Micro dosing Tren

So, a few things:

Welcome to meso!

Maybe join in on the conversation in the multiple threads already created about this exact topic instead of starting another one. Lots of info/opinions there to browse and talk about.

Vigorous Steve is a clown.
Why is he a clown? Care to elaborate? Any good arguments?
What’s everyone’s thoughts on micro dosing tren 25mgs-50mgs a week. Saw vigorous steve do a whole segment on this.
Me too. Just got my tren from driada will try 50 mg a week. Scared for my hair though. But we will see how it goes.
5mg didn't really feel shit. 10mg I get the characterstic tren recomp. Bodyfat slowly melting off vascularity crazy, slight mood altering anger. Constantly wanting to fuck anything that moves. No effects on sleep really. Slightly thermogenic when sleeping. Cranking AC down to 67 and having a fan let's me sleep fine. I've been blasting and cruising for 20 years though so my 70mg might not translate to others 100%
Exactly the same for me. 5mg ED didn't provide any pronounced effects. 10mg ED to pulled it all together. Minimal sides, which were totally manageable. Great way to end a fat loss phase.
5mg didn't really feel shit. 10mg I get the characterstic tren recomp. Bodyfat slowly melting off vascularity crazy, slight mood altering anger. Constantly wanting to fuck anything that moves. No effects on sleep really. Slightly thermogenic when sleeping. Cranking AC down to 67 and having a fan let's me sleep fine. I've been blasting and cruising for 20 years though so my 70mg might not translate to others 100%

How much test did you run with it?
I think it could provide some benefits, but I wouldn't expect anything wild at such a Low dose, but to say that that it would do nothing or is useless I feel would be an inaccurate statement

@Greenbay68 thr shortness of breath does happen with tren unfortunately, but the dosage would be a large determining factor. The other factor is how good your cardio endurance is. I still run 2-3 miles everyday with tren in my system. It's significantly harder, yes, but it's not like you take tren then suddenly you can barely breathe.

Now if someone doesn't do cardio (or they consider their cardio walking on the treadmill with a low heart rate while playing on their phone), and/or theyre a heavier person, then yeah... I could see the addition of tren being more detrimental to cardiovascular performance and they'd definitely get winded and short of breathe easier

But again at a low dose I don't think the shortness of breathe would really be a concern. Maybe a minor impact if anything
I do ~25-30 miles a week of roadwork, but it’s the indoor rock climbing where I’ve noticed tren at what I thought was a lower dose (105mg/wk).

The ability for lungs to keep up with my pulse as it has to go up to ~160-170bpm and stay there for 2 minutes— was drastically reduced.

I don’t know the mechanism, but whatever it is it sucks.
I do ~25-30 miles a week of roadwork, but it’s the indoor rock climbing where I’ve noticed tren at what I thought was a lower dose (105mg/wk).

The ability for lungs to keep up with my pulse as it has to go up to ~160-170bpm and stay there for 2 minutes— was drastically reduced.

I don’t know the mechanism, but whatever it is it sucks.
Yeah that's fair. It definitely hinders cardio, especially higher intensity cardio
on 50mg tren and 200mg test per week and strengh gone up on all lift while cutting.
Zero side effect and feel preety good.
You will feel it, however you will feel more, more. More tren does equate more gains but more sides.

Just like anything else, when diet and other factors are the control group.

Some of you are a tad bit quiet worrisome with doses.

Whenever i run tren now i have an abort back up plan, if life somehow hits a fan. Otherwise panic attacks from hell. And always run acetate, pin ED, or you will have to ride out a 2 week tourture city, trip.

Pinning ED you can abort any awful feelings in t-minus 2 days. Just enough time to not get screwed by your back up plan bravo instant efftect, aka, anxiety med.

Edit-i will never run this compound with EQ again, i will never have this plan in effect ever again. You have been warned! Its all good while its going good. Then something off cilter occurs in life, and your reaction to said problem is times 100, worse then it normally feels. And you dont know why, until its too late. Then figure out after its too late.
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So, a few things:

Welcome to meso!

Maybe join in on the conversation in the multiple threads already created about this exact topic instead of starting another one. Lots of info/opinions there to browse and talk about.

Vigorous Steve is a clown.
Lol why is vigorous Steve a clown?
You will feel it, however you will feel more, more. More tren does equate more gains but more sides.

Just like anything else, when diet and other factors are the control group.

Some of you are a tad bit quiet worrisome with doses.

Whenever i run tren now i have an abort back up plan, if life somehow hits a fan. Otherwise panic attacks from hell. And always run acetate, pin ED, or you will have to ride out a 2 week tourture city, trip.

Pinning ED you can abort any awful feelings in t-minus 2 days. Just enough time to not get screwed by your back up plan bravo instant efftect, aka, anxiety med.

Edit-i will never run this compound with EQ again, i will never have this plan in effect ever again. You have been warned! Its all good while its going good. Then something off cilter occurs in life, and your reaction to said problem is times 100, worse then it normally feels. And you dont know why, until its too late. Then figure out after its too late.
Yeah tren and EQ is an interesting combo. The first time I ran the combo was a nightmare, intense anxiety spikes combined with intense anger. Swore I'd never touch EQ again, and for years i didn't.

Just added EQ like 8 weeks ago (I think?) With tren and this time around it's been phenominal, to the point where I want to incorporate EQ into all my blasts.

So it can be very hit or miss. I think this time around I'm more adept at controlling the tren feelings, as well as estrogen and prolactin, and I try to keep my stress minimal, and for the stress I do I have I channel it productively into the gym and I found this to help a lot. When I first tried it I was newer to gear, wasn't as in tune with estrogen and prolactin control, and had much more stress in my life. Controlling stress seems to be the key
I also asked him that but he has no response. He just hating a guy that has much knowledge and unbiased info.
Vigorous steve is a great dude.
Nah I just wasnt paying attention.

I've watched Steve for years, since he had a handful of subscribers.

I've watched him go from earnestly trying to spread information, to trying to pander to the masses. You can watch his old videos vs his new videos and see the change... he used to be serious and now he just inserts random awkward attempts at humor while regurgitating the same old bullshit.

I've watched him do nothing but parrot widely available online research papers as if he's the source of knowledge on anabolics.

I've watched him violate the integrity of being a coach by leaking Liver King's communications, solely in an attempt to garner popularity. I'm no supporter of the Liver King - but that is some bitch ass snitch shit. I think this was the point where I started to realize Coach Steve is just a bitch ass snitch. After that I could no longer stomach his trope.

Nothing he says isn't already available online. If you want to be lazy and have someone read you papers and give you their amateur breakdown - Steve is your guy.

He's an extension of Derek MPMD, that's about it. Both of them contribute little more than introducing teenagers to steroids, teenagers that cant be bothered to do their own research.

edit: it also bothered me that my wife used to think he was hot. I'm like WTF woman you wanna call me Coach Steve in bed? OH COACH STEVE TOSS ME AROUND LIKE ONE OF YOUR THAI GIRLS. Then we met him in person last year and she realized he was a manlet, that ended things quick.
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Do you think anyone will copy these youtube content creators if they say they pin 5mg tren 3x a day is worth it?

Now I remember Dante’s very low dose tren experiment.