You sound like a miserable fuck, sitting in judgement of how others are not only doing things the wrong way(which is always possible), but you go on to insist it's because they possess fundamental character flaws that make them lesser than you.
I've known assholes like you over the years. Assholes get married too, that's no sign of approval for your character. Women do foolish things in the name of love all the time.
Your wife feels a pang of envy and the sting of regret every time a female coworker goes through the ritual of showing off her engagement ring, and bathing in joy and the giddiness of the other women around her.
One day, your wife's low self esteem will lift, the realization life is finite will strike. and she'll leave you die alone to seek out happiness, a taste of genuine, selfless romance, and only then will you discover just how truly unattractive you are.
And I'll note, you still bought the rings, something you're seething over to this day.