Mid Blast bloodwork- Anemia?

Just got blood work done yesterday.
6 weeks into a blast of:
700 Test C
315 Primo
350 NPP
3 IU HGH daily

Still waiting on Total test and sensitive Estradiol but got preliminary results same day

HDL is low as is to be expected running Primo. Better lipids than any other blast previous. Total cholesterol and Triglycerides are in range.
Everything is in range except the page posted below
These have always been in range in the past but I noticed they have been slowly creeping lower over the past two years until this blood work and they are low out of range
I’m thinking anemia and I need to supplement with iron
Appreciate any thoughts and opinions

I have been doing frequent blood donations approximately every 14 weeks
Been 13 weeks since my last donation


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I'm not hematologists but, I would strongly recommend that add more iron into your diet or you supplement with Iron. Maybe add in some vitamin B12 or folic acid. Maybe see if you can run some more tests (serum iron, ferritin, transferrin saturation)?
I'm not hematologists but, I would strongly recommend that add more iron into your diet or you supplement with Iron. Maybe add in some vitamin B12 or folic acid. Maybe see if you can run some more tests (serum iron, ferritin, transferrin saturation)?
Thank you for the reply
I took a B-12 shot today and started supplementing with Iron today also
I will add those tests to my next bloodwork
Appreciate it
Just got blood work done yesterday.
6 weeks into a blast of:
700 Test C
315 Primo
350 NPP
3 IU HGH daily

Still waiting on Total test and sensitive Estradiol but got preliminary results same day

HDL is low as is to be expected running Primo. Better lipids than any other blast previous. Total cholesterol and Triglycerides are in range.
Everything is in range except the page posted below
These have always been in range in the past but I noticed they have been slowly creeping lower over the past two years until this blood work and they are low out of range
I’m thinking anemia and I need to supplement with iron
Appreciate any thoughts and opinions

I have been doing frequent blood donations approximately every 14 weeks
Been 13 weeks since my last donation
Have you donated blood recently? I know when I donate it takes a while for my iron levels to recover and this is becoming more and more of an issue for people who donate on a regular basis.

Get some iron/ferritin and saturation testing to make sure it is the iron.
Additionally while on blast it is not uncommon to have low iron levels due to increased production of rbcs

I find it a rock and a hard place where you have to find a balance. You don't want to take iron while on blast especially using something like EQ but on the other hand if you don't replenish your iron levels at a normal rate after giving blood, you don't want to be the guy giving blood numerous times a year to keep your hemo/hemat/rbc counts down.

If you do need to replenish iron, I recommend ferrous sulfate or ferrous gluconate EOD for a good three weeks. If you find that too upsetting for your stomach, try every 3rd day.
Have you donated blood recently? I know when I donate it takes a while for my iron levels to recover and this is becoming more and more of an issue for people who donate on a regular basis.

Get some iron/ferritin and saturation testing to make sure it is the iron.
Additionally while on blast it is not uncommon to have low iron levels due to increased production of rbcs

I find it a rock and a hard place where you have to find a balance. You don't want to take iron while on blast especially using something like EQ but on the other hand if you don't replenish your iron levels at a normal rate after giving blood, you don't want to be the guy giving blood numerous times a year to keep your hemo/hemat/rbc counts down.

If you do need to replenish iron, I recommend ferrous sulfate or ferrous gluconate EOD for a good three weeks. If you find that too upsetting for your stomach, try every 3rd day.
Yes I donate blood often. Approximately every 14 weeks (sometimes 12, the minimum)
It’s been 13 weeks since my last blood donation. I’m going to hold off on donating until I get this under control.
Thank you for that advice
For iron supplements I got Ferrous Bisglycinate.
Yes, I’m going to get that testing to make sure it’s the iron and not some other even more serious issue.
Thank you for that detailed reply. Makes sense about finding a balance and definitely something I’m going to pay attention to from here on out.
Been training as hard as I always do and have been making gains and hitting PR’s but I have noticed excessive tiredness lately that I have to push through more than usual. I think this issue is the culprit.
Yes I donate blood often. Approximately every 14 weeks (sometimes 12, the minimum)
It’s been 13 weeks since my last blood donation. I’m going to hold off on donating until I get this under control.
Thank you for that advice
For iron supplements I got Ferrous Bisglycinate.
Yes, I’m going to get that testing to make sure it’s the iron and not some other even more serious issue.
Thank you for that detailed reply. Makes sense about finding a balance and definitely something I’m going to pay attention to from here on out.
Been training as hard as I always do and have been making gains and hitting PR’s but I have noticed excessive tiredness lately that I have to push through more than usual. I think this issue is the culprit.
I would definitely recommend not over-donating blood if you don't need to. Maybe instead of every 12-14 weeks, every 28-30 weeks would be better. But again, that's if you even need to.

EDIT: Add some liver into your diet for the next 4 weeks, ~2-4oz per day or EOD. It's highly bioavailable in heme iron and should help.
I would definitely recommend not over-donating blood if you don't need to. Maybe instead of every 12-14 weeks, every 28-30 weeks would be better. But again, that's if you even need to.

EDIT: Add some liver into your diet for the next 4 weeks, ~2-4oz per day or EOD. It's highly bioavailable in heme iron and should help.
Great advice, I’m going to pick up some liver today.
Appreciate it

Yeah definitely not going to donate as frequently now that I’m in this situation
Are you experiencing any added fatigue? I know I felt worn out. I'm fighting this crap too.
Yes I definitely am
It has been getting progressively worse little by little
What I have noticed is my bloodwork, for the items posted that are out of range, have been very slowly been getting worse over the past couple of years until they showed up out of range on this latest bloodwork I just got a couple days ago.
I didn’t notice until they were out of range so this is brand new to me but makes sense for how I have been feeling lately

Damn iron pills got me backed up already

How long have you been dealing with anemia? Have you noticed improvement?
If you don't tolerate Iron very well, use following Iron forms. They are imo superior to the ones usually taken.

Sucrosomial Iron
Proferrin Heme Iron
iron protein succinylate
You have microcytic hypochromic anemia. Probably from donating blood too often.

Do not donate blood at all if you don't need to. Best way to test is your RBC panels. Hematocrit too high? Yeah, donate and supplement with iron. Everything normal? No need to donate. You should be monitoring your bloods on a cycle, and not randomly adding shit if you don't need it.

Supplement with iron, B12 and Vitamin C. Ferritin supplements on Amazon should hopefully help you... if not, try "Blood Builder."

Vitamin C and B12 will help you properly absorb iron. Don't take too much! One pill should be enough.
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You have microcytic hypochromic anemia. Probably from donating blood too often.

Do not donate blood at all if you don't need to. Best way to test is your RBC panels. Hematocrit too high? Yeah, donate and supplement with iron. Everything normal? No need to donate. You should be monitoring your bloods on a cycle, and not randomly adding shit if you don't need it.

Supplement with iron, B12 and Vitamin C. Ferritin supplements on Amazon should hopefully help you... if not, try "Blood Builder."

Vitamin C and B12 will help you properly absorb iron. Don't take too much! One pill should be enough.
Thank you very much for that very detailed reply. I appreciate it. I am definitely going to do all the things mentioned and then get new bloodwork in 3 to 4 weeks to see improvement. and I definitely won’t be donating blood for a while.
Part of the reason for my frequent donations lately was a little girl got shot multiple times and needed many surgeries and blood transfusions in my local blood center kept sending me emails and doing blood drives so I felt an extra obligation to help out Because they were experiencing a blood shortage at the time
Thank you very much for that very detailed reply. I appreciate it. I am definitely going to do all the things mentioned and then get new bloodwork in 3 to 4 weeks to see improvement. and I definitely won’t be donating blood for a while.
Part of the reason for my frequent donations lately was a little girl got shot multiple times and needed many surgeries and blood transfusions in my local blood center kept sending me emails and doing blood drives so I felt an extra obligation to help out Because they were experiencing a blood shortage at the time
I'm going through the same thing right now, but I don't have the hypochromic part.

Also, I'm really glad you're donating to save lives, but you need to make sure you have appropriate amounts of iron etc.

For now, let's focus on getting your blood values up. Follow all the advice of your doctor / hematologist.
I'm going through the same thing right now, but I don't have the hypochromic part.

Also, I'm really glad you're donating to save lives, but you need to make sure you have appropriate amounts of iron etc.

For now, let's focus on getting your blood values up. Follow all the advice of your doctor / hematologist.
Thank you brother, appreciate you
Hope all goes well on your end as well
The fatigue is no joke
Thank you brother, appreciate you
Hope all goes well on your end as well
The fatigue is no joke
My fatigue is gone. Seems mine might have to do with thyroid meds. I started taking them again, my energy levels have returned, but boy am I hungry... I eat fucking 5 full meals a day right now while my body is adjusting.
My fatigue is gone. Seems mine might have to do with thyroid meds. I started taking them again, my energy levels have returned, but boy am I hungry... I eat fucking 5 full meals a day right now while my body is adjusting.
That’s very good it getting better. It’s tough to make macros when hunger is low.
My fatigue is gone. Seems mine might have to do with thyroid meds. I started taking them again, my energy levels have returned, but boy am I hungry... I eat fucking 5 full meals a day right now while my body is adjusting.
What did you take and did you pinpoint the cause of your fatigue? I'm worried about the same thing happening to me when I come off this gh