MK-2866 + MK-677 Cycle Log

Miss H can you expand on weight loss, If you are aware of BF as well, curious how this would affect a friend of mine who cant afford to lose any muscle but has a little extra stubborn fat she needs to get rid of.

I can't speak for specifics on BF as I haven't used my calipers since being off. They're lost hahaa. I can go off observational. I lost 5 scale pounds but from it seems nowhere but my belly. My pudge there is gone, I wake up with abs and eat and go to bed still flat tummied lol. I also have greater definition in my quads and glutes, the best I can remember. My muscles are harder for sure. My face is thinner per my boyfriend. I guess I have no empirical data for you. Hope that helps
Miss H can you expand on weight loss, If you are aware of BF as well, curious how this would affect a friend of mine who cant afford to lose any muscle but has a little extra stubborn fat she needs to get rid of.