Hello guys,
I don't understand why this has gotten to become yet another big witch hunt against me. It was my understanding that asking for or being offered samples of GEAR was a big no-no and not for common ancillaries for PCT and gyno prevention supplements. I PM'd Pharmacist for some information on some AI's as I was looking to purchase some. He had what I was looking for, like Adex and Nolva. So he asked me if I wanted to try his service and he'll send me some samples of AI's and under NO circumstances did I ask for or did he offer me gear samples (i.e Test, Tren, etc.). The posts I have seen on this matter were mainly for people accepting samples of gear, not ancillaries. If there's a very strict interpretation of the unwritten "no samples" rule to include not just gear but all the ancillaries as well, I have not seen it. If any one can show me posts or threads clarifying this rule to include ancillaries as well I would be glad to read them and provide feedback.
@SJB78, if you felt that I made a transgression whether intentional or not why did you not PM me to point out any perceived issue first? It would have saved a lot of trouble to do so and I gladly would have provided an explanation. Today I was not always online on my phone as I had meetings as well as doctor appts today plus gym so I apologize for not coming online sooner.
So let me know your thoughts on this subject, and I say if there's any "gray areas" in this unwritten rule that needs to be discussed in some thread and I will gladly follow such thread.
Thanks for hearing my side of this story.