nothing. Only MENT, and DUT (seems relevant to you because you mentioned DHT). I've never felt better psychologically. I had once thought I felt good on tren - nope, tren vs ment is like meth vs valium. I was doing around 3-5mg twice a week, MENT E.

Anecdotically, pinned test no esther and next morning (today) I can use my arms and hold something heavier than a cup of coffee.

Not using any other chemicals, except for vitamins minerals. Only indirect liver support (tocotrienols and whatnot).

In terms of feels, the best thing I've had. In terms of gains, I've lost a ton, just because my musles were literally disintegrating with Creatine kinase (CK) levels in my blood around 100K.

Looks like Type-IIx was right, or I am just personally can't tolerate it physiologically. Idk. Hope this helps anyone.
I am okay but it took some convincing on my part to have doctors let me go out of the emergency room. I went in because of immobilized arms, I basically strained muscles REALLY HARD, and been doing that for some time - apparently, without much recovery happening, as I was running MENT solo, as in no test, no nothing. Only MENT, and DUT (seems relevant to you because you mentioned DHT). I've never felt better psychologically. I had once thought I felt good on tren - nope, tren vs ment is like meth vs valium. I was doing around 3-5mg twice a week, MENT E.

Anecdotically, pinned test no esther and next morning (today) I can use my arms and hold something heavier than a cup of coffee.

Not using any other chemicals, except for vitamins minerals. Only indirect liver support (tocotrienols and whatnot).

In terms of feels, the best thing I've had. In terms of gains, I've lost a ton, just because my musles were literally disintegrating with Creatine kinase (CK) levels in my blood around 100K.

Looks like Type-IIx was right, or I am just personally can't tolerate it physiologically. Idk. Hope this helps anyone.
FFS, that is terrible to hear. I take no pleasure in "being right" here. I wish you a speedy recovery.
I've lost a ton, just because my musles were literally disintegrating with Creatine kinase (CK) levels in my blood around 100K.
Damn dude... I hope you are able to get back to 100% soon and feel better and build that muscle back. Rhabdo is no joke, that crap almost killed my sister last year. I think I'm gonna shelf the MENT for now. I was gonna do 3x what you were doing and add a bit of test but... I dunno my gut says no and I keep hearing horror stories - I think yours is the worst.
dut means dutasteride?

what exactly were the liver values? During my internship at the hospital, I met a patient with bile duct cancer, her ALT AST values were above 1000

Another example that it is not worth testing research drugs on yourself, but only use what is medically approved
Yep DUT is dutasteride.

AST/ALT were 40/1200 (one was 40, another 1200, don't remember which one was which).
Yep DUT is dutasteride.

AST/ALT were 40/1200 (one was 40, another 1200, don't remember which one was which).
Why dut without testoserone?

Interesting, I didn't know it was possible for one of the liver function tests to be about 30 times above normal and the other one to be normal.
Why dut without testoserone?

Interesting, I didn't know it was possible for one of the liver function tests to be about 30 times above normal and the other one to be normal.
ALP, perhaps?

He viewed DHT/5AR activity as totally anathema to healthy male functioning it seemed.